1992 OIM Problems/Problem 5

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The circumference $C$ and the positive numbers $h$ and $m$ are given so that there is a trapezoid $ABCD$ inscribed in $C$, of height $h$ and in which the sum of the bases $AB$ and $CD$ is $m$. Build the trapezoid $ABCD$.

~translated into English by Tomas Diaz. ~orders@tomasdiaz.com


  • Note. I actually competed at this event in Venezuela when I was in High School representing Puerto Rico. I'm proud to say that I got full points on this one and I solved it very quickly. I had a straight rule and compass kit which I used to solve it as we're supposed to build the trapezoid with it. Now, 3 decades later, I attempted this and spent a full 3 hours on it and couldn't solve it nor I remember what I did. I will attempt again some other time.

This problem needs a solution. If you have a solution for it, please help us out by adding it.

See also
