2017 AIME I Problems/Problem 5

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Problem 5

A rational number written in base eight is $\underline{ab} . \underline{cd}$, where all digits are nonzero. The same number in base twelve is $\underline{bb} . \underline{ba}$. Find the base-ten number $\underline{abc}$.


First, note that the first two digits will always be a positive number. We will start with base twelve because of its repetition. List all the positive numbers in base twelve that have equal twelves and ones digits in base 8.






We stop because we only can have two-digit numbers in base 8 and 101 is not a 2 digit number. Compare the ones places to check if they are equal. We find that they are equal if $b=2$ or $b=4$. Evaluating the places to the right side of the decimal point gives us $22.23_{12}$ or $44.46_{12}$. When the numbers are converted into base 8, we get $32.14_8$ and $64.30_8$. Since $d\neq0$, the first value is correct. Compiling the necessary digits leaves us a final answer of $\boxed{321}$