WestEd Study Reports Increase in Math Test Scores Among Beast Academy Students 

WestEd recently ran an independent evaluation of the Beast Academy program in Mankato Area Public Schools, a K–12 school district in Mankato, Minnesota. The study measured the impact of Beast Academy on 1,027 students enrolled in grades 2 through 4 over a two-year period. 

Students who used Beast Academy an average of 30 minutes per week gained 1-2 grade levels on their spring 2021 National MAP Assessment Scores, as compared to those who didn’t use Beast Academy.

Read the full report on WestEd or see the report summary.

The More Beast Academy, the More the Improvement

The more Beast Academy lessons students attempted, the greater their increase in math achievement compared to students without Beast Academy exposure. 

Higher levels of Beast Academy usage were associated with larger differences in math performance between Beast Academy students and their matched comparison group peers who did not use the program.
“[Beast Academy] makes me want to keep trying and not give up in math even when it’s hard.”
—Beast Academy student, Mankato Public Schools

Beast Academy Improves Student Self-Beliefs About Mathematical Ability

Using Beast Academy improved student attitudes and perceptions toward math across six domains, including: 

↑ Higher motivation to study

↑ Higher effort and perseverance 

↑ Increased interest in mathematics 

↑ Improved appraisals of their own abilities in math 

↑ Increased levels of confidence in their ability to do difficult math work 

↑ Increased beliefs about math as a learnable subject

“Beast Academy students were more likely to believe that math could be learned as opposed to the belief that math is only accessible to high-ability students,” the WestEd study reports.

“I like Beast Academy because it is difficult and it teaches math in different ways.”
—Beast Academy student, Mankato Public Schools

Learn More About Beast Academy

Learn how Beast Academy partners with schools to support better student outcomes. Or, check out the Beast Academy Online program and captivating comic book series for students ages 6–13.


*WestEd Report Experiment Design  

From a sample of 1,027 students enrolled in grades 2 through 4, WestEd used a rigorous matched comparison group design to pair Beast Academy students with non-Beast Academy students who shared similar characteristics at the start of the study, including their baseline mathematics achievement levels. The analysis compared the math outcomes of both groups two years later to determine the extent to which any observed differences between the two could be attributed to exposure to the Beast Academy program. 

To determine the estimated impact of Beast Academy on achievement, WestEd analyzed baseline and outcome data from the NWEA Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) interim assessments in mathematics administered by the district.

Students who used Beast Academy on average of 30 minutes per week gained 1-2 grade levels on their National MAP Assessment Scores compared to students who didn’t use Beast Academy.

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