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Here's an original riddle from three years ago, tweaked a little to be simpler:
On the distant planet of Vukovar, math is done in much the same way as it is here. They even use the same symbols as us, but all of their arithmetic seems to be wrong. Here's a list of equations which are all correct on Vukovar:
Given this information, what is the value of on Vukovar?
Note: This riddle does not require advanced math. A basic knowledge of arithmetic should suffice. Calculators are allowed and could be helpful, but are not necessary.
On the distant planet of Vukovar, math is done in much the same way as it is here. They even use the same symbols as us, but all of their arithmetic seems to be wrong. Here's a list of equations which are all correct on Vukovar:
Given this information, what is the value of on Vukovar?
Note: This riddle does not require advanced math. A basic knowledge of arithmetic should suffice. Calculators are allowed and could be helpful, but are not necessary.