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AoPS Mock Contests A forum for posting, taking, and discussing contests created by AoPS users
A forum for posting, taking, and discussing contests created by AoPS users
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AoPS Mock Contests A forum for posting, taking, and discussing contests created by AoPS users
A forum for posting, taking, and discussing contests created by AoPS users
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k a March Highlights and 2025 AoPS Online Class Information
jlacosta   0
Mar 2, 2025
March is the month for State MATHCOUNTS competitions! Kudos to everyone who participated in their local chapter competitions and best of luck to all going to State! Join us on March 11th for a Math Jam devoted to our favorite Chapter competition problems! Are you interested in training for MATHCOUNTS? Be sure to check out our AMC 8/MATHCOUNTS Basics and Advanced courses.

Are you ready to level up with Olympiad training? Registration is open with early bird pricing available for our WOOT programs: MathWOOT (Levels 1 and 2), CodeWOOT, PhysicsWOOT, and ChemWOOT. What is WOOT? WOOT stands for Worldwide Online Olympiad Training and is a 7-month high school math Olympiad preparation and testing program that brings together many of the best students from around the world to learn Olympiad problem solving skills. Classes begin in September!

Do you have plans this summer? There are so many options to fit your schedule and goals whether attending a summer camp or taking online classes, it can be a great break from the routine of the school year. Check out our summer courses at AoPS Online, or if you want a math or language arts class that doesn’t have homework, but is an enriching summer experience, our AoPS Virtual Campus summer camps may be just the ticket! We are expanding our locations for our AoPS Academies across the country with 15 locations so far and new campuses opening in Saratoga CA, Johns Creek GA, and the Upper West Side NY. Check out this page for summer camp information.

Be sure to mark your calendars for the following events:
[list][*]March 5th (Wednesday), 4:30pm PT/7:30pm ET, HCSSiM Math Jam 2025. Amber Verser, Assistant Director of the Hampshire College Summer Studies in Mathematics, will host an information session about HCSSiM, a summer program for high school students.
[*]March 6th (Thursday), 4:00pm PT/7:00pm ET, Free Webinar on Math Competitions from elementary through high school. Join us for an enlightening session that demystifies the world of math competitions and helps you make informed decisions about your contest journey.
[*]March 11th (Tuesday), 4:30pm PT/7:30pm ET, 2025 MATHCOUNTS Chapter Discussion MATH JAM. AoPS instructors will discuss some of their favorite problems from the MATHCOUNTS Chapter Competition. All are welcome!
[*]March 13th (Thursday), 4:00pm PT/7:00pm ET, Free Webinar about Summer Camps at the Virtual Campus. Transform your summer into an unforgettable learning adventure! From elementary through high school, we offer dynamic summer camps featuring topics in mathematics, language arts, and competition preparation - all designed to fit your schedule and ignite your passion for learning.[/list]
Our full course list for upcoming classes is below:
All classes run 7:30pm-8:45pm ET/4:30pm - 5:45pm PT unless otherwise noted.

Introductory: Grades 5-10

Prealgebra 1 Self-Paced

Prealgebra 1
Sunday, Mar 2 - Jun 22
Friday, Mar 28 - Jul 18
Sunday, Apr 13 - Aug 10
Tuesday, May 13 - Aug 26
Thursday, May 29 - Sep 11
Sunday, Jun 15 - Oct 12
Monday, Jun 30 - Oct 20
Wednesday, Jul 16 - Oct 29

Prealgebra 2 Self-Paced

Prealgebra 2
Tuesday, Mar 25 - Jul 8
Sunday, Apr 13 - Aug 10
Wednesday, May 7 - Aug 20
Monday, Jun 2 - Sep 22
Sunday, Jun 29 - Oct 26
Friday, Jul 25 - Nov 21

Introduction to Algebra A Self-Paced

Introduction to Algebra A
Sunday, Mar 23 - Jul 20
Monday, Apr 7 - Jul 28
Sunday, May 11 - Sep 14 (1:00 - 2:30 pm ET/10:00 - 11:30 am PT)
Wednesday, May 14 - Aug 27
Friday, May 30 - Sep 26
Monday, Jun 2 - Sep 22
Sunday, Jun 15 - Oct 12
Thursday, Jun 26 - Oct 9
Tuesday, Jul 15 - Oct 28

Introduction to Counting & Probability Self-Paced

Introduction to Counting & Probability
Sunday, Mar 16 - Jun 8
Wednesday, Apr 16 - Jul 2
Thursday, May 15 - Jul 31
Sunday, Jun 1 - Aug 24
Thursday, Jun 12 - Aug 28
Wednesday, Jul 9 - Sep 24
Sunday, Jul 27 - Oct 19

Introduction to Number Theory
Monday, Mar 17 - Jun 9
Thursday, Apr 17 - Jul 3
Friday, May 9 - Aug 1
Wednesday, May 21 - Aug 6
Monday, Jun 9 - Aug 25
Sunday, Jun 15 - Sep 14
Tuesday, Jul 15 - Sep 30

Introduction to Algebra B Self-Paced

Introduction to Algebra B
Sunday, Mar 2 - Jun 22
Wednesday, Apr 16 - Jul 30
Tuesday, May 6 - Aug 19
Wednesday, Jun 4 - Sep 17
Sunday, Jun 22 - Oct 19
Friday, Jul 18 - Nov 14

Introduction to Geometry
Tuesday, Mar 4 - Aug 12
Sunday, Mar 23 - Sep 21
Wednesday, Apr 23 - Oct 1
Sunday, May 11 - Nov 9
Tuesday, May 20 - Oct 28
Monday, Jun 16 - Dec 8
Friday, Jun 20 - Jan 9
Sunday, Jun 29 - Jan 11
Monday, Jul 14 - Jan 19

Intermediate: Grades 8-12

Intermediate Algebra
Sunday, Mar 16 - Sep 14
Tuesday, Mar 25 - Sep 2
Monday, Apr 21 - Oct 13
Sunday, Jun 1 - Nov 23
Tuesday, Jun 10 - Nov 18
Wednesday, Jun 25 - Dec 10
Sunday, Jul 13 - Jan 18
Thursday, Jul 24 - Jan 22

Intermediate Counting & Probability
Sunday, Mar 23 - Aug 3
Wednesday, May 21 - Sep 17
Sunday, Jun 22 - Nov 2

Intermediate Number Theory
Friday, Apr 11 - Jun 27
Sunday, Jun 1 - Aug 24
Wednesday, Jun 18 - Sep 3

Sunday, Mar 16 - Aug 24
Wednesday, Apr 9 - Sep 3
Friday, May 16 - Oct 24
Sunday, Jun 1 - Nov 9
Monday, Jun 30 - Dec 8

Advanced: Grades 9-12

Olympiad Geometry
Wednesday, Mar 5 - May 21
Tuesday, Jun 10 - Aug 26

Sunday, Mar 30 - Oct 5
Tuesday, May 27 - Nov 11
Wednesday, Jun 25 - Dec 17

Group Theory
Thursday, Jun 12 - Sep 11

Contest Preparation: Grades 6-12

Sunday, Mar 23 - Jun 15
Wednesday, Apr 16 - Jul 2
Friday, May 23 - Aug 15
Monday, Jun 2 - Aug 18
Thursday, Jun 12 - Aug 28
Sunday, Jun 22 - Sep 21
Tues & Thurs, Jul 8 - Aug 14 (meets twice a week!)

Friday, Apr 11 - Jun 27
Sunday, May 11 - Aug 10
Tuesday, May 27 - Aug 12
Wednesday, Jun 11 - Aug 27
Sunday, Jun 22 - Sep 21
Tues & Thurs, Jul 8 - Aug 14 (meets twice a week!)

AMC 10 Problem Series
Tuesday, Mar 4 - May 20
Monday, Mar 31 - Jun 23
Friday, May 9 - Aug 1
Sunday, Jun 1 - Aug 24
Thursday, Jun 12 - Aug 28
Tuesday, Jun 17 - Sep 2
Sunday, Jun 22 - Sep 21 (1:00 - 2:30 pm ET/10:00 - 11:30 am PT)
Monday, Jun 23 - Sep 15
Tues & Thurs, Jul 8 - Aug 14 (meets twice a week!)

AMC 10 Final Fives
Sunday, May 11 - Jun 8
Tuesday, May 27 - Jun 17
Monday, Jun 30 - Jul 21

AMC 12 Problem Series
Tuesday, May 27 - Aug 12
Thursday, Jun 12 - Aug 28
Sunday, Jun 22 - Sep 21
Wednesday, Aug 6 - Oct 22

AMC 12 Final Fives
Sunday, May 18 - Jun 15

F=ma Problem Series
Wednesday, Jun 11 - Aug 27

WOOT Programs
Visit the pages linked for full schedule details for each of these programs!

MathWOOT Level 1
MathWOOT Level 2


Introduction to Programming with Python
Monday, Mar 24 - Jun 16
Thursday, May 22 - Aug 7
Sunday, Jun 15 - Sep 14 (1:00 - 2:30 pm ET/10:00 - 11:30 am PT)
Tuesday, Jun 17 - Sep 2
Monday, Jun 30 - Sep 22

Intermediate Programming with Python
Sunday, Jun 1 - Aug 24
Monday, Jun 30 - Sep 22

USACO Bronze Problem Series
Tuesday, May 13 - Jul 29
Sunday, Jun 22 - Sep 1


Introduction to Physics
Sunday, Mar 30 - Jun 22
Wednesday, May 21 - Aug 6
Sunday, Jun 15 - Sep 14
Monday, Jun 23 - Sep 15

Physics 1: Mechanics
Tuesday, Mar 25 - Sep 2
Thursday, May 22 - Oct 30
Monday, Jun 23 - Dec 15

Sat & Sun, Apr 26 - Apr 27 (4:00 - 7:00 pm ET/1:00 - 4:00pm PT)
Mon, Tue, Wed & Thurs, Jun 23 - Jun 26 (meets every day of the week!)
0 replies
Mar 2, 2025
0 replies
i Recruiting (Problem Writers & Test-solvers)
LauraZed   969
N Sunday at 4:17 PM by sadas123
Do you need help writing a mock contest? Or just want some people to test-solve your mock? Post in this thread!

Make sure you clearly state how others should get in touch with you if they're interested in helping you write problems or test-solving. To keep this thread readable, I'd recommend having them contact you through PM or sign up on a form outside of this thread (but on the flip side, I would strongly advise against giving out your email address or any other personal contact information in this thread – and remember that you can't require people to give any personal information either, per the ToS.)
969 replies
Jan 18, 2018
Sunday at 4:17 PM
i Mock Contests Forum Guidelines
LauraZed   37
N Oct 11, 2024 by jb2015007
First, if you...
[*]...are interested in writing a mock contest yourself, check out this guide for writing a mock contest, and
this post for additional tips on how to organize a mock contest.
[*]...want to find great past mock contests, follow the links in the Mock Contests section of this AoPS Wiki page.
[*]...need other people to help you finish writing a mock contest, or want to help out someone else finish their mock contest, check out this thread.
Now that we're past all that, here are the guidelines for how this forum will work:
[*]Don't advertise unfinished mock contests. If your mock contest isn't finished yet and you want to recruit other users to help you finish it or test-solve it, post in this thread instead.

[*]Make sure there's a clear way to participate when you make a post announcing your contest! In other words, if you want to send the contest out to people, let them know how to sign up to receive the contest. On the other hand, if you just include a link to the contest in your announcement, there's no need to ask people to sign up – but make sure to tell them how to submit their answers.

[*]Discussion of each mock contest can take place either in the announcement thread, in a new thread in this forum, or in a discussion forum for the contest. If you want to, it's fine to hold a discussion of the contest in the same thread you announced it. Alternatively, you could start a new thread for discussion once the mock contest is over (in this case, I'd recommend sending in a report on the announcement thread to request that it be locked – then you won't end up with people discussing the test in two places). Finally, you could create a new forum just for discussion of your mock contest if you want people to discuss each problem individually – or you could post a few of your favorite problems in the general math forums.

[*]And, of course, follow general AoPS Community rules, like the AoPS Terms of Service.
Have fun creating and solving problems! :laugh:
37 replies
Jan 18, 2018
Oct 11, 2024
i Hi! I'm Interested in Writing a Mock Contest!
djmathman   209
N Jan 16, 2023 by MrThinker
Well, that's great news! Art of Problem Solving has a long and storied tradition of mock competitions. It's great to see that you're interested in continuing this tradition! However, know that because the history of mock competitions goes back so long, there is a great deal of honour and responsibility placed onto the young ones who choose to embark on this journey.

I know what you're thinking: "How can I make sure I use this honor to my advantage?" Great question! It all starts with the idea....
[*]Decide what type of contest you want to write. This may seem like a simple step, but it goes a long way into deciding how the fate of the contest will play out. Choose whether you want to write an AMC8/10/12, an AIME, an USAMO, or something completely new and unexpected. By doing this now, you'll be able to gauge the difficulty of the questions and can set up your mind appropriately. (That being said, you don't have to necessarily stick to your original idea! However, knowing what you're going to write ahead of time is beneficial in terms of organization.)
[*]Start writing problems! Usually a .tex file will suffice. If you're collaborating with others, a Google Doc (with a $\LaTeX$ add-on such as Auto-Latex Equations enabled) or ShareLaTeX/Overleaf file works best. Keep your questions organized in some sort of shortlist, possibly sorted by category. Don't start organizing questions into the actual contest just yet - it's too early to start pigeonholing yourself! Just start exploring ideas and see what comes. This is probably the time when you'll write the most number of problems per day.
[*]Don't post about the contest on AoPS yet! As is often said... wait darn, I forgot the adage that's quoted here... oops

"Wait", but you say, "writing problems is hard D:".

Well, I agree, young one! Nobody ever said administering a contest would be easy. (Well, almost no one.) How exactly does one go over the hurdle of writing problems?

[*]Write problems backwards. This is one of the standard problem-writing techniques. Essentially, it boils down to "here's an interesting idea - how can I mold it into a problem"?
As an example, consider this problem from NIMO Contest 15. Over the summer, I was interested in writing a problem that revolved around the factorization $n^4+n^2+1=(n^2+n+1)(n^2-n+1)$. After playing around a bit, I realized that the second factor could be written as $(n-1)^2+(n-1)+1$, meaning that I essentially had a functional equation of the form $f(n^2)=f(n)f(n-1)$. This then led me to try writing a telescoping problem. Trying things involving partial fractions didn't work, but working with products did yield something cool. I then realized that what I had created could be molded into a nice-looking form, and after a few more adjustments I came up with the finished product.
[*]Also write problems forwards. This is another one of the standard problem writing techniques. This technique in simplistic form is "here's an interesting idea - what results can I get from it that can turn it into problems"? It seems very similar to the previous bullet point, but in fact it's quite different: here, you have no idea what the end product is going to involve.
As a (very) extreme example, consider this problem from NIMO Contest 21. This problem actually started development two years ago, when I was inspired by an AMSP Team Round question to look at constructing triangles with a given inradius and circumradius. I made no progress on this for a long time, but in February of this year, I realized that the formula $OI^2=R(R-2r)$ essentially killed the problem I had in mind. With this breakthrough, I hid the true meaning of the question and eventually came up with this.
Around late July 2015, I gave this problem to Evan in a set of problems to check; his interpreted the problem in a completely different manner, responded with "the key observation is <something completely different from what I had intended>" and rephrased the problem in terms of perimeters. This new version I considered nice enough to end up submitting to the NIMO database.
However, the problem still wasn't finished evolving! When putting the problem onto Contest 21, I was unsure of the difficulty (and the configuration, but that's a different story) because it seemed like the problem was too focused around noticing one trick. I played around with the configuration a bit more and found that knowing the distance between the incenters and those two perimeters allowed one to uniquely determine the trapezoid! With this discovery in mind, the problem finally became the finished product put on the contest.

... what was I saying again? Oh right, problems!
[*]Don't artificially inflate the difficulty of problems by adding unnecessary components. This is a common pitfall for beginning problem writers (and experienced ones, too!) As a rule of thumb, the amount of work needed to compute the answer to a question should be at most the amount of work needed to find the main idea, unless the computation is part of the main idea itself. For instance, a problem asking to find the value of $1+7+7^2+\cdots+7^{10}$ is a bad problem because although the idea of geometric sums is easy, computing $7^{11}$ is not.
[*]Using well-known problems as inspiration is okay; using them for the finished product is less okay. Long story short, don't try to put problems that 90% of the participants will have seen before. Of course, if you're running a deadline and the problem is really really obscure, odds are high that nobody will notice, but leaning on this is bad practice, especially in the long run.
[*]Don't overestimate the difficulty of the early problems! This is an extremely common mistake that occurs in user-generated contests. Remember, the AMC's (for example) are meant to be accessible, and as such the early problems are not supposed to be hard. If you're having trouble determining whether a problem is appropriate for the beginning, look at early problems from previous contests and compare them! (Or better yet, have a friend compare them!)
[*]Try to be creative! The problems that are most remembered are the ones that take familiar concepts and twist them in new and interesting ways. This is one of the reasons why Mandelbrot problems are so highly revered - they may not be the hardest problems ever, but you sure can't accuse them for lack of originality! Take care into writing your problems - after all, the contest is your work, and how quality the finished product is can affect the way people perceive you for future projects. (This is easier said than done. Often times, the cure for badproblemaphobia is simple: practice writing more problems! Question-creation is just as much of an art form as mathematics itself.)[/list]

“Okay”, you say. “I have all the problems written, and I’ve made sure all the answers are correct. Now what?”
Well, it’s time to release to the world!
[*]Advertise your product! Be proud of what you’ve written. But don’t release the test yet! Give your contest time to spread through the community.
[*]Make clear the method in which you have participants sign up. Also, make sure it’s organized. Recently, there have been some mock contests which have had flawed methods of signup and suffered because of it. Think through how you want to administer the contest before you announce it to the AoPS-verse. (These are all important things to ensure a successful mock!)
[*]Recruit testsolvers! It’s easy to look over potentially fatal flaws if you’re the only one who looks over the test before it’s released. Get a few friends to help look it over! Some contests prefer to do this through sign-ups analogous to the normal ones; others just prefer to PM their prospective targets directly. Either way, get a bunch of people to agree, because not everyone will ultimately have time to follow up. (I’m not saying this in an evil and bitter way – it’s just human nature!)
[*]Prepare for the big day! It’s almost here!

All right, the lights are on, the stage is set, and the cameras are ready. Action!
[*]Make the location of your test clear. Once again, be proud of your work!
[*]Take errors with grace. Sometimes, even with test-solvers, mistakes happen! Don’t let them pull you down too much. Make changes to the actual test, notify users (whether in-thread or through PM) of the changes, and adjust scores accordingly.
[*]Ask for feedback! Problem writers are always looking for ways to improve, so give honest criticism! I usually like to achieve this through a few questions at the end of a Google Form. This usually generates healthy participation, although other methods can probably work just as well.
[*]Watch as scores pour in! Whoo!

And that’s all! If you have any ques…

“… that’s a lot of work. Are there any examples I can use to convince myself something like this is even possible?”
[*]All official AMC/AIME contests. These are contests written by people, too! More importantly, many of the individuals who contribute problems to these contests are not professional problem writers – they’re volunteers, willing to put in time to write interesting questions for the world to see.

But I imagine this was not the answer you were looking for? Fine….
[*]Mildorf’s Mock AIMEs. These five AIMEs are often referred to as the gold standards for mock contests. These are really hard (especially for pre-2005 times), and can give you a sense of the potential of what a mock contest can look like.
[*]djmathman’s Mock AMC10/12. Okay, maybe I’m a bit biased here, but I can afford to be a little biased, right? In any case, this AMC was met with generally positive criticism, so there’s that. The AMC10 is probably similar if not a bit easier than usual, while the AMC12 is much easier than usual. (This was the result of announcing the contest prematurely!)
[*]The 2015 Mock AIME I. “Okay seriously man, what’s up with all the bias?” Eh, I still think this is an objectively good example of what a mock AIME should look like, even if the difficulty curve is a bit wonky. (This was originally designed to be a Mock Mandelbrot competition, after all!)
[*]The 2015 Mock AIME II (henrikjb). I haven’t been able to look at all the problems in detail, but I can say that the ones I have looked at are of high quality! Another example of the potential a mock contest can deliver.
[*]Many other examples! These are just the contests I remember. If there’s a good example that I’ve overlooked, feel free to link to it in the comments!

“I’ll check those out, thanks!”

Any last questions, young fellow?

“I’m still not sure if this thing is right for me. Can you provide some words of encouragement?”
[*]Even though AoPS can be a divisive community at times, just remember that we’re all here to support you! Writing contests is hard. Nobody’s gonna give you a hard time for a contest you genuinely put thought and effort into! Just remember: as budding mathematicians, we’re constantly looking for good problems to chow down on; as long as that goal is accomplished, the contest was a success. We’re rooting for you!
“Yay! Thanks for all the advice, Mr. Omniscient Voice! Time to start writing problems!”
209 replies
Nov 29, 2015
Jan 16, 2023
i Tips for Organizing a Mock Contest
Mudkipswims42   58
N Aug 26, 2021 by aopsuser305
Hello peoples of AoPS! I have decided that for my 7218th post I will help aspiring young problem writers with the organization of their contests. (Note I did not say writing a contest, for that see here)

Well lets get on to it! Here are a few pointers:
[list]1. Write all the problems before making the "advertising" contest post.[/list]

If you need help on making the problems or with proofreading and test-solving, what I would recommend is making a post only asking for help and let them volunteer through PM. Once you have enough helpers, you can always just say in the thread that you have enough; no need for a signup list :). It is better to have two different threads which serve their purpose then one which is unprepared on either side.
[list]2. Make a private forum to create and propose problems in.[/list]

I think a really good way to organize your writing is to make a private forum in which you make the problems. This is helpful because you can individually propose a problem in each thread, and all discussion for that problem (difficulty, placement, quality, etc) can stay in that thread. This keeps everything very organized (you can make an outline thread an announcement, so its clear which problems you are deciding to put on the test). Another reason its helpful, is because you can include the people who are proofreaders or difficulty gauges into the forum, and they can work with you as you go. In order to increase activity, I would recommend telling the users involved to bookmark the private forum, that way they can see if there is a new development.

[list]3. Have a clear idea of how people will submit.[/list]

This is a crucial part in the organization of your contest. You should be clear about it in your contest thread, and clear about it in posts afterward. The two general submission processes are via PM (Private Message), or through a Google form. For a PM, make sure you specify who to add to the PM, and in what format they should submit their answers. Google forms is probably the best way of submitting, as you don't get a cluttered PM box where you might miss a submission or two. On the flip side, you can and may receive troll submissions, but you can delete them pretty easily. There are some general things you want to put on the form: [list]Name, (aka the AoPS username)

*Problem answers* (you can do this problem by problem, and if it's an AMC I would recommend giving the answer choice options)

Comments on the test (You can split this up however you want)

Thanks for submitting (^_^)[/list]
If you don't now how to make a google form and spreadsheet, either ask for someone who does (on the help thread) or learn! (learning how to do spreadsheets is a very helpful)

[list]4. Don't forget post-test management![/list]

It's always a bummer when someone takes the test but the host does not remember to officially end it and open discussion. When posting results be sure to include only those who want to be included in the results. The best way to find this out is asking users through PM when you send them their score report. LaTeX tables are fancy and look sophisticated when posting results, but I recognize that most people cannot make these (I for example can't :P). It's fine to use the old fashioned hidden text to announce the top few scorers and other honorable mentions. If you are a stats guy, be sure to show problem statistics in an organized way; aka don't say random statistics sporadically in your post but instead show a few related stats like most missed and most correct. Remember to thank everyone for their submissions!

[list]5. Create a forum for problem discussion, or post a few questions in main forum based on difficulty.[/list]

This is always a tough question when opening problem discussion: do I create a separate forum or do I post in the main fora. The answer is: it depends. If your contest has many problems, then you don't want to post all of them and end up flooding one of the main fora (Middle School Math, High School Math, or High School Olympiads) with a lot of posts. In that case you should either create a new forum to discuss all problems, or only post the last few on your test, I would recommend the former, as all problems can be discussed :). If your contest is an Olympiad, or something with not too many questions, then by all means post the questions in the main forums! But don't forget: post each question in a forum where its difficulty is accurate. For example, don't post problems from an AMC12 in Middle School Math, or problems from an AMC8 in High School Olympiads! If you have some problems that are Middle School Level, and some that are High School level on your test, then post them in different forums; you can always provide links to each problem in your contest thread. For example, when my group released problems from the All Algebra Assessment we posted some questions in Middle School Math, some in High School Math, and some in High School Olympiads.

When people are discussing be sure to wait to see other solutions, before posting your official ones. Waiting a few days before posting a solution is perfectly fine. You want your problem to be discussed don't you! If your official solution is the same as some other user's then there is no need to post it, as it's just a repeat :P.

Lastly, to help you guys organize your contest post, I have made a sort of template for it :-D! You don't have to follow it exactly, just be sure you include these things in your post:

*Greeting and Introduction*

*Present your contest with your other fellow problem writers* (Example "AceTheIMO, adriel, and I bring you (bigish text)Mudkips Mock!(bigish text))

*Quickly describe contest, including rules*

*Give credit to testsolvers, proofreaders, and other help*

*signups format* (this may or may not be necessary, considering you could just ask the people to submit and that would count as a participation)

*submissions format* (put Google form here if you made one)

*Submission deadline*

*leaderboard* (optional)

*TEST LINK* (if you want to title it use the[code]Title[/code] code or just attach the doc to your post)

*~Sign off*

lastly don't necessarily feel obligated to follow these rules too strictly (weird rule :P)

Well I hope this was helpful, and good luck on your mock! :)

Thanks for reading,

58 replies
Dec 5, 2016
Aug 26, 2021
[STATE RELEASED!] Outside the Box MATHCOUNTS series
happypi31415   110
N an hour ago by happypi31415
[*] School: Sprint, Target, Leaderboard
[*] Chapter: Sprint, Target, Team, Leaderboard
[*] State: Sprint, Target, Leaderboard
[*] Nationals:

[center]We, happypi31415, Aaronjudgeisgoat, Vivaandax, NoScratchGOD, xHypotenuse, and ethanzhang1001 are proud to present the: [/center]

[center]Thanks to peace09, ghu_who, and ChaitraliKA for testsolving and providing invaluable feedback! :D

All of the problem writers have extensive experience with math competitions and MATHCOUNTS, with 3 of our problem writers qualifying for MATHCOUNTS nationals, 4 AIME qualifers, and with many achieving scores of over 130 on the AMCs. Furthermore, our problem writers have led 4 contests that have had over 1,150 participants combined. In addition, this series have been in development for nearly two years, during which hundreds of problems were produced, testsolved, and carefully evaluated to ensure you the best testing experience possible.

Please note that everything listed below is subject to change, and will become more specific as details are finallized.

$\begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|} \hline
\textbf{Competition} & \textbf{Release} & \textbf{Deadline} \\ \hline
School & December 14 & February 1st \\ \hline
Chapter & January 11 & March 14th \\ \hline
State & March 6 & Mid April \\ \hline
National & Mid April & Mid May \\ \hline

The deadline is for prize elligibility, but you can still take it even if the deadline has passed for practice.

The tests will be released through MathDash. You can take it whenever you wish, but you must take it before the deadline to be elligible for prizes. As soon as you finish, you will be able to access solutions immediately. Please make sure that you use the same MathDash account throughout the competition!

How do I sign up?
There isn't actually any need to sign up! However, we recommend signing up in the main thread to gauge interest and to promote the threads visibility for more people to see. :)

To sign up, quote the message of the most recent person who has signed up, put your name in the hide tag, and increment the number on the hide tag by one. After that, remove the quote tags to make sure that it is brand new for the next person that signs up. However, if you are unfamiliar with this method, simply typing /signup is okay; someone will sign up for you. If you wish, you can start off sign-ups by copy and pasting this: Signups(0)
Will there be prizes?
Indeed! MathDash has generously agreed to give cash prizes to top performers, and we are trying to get sponsors to add to a potential prize pool as well. This is all subject to change, but we are planning to have the prizes increasing from school to nationals, for a total prize pool of around 500 dollars.
How will team rounds work?
On MathDash, it's actually to do team rounds without meeting in person, so teams aren't limited by geographic barriers! To register a team on MathDash, have a designated captain create a team. Then, he'll recieve a code, which the rest of the team can fill in to join the captain's team.
Will there be a countdown round?
Not decided yet.
Message about cheating:
This goes without saying, but please don't cheat. Above all, we want to foster a supportive and welcoming environment, built on trust, where math enthusiasts of all skill levels can thrive. Cheating undermines all of that; by cheating, you are depriving yourself of an opportunity to develop your math skill and learn from mistakes. Math is about struggle, and taking the easy way out goes against these core ideals. On the other hand, acting honestly builds character and a sense of genuine achievement that lasts for a lifetime.

Additionally, MathDash has implemented anti-cheating methods that make potential cheating extremely difficult, and we will deal with any potential suspicious activity on a case-by-case basis. However, if you behave honestly, you won't need to worry about any of that. :)
We sincerely hope you enjoy taking part of this competition as much as we did making it, and wish you all best of luck in this years contest series!
110 replies
Nov 22, 2024
an hour ago
2025 AMC 9?
c_double_sharp   10
N 2 hours ago by c_double_sharp
[center]2025 AMC 9?[/center]
[rule]The difficulty jump from the AMC 8 and AMC 10 is rather large, so this test is designed to be a stepping stone between the two.

AMC 9? committee
Test Rules
Important Dates
Other Info

link to test
link to submission form

Good luck!
10 replies
Mar 13, 2025
2 hours ago
[TARGET RELEASED!] 2019 National Mock MATHCOUNTS Sprint/Target!
mathchampion1   23
N Yesterday at 4:33 PM by imtiyas1
Hello, world of AoPS and all fellow AoPSers!!! With MATHCOUNTS season kicking in, today, kcbhatraju, kootrapali, chocolatelover111, mathwiz0803, and I (mathchampion1) present to you our

2019 Mock MATHCOUNTS National Sprint/Target Rounds!

Special thanks to eisirrational, ktong, and scrabbler94 for test-solving/proofreading (something which is currently still occurring).

(Signups and Release Thread)
You can go ahead and sign up below in the traditional format Signups(0).

Note Regarding Formatting

How to Submit when Released (Important)

Good luck and have fun taking it when the test is released!

Current Status of Test

Target Released: TARGET ROUND
23 replies
Jan 9, 2019
Yesterday at 4:33 PM
[Released!] 2018 Nationals Participants' Mock Nationals
Mathguy5837   33
N Yesterday at 3:30 AM by imtiyas1
Hello AoPS,

After the success of last year's 2017 National Participants' Mock Nationals, our problem writing group, made up of 2018 Raytheon MATHCOUNTS Nationals competitors, has come up with the 2018 National Participants' Mock Nationals!

Special thanks to our testsolvers, also National competitors.

No signups list needed. Instead, please submit your answers by PM to all our problem writers, listed above. It would be best if you submit all your answers in one PM. Also, please indicate whether you would like to be on the public leaderboard or not. After you submit your answers, you will receive access to a forum where you can discuss the problems. This test will be due on the 23th of June at 6:00PM EDT.

(For the team test, you may choose to do it individually or with a team. It's your choice.)

Good luck!

Update: The test is over! If you're taking it for practice, here's theanswer key

Individual Leaderboard
Team Leaderboard
33 replies
May 25, 2018
Yesterday at 3:30 AM
9 [MaffCounts RELEASED] The Mock MaffCounts Chapter Round
Leeoz   126
N Sunday at 3:23 PM by Leeoz
The team is proud to present:[center]IMAGE
The Mock MaffCounts Chapter Round[/center]

The contest is over!
Here are the links to the problems!
Sprint Round
Target Round
Team Round
Countdown Round
Answer Key

Sign Ups

Leader Board

Sprint and Target Rounds

Team Round

126 replies
Jan 20, 2025
Sunday at 3:23 PM
sadas123   2
N Mar 15, 2025 by XAN4
Hello and I have made an mock USAJMO for many of you to try, it is supposed to be easy and the test will be released as soon as possible when I get an person that can check my answer and give the answer key with the correct proofs. This test will be released and you can use unlimited time but it is the same format as a normal USAJMO test. Thank You if you try it! The test will be released by April 1st latest and March 16th earliest.


Signup Rules

Test Link: _______________
2 replies
Mar 9, 2025
Mar 15, 2025
brainfertilzer   49
N Mar 9, 2025 by sadas123
REPOST FROM EARLIER. MODS, THIS IS A MOCK. DON'T DELETE. This got reported and deleted fsr so let's try again...

Hi everyone! We, the DISCUS Committee, are excited to announce the 2025 DISCUS AIME, our mock AIME contest. Thanks to our testsolvers for making this possible! Who are we?

\begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|} \hline
Contest & Leak Date & Due Date \\\hline
2025 DISCUS AIME & December 17 & Feburary 10 \\\hline
Errata/Clarifications (3)
Leaderboard (55)
We encourage you to \signup in this thread. This is neither mandatory nor binding, but this adds the thread to your feed and helps bump the thread periodically: Signups (0)

The test is attached below. When you finish, please submit your answers in this google form. Please do not use leading zeros or your submission may not be scored correctly. We will PM your score back to you within 48 hours. Feel free to DISCUS in the private DISCUS forum after you finish, but please do not publicly DISCUS the mock. If you spot an error during the mock, continue the mock as usual, and PM brainfertilzer after the mock. Good luck and have fun!
49 replies
Dec 17, 2024
Mar 9, 2025
AoPS Open Mathcounts Nationals
CT17   1930
N Mar 4, 2025 by pl246631
Hello mathletes,
As most of you know, Mathcounts Nationals was unfortunately canceled. We have decided to make up for that and create: IMAGE
This test is supposed to act as a replacement for the RAYTHEON MATHCOUNTS National Test which would've occured in May 2020. With no further ado, let's go to the rules!
The Team round has been released in the attachments section of this post! Thanks to our testsolvers. Your team does not have to be signed up to participate. Remember, PM your answers to me (CT17), Mathletesv, SpinTop, Puddles_Penguin, and usernameyourself. Enjoy the test!
Discussion forum!
There is now a discussion forum! Everyone who submits both sprint and target rounds will be added.
This competition will represent the National MATHCOUNTS which consists of 4 rounds, sprint, target, team(optional), and countdown (for top competitors). The MATHCOUNTS Nationals test is for people of grades 6-8. but here, everyone can participate! For all rounds, these apply!Now here are the rules for each round:

For the Sprint Round This round is one consisting of 30 problems with a time limit of 40 minutes. You should set a 40-minute timer and take the test while the timer is running. Once the timer reaches 0 minutes, you should stop. No calculators or other aids should be used -- the only aids allowed are scratch paper and pens/pencils.

For the Target Round There will be 4 pairs of 2 problems given out one by one. You will have 6 minutes to complete each pair of problems (1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8). Calculators may be used but not other aids -- the only aids allowed are scratch paper, pens/pencils, and a calculator.

For the Team Round, you will compile a team of 4 mathletes. On the day of the test, you will be given a test of 10 problems which you will have 20 minutes to complete with your team Teams must consist of 4 mathletes, no more and no less. Calculators may be used but not other aids -- the only aids allowed are scratch paper, pens/pencils, and a calculator. Each question is worth two points, so your score will be twice the number of questions you answer correctly. We will tell you which problems you got correct and which you got incorrect. You are free to guess as you are not penalized for incorrect answers -- you just don;t receive points for the question.. Your team can communicate via PM, mathim, ftw, or whatever platform you like, but you must all take the team round in the same 20 minute time interval.

For the Countdown Round we will select the top 12 competitors in the individual to show up for an event in which they solve problems head to head in a bracket showdown! The winner in this round will be declared the winner of the whole competition. May the best win!!!

Cheating Policy
How to Submit
After you submit, you will shortly be given your distribution and will be added to the leaderboard unless said otherwise :D

There will be two separate leaderboards, one for individuals and one for teams. If you are on a team, your teammate's scores and your team round score will in no way affect your individual score.

The Leaderboard!

Individual leaderboard
Team leaderboard

Note: The target score is the number of problems correct, not the number of points.
Signups (140)
Teams (19)
There is no need to sign up any more. And remember, you don't have to be signed up to compete!
The sprint, target, and team rounds are released in the attachments section of this post. You will have until May 20, 2020. This post was last updated May 24, 2020 at 9:41 AM ET.
1930 replies
Mar 21, 2020
Mar 4, 2025
[TEST Released] Mock Geometry Test for College Comps
Bluesoul   0
Mar 3, 2025
Hi AOPSers,

I have finished writing a mock geometry test for fun and practice for the real college competitions like HMMT/PUMaC/CMIMC... There would be 10 questions and you should finish the test in 60 minutes, the test would be close to the actual test (hopefully). You could sign up under this thread, PM me your answers!. The submission would close on March 31st at 11:59PM PST. I sent this thread in C&P at first but I feel this forum is more suitable lol.

I would create a private discussion forum so everyone could discuss after finishing the test. This is the first mock I've written, please sign up and enjoy geometry!!


Current Leaderboard
0 replies
Mar 3, 2025
0 replies
[Contest Over] Farewell Mock AIME + Mock Geometry Olympiad
tworigami   11
N Mar 1, 2025 by tworigami
I'm back.

And happy to present one last pair of mock contests, a

$$\Large\boxed{\text{Farewell Mock AIME \& Geometry Olympiad}}$$
Most of you will have no clue who I am, but the streets will never forget prime tworigami back in 2018-20 as the Hatem Ben Arfa of AOPS, who despite being a distinctly "on his day" performer in real math comps, was used to dropping 10/10s in this forum consistently with some other true ballers such as rd123, mathman3880, bluek, KillerOrca2015, and so many more.

Some of the bangers from days gone by

Just writing their usernames almost brings me to tears. What an era that was.

Anyhow, reminiscent of Eden Hazard scoring one last free kick at the Bridge, and Henry bagging against Leeds in an almost testimonial performance, I have returned to bless the next generation with one last pair of mock contests.

The first is a standard mock AIME which I wrote in 2021 and the second is a mock olympiad featuring only geometry problems, as some might remember is the only subject I can comfortably write olympiad style problems in. I was considered submitting some of these to real competitions, but recently clocked that I had sent them to so many people to test solve it probably wasn't a good idea anymore.

Rules and Submitting:
$\small\bullet$ PM submissions to me
$\small\bullet$ For the olympiad, diagrams are not required, but would make my life a whole lot easier
$\small\bullet$ Compasses and straightedges are permitted, but no other forms of computational aid are allowed
$\small\bullet$ 3 hour time limit for the AIME, 4.5 hour time limit for each day of the olympiad.

$\small\bullet$ Problems for both tests will be released on Saturday, Feb 1st (BST)
$\small\bullet$ I'll be taking submissions for the AIME until Valentines day (Feb 14th), and the olympiad until March 1st, but will conceivably extend depending on interest.

If you'd like to participate, please signup below!

If this farewell goes well I will love it, and I think I deserve it. :)

Update: The contests have both now concluded! I have attached my solutions to this post.
11 replies
Jan 27, 2025
Mar 1, 2025
2021 March MIMC 10 [Concluded]
Michael595   50
N Nov 10, 2023 by ryanbear
Hi guys!

The test is finally finished and testsolved! The test can be found in here:

The solution for this test will be released approximately after a day from the end day of the competition. All competitors need to submit the form before March 25, 2021 11:59 PM and scores will be released in 24 hours.

Submit your answers in the form: https://forms.gle/2eHwueZeVphgbN4TA

Note that you should open the form and fill initial information in before looking at the problems if you'd like to time yourself for 75 minutes contest time.

Participants that completed the contest will have access to a 2021 March MIMC Discussion Forum where you can discuss problems in the contest:

Projected AIME cutoff: 115.5

Distinction: 120

DHR (Distinguished Honor Roll): 127.5

This contest has ended, but the submission form is still available. Your score will be informed instantaneously after you complete the contest, however, the score will not be accurate because additional 1.5 points for blank problems are not added. Please manually add the scores to get your accurate score. Thank you!

2021 March MIMC 10 Leaderboard

After you finish the test, check out the solution here!

If you only want the answer key, click on this link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cw7WDDFUX6UNrFfwG3mITMDJ5ehBzl8v/view?usp=sharing

Enjoy the problems!

- Michael595 and Interstigation
50 replies
Mar 6, 2021
Nov 10, 2023
2021 March MIMC 10 [Concluded]
G H BBookmark kLocked kLocked NReply
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75 posts
#1 • 4 Y
Y by samrocksnature, Mango247, Mango247, Mango247
Hi guys!

The test is finally finished and testsolved! The test can be found in here:

The solution for this test will be released approximately after a day from the end day of the competition. All competitors need to submit the form before March 25, 2021 11:59 PM and scores will be released in 24 hours.

Submit your answers in the form: https://forms.gle/2eHwueZeVphgbN4TA

Note that you should open the form and fill initial information in before looking at the problems if you'd like to time yourself for 75 minutes contest time.

Participants that completed the contest will have access to a 2021 March MIMC Discussion Forum where you can discuss problems in the contest:

Projected AIME cutoff: 115.5

Distinction: 120

DHR (Distinguished Honor Roll): 127.5

This contest has ended, but the submission form is still available. Your score will be informed instantaneously after you complete the contest, however, the score will not be accurate because additional 1.5 points for blank problems are not added. Please manually add the scores to get your accurate score. Thank you!

2021 March MIMC 10 Leaderboard

After you finish the test, check out the solution here!

If you only want the answer key, click on this link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cw7WDDFUX6UNrFfwG3mITMDJ5ehBzl8v/view?usp=sharing

Enjoy the problems!

- Michael595 and Interstigation
This post has been edited 29 times. Last edited by Michael595, Apr 9, 2021, 7:30 PM
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75 posts
#2 • 2 Y
Y by DofL, samrocksnature
Solutions will be posted on March 26, 2021.
This post has been edited 2 times. Last edited by Michael595, Mar 8, 2021, 1:51 AM
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2748 posts
#3 • 1 Y
Y by samrocksnature
Michael595 wrote:
The test is finalized and just need several testsolvers to testsolve the problems:)

Sounds great :yup:
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75 posts
#4 • 1 Y
Y by samrocksnature
DofL wrote:
Michael595 wrote:
The test is finalized and just need several testsolvers to testsolve the problems:)

Sounds great :yup:

Hey! The test link is released! :)
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1751 posts
#5 • 1 Y
Y by samrocksnature
yay another amc 10
imma take rn

(also a bump ig bc this is getting buried)
This post has been edited 1 time. Last edited by 618173, Mar 8, 2021, 10:54 PM
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83 posts
#7 • 1 Y
Y by samrocksnature
wow this is amazing
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236 posts
#8 • 2 Y
Y by samrocksnature, judgefan99
It's high quality :P but a bit easier than the normal amc10.
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1751 posts
#9 • 1 Y
Y by samrocksnature
yuanyuanC wrote:
It's high quality :P but a bit easier than the normal amc10.

i agree its p good for sure but
1. too easy
2. some of the problems were kind of low quality
but def good practice
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75 posts
#10 • 1 Y
Y by samrocksnature
Thanks for the advice!!! We will use yall advices to improve our test quality!! :)
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723 posts
#11 • 1 Y
Y by samrocksnature
for #4, there's an error. Option C and D are both 6pi
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1920 posts
#12 • 1 Y
Y by samrocksnature
yuanyuanC wrote:
It's high quality :P but a bit easier than the normal amc10.

uh no it very hard
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297 posts
#13 • 1 Y
Y by samrocksnature
jupiter314 wrote:
for #4, there's an error. Option C and D are both 6pi

Thank you! It is changed.
This post has been edited 2 times. Last edited by CELLSecret, Mar 20, 2021, 3:18 AM
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75 posts
#14 • 1 Y
Y by samrocksnature
Bump only 5 submissions :(
This post has been edited 1 time. Last edited by Michael595, Mar 20, 2021, 3:18 AM
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1751 posts
#15 • 4 Y
Y by samrocksnature, Mango247, Mango247, Mango247
Michael595 wrote:
Bump only 5 submissions :(

that's good for a first mock!
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75 posts
#16 • 1 Y
Y by samrocksnature
Ty :) Thank you for encouragement!!

The B test will approximately come out in April. It will be harder hopefully. :)