Carnegie Mellon Math Jam
Go back to the Math Jam ArchiveUS IMO Deputy Team Leader and CMU faculty member Po-Shen Loh will join John Mackey (Associate Department Head of Mathematics) and Klaus Sutner (Associate Dean of Computer Science), together with Assistant Director of Admission Mike Kozak, to discuss opportunities, academics, life, and admissions at CMU.
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Facilitator: Po-Shen Loh
2011-10-25 19:32:54
Hello and welcome to the Carnegie Mellon Math Jam!
Hello and welcome to the Carnegie Mellon Math Jam!
2011-10-25 19:33:11
I am particularly pleased to have our guests from Carnegie Mellon joining us tonight, as I am a proud member of the CMU Class of 1992 (B.S. in Math/Computer Science and M.S. in Math).
I am particularly pleased to have our guests from Carnegie Mellon joining us tonight, as I am a proud member of the CMU Class of 1992 (B.S. in Math/Computer Science and M.S. in Math).
2011-10-25 19:33:25
Before I introduce our guests, let me explain about this classroom. This room is moderated, which means that all your questions and comments come to the moderators. We may share your comments with the whole room if we so choose. For now, please hold your questions -- we'll let you know when you can start asking questions.
Before I introduce our guests, let me explain about this classroom. This room is moderated, which means that all your questions and comments come to the moderators. We may share your comments with the whole room if we so choose. For now, please hold your questions -- we'll let you know when you can start asking questions.
2011-10-25 19:33:40
Now let me introduce our guests for the evening. (Their usernames are in bold as I introduce them.)
Now let me introduce our guests for the evening. (Their usernames are in bold as I introduce them.)
2011-10-25 19:33:48
Po-Shen Loh (psloh) is a professor in the Department of Mathematical Sciences. Many of you may also know Po-Shen from his role as an instructor at the Math Olympiad Summer Program and as the Deputy Team Leader for the US team to the International Math Olympiad.
Po-Shen Loh (psloh) is a professor in the Department of Mathematical Sciences. Many of you may also know Po-Shen from his role as an instructor at the Math Olympiad Summer Program and as the Deputy Team Leader for the US team to the International Math Olympiad.
2011-10-25 19:34:00
John Mackey (jmackey) is the Associate Department Head of the Department of Mathematical Sciences.
John Mackey (jmackey) is the Associate Department Head of the Department of Mathematical Sciences.
2011-10-25 19:34:09
Klaus Sutner (sutner) is the Associate Dean of Undergraduate Programs for the School of Computer Science.
Klaus Sutner (sutner) is the Associate Dean of Undergraduate Programs for the School of Computer Science.
2011-10-25 19:34:17
Mike Kozak (mwkozak) is the Assistant Director of Admission.
Mike Kozak (mwkozak) is the Assistant Director of Admission.
2011-10-25 19:34:23
Thanks very much to all our guests for spending part of their evening with us tonight!
Thanks very much to all our guests for spending part of their evening with us tonight!
2011-10-25 19:34:28
Now, I'll turn the floor over to Po-Shen.
Now, I'll turn the floor over to Po-Shen.
2011-10-25 19:34:30
Hello everyone!
Hello everyone!
2011-10-25 19:34:37
Thank you to everyone for coming out to tonight's Carnegie Mellon Math Jam!
Thank you to everyone for coming out to tonight's Carnegie Mellon Math Jam!
2011-10-25 19:34:43
We're happy to have this opportunity to chat with you all, as we think this is a great community.
We're happy to have this opportunity to chat with you all, as we think this is a great community.
2011-10-25 19:34:49
(I wish it had existed when I was a student!)
(I wish it had existed when I was a student!)
2011-10-25 19:34:54
Let me introduce my colleagues who are joining me tonight.
Let me introduce my colleagues who are joining me tonight.
2011-10-25 19:34:59
John Mackey (jmackey) is the Associate Department Head of Mathematics. He previously taught at Dartmouth and Harvard.
John Mackey (jmackey) is the Associate Department Head of Mathematics. He previously taught at Dartmouth and Harvard.
2011-10-25 19:35:04
From my observations, he is loved by the student body, and he personally advises all of our math majors.
From my observations, he is loved by the student body, and he personally advises all of our math majors.
2011-10-25 19:35:10
I've been working with him since my arrival on development in the Math department.
I've been working with him since my arrival on development in the Math department.
2011-10-25 19:35:15
Klaus Sutner (sutner) is the Associate Dean of Undergraduate Programs in the School of Computer Science.
Klaus Sutner (sutner) is the Associate Dean of Undergraduate Programs in the School of Computer Science.
2011-10-25 19:35:20
That's the School of Computer Science, not the Department of Computer Science (which is contained inside the School) - the School has seven departments!
That's the School of Computer Science, not the Department of Computer Science (which is contained inside the School) - the School has seven departments!
2011-10-25 19:35:27
Klaus previously was at the University of Munich, Berkeley, and the Stevens Institute of Technology.
Klaus previously was at the University of Munich, Berkeley, and the Stevens Institute of Technology.
2011-10-25 19:35:33
He's responsible for the well-being of the best undergraduate Computer Science program in the world.
He's responsible for the well-being of the best undergraduate Computer Science program in the world.
2011-10-25 19:35:42
Mike Kozak (mwkozak) is an Assistant Director of Admissions, and the liaison to the Mellon College of Science.
Mike Kozak (mwkozak) is an Assistant Director of Admissions, and the liaison to the Mellon College of Science.
2011-10-25 19:35:49
He's been with CMU for four years, and we are happy that he is here to work with us!
He's been with CMU for four years, and we are happy that he is here to work with us!
2011-10-25 19:35:55
Now, instead of giving a traditional sales pitch for our University, we're going to try something different.
Now, instead of giving a traditional sales pitch for our University, we're going to try something different.
2011-10-25 19:36:00
Instead, tell us what you want to know.
Instead, tell us what you want to know.
2011-10-25 19:36:05
We want to know what energizes you.
We want to know what energizes you.
2011-10-25 19:36:10
What do you want to see in your undergraduate career?
What do you want to see in your undergraduate career?
2011-10-25 19:36:16
Floor is open. Ask questions. We will try to type as fast as we can.
Floor is open. Ask questions. We will try to type as fast as we can.
2011-10-25 19:36:35
Is psloh Po-Shen Loh? Of MOP Lecture Notes fame?
Is psloh Po-Shen Loh? Of MOP Lecture Notes fame?
2011-10-25 19:37:03
He is much more than that. He is a phenomenon. He deserves theme music :)
He is much more than that. He is a phenomenon. He deserves theme music :)
2011-10-25 19:37:51
Are freshmen at your school assigned an advisor?
Are freshmen at your school assigned an advisor?
2011-10-25 19:38:01
David, we would take participation in math camps into consideration during the admission process. We would look at it much in the same light as any extracurricular activity. The fact that it is a math oriented activity certainly helps too.
David, we would take participation in math camps into consideration during the admission process. We would look at it much in the same light as any extracurricular activity. The fact that it is a math oriented activity certainly helps too.
2011-10-25 19:38:05
What's the highest level of math that CMU teaches/offers?
What's the highest level of math that CMU teaches/offers?
2011-10-25 19:38:12
@mcqueen: CMU is a full-fledged institution which goes all the way to the Ph.D. program. You can even attend our research seminars if you want. We just had a speaker today discussing an interesting connection between Topology and Combinatorics!
@mcqueen: CMU is a full-fledged institution which goes all the way to the Ph.D. program. You can even attend our research seminars if you want. We just had a speaker today discussing an interesting connection between Topology and Combinatorics!
2011-10-25 19:38:15
@cooldene - you bet. from the time people commit
@cooldene - you bet. from the time people commit
2011-10-25 19:38:29
Funny, I'm listening to music right now.
Funny, I'm listening to music right now.
2011-10-25 19:39:02
does cmu have good research opportunities for undergrads (not just in math, sciences in general)?
does cmu have good research opportunities for undergrads (not just in math, sciences in general)?
2011-10-25 19:39:09
I also went to the MIT mathjam, do we have to shape the begining of our questions like that?
I also went to the MIT mathjam, do we have to shape the begining of our questions like that?
2011-10-25 19:39:11
What kind of projects do the undergraduates in the Computer Science program work on?
What kind of projects do the undergraduates in the Computer Science program work on?
2011-10-25 19:39:11
@cobra: We will not emit "Syntax Error". :)
@cobra: We will not emit "Syntax Error". :)
2011-10-25 19:39:41
@smallpeoples343 We do accept credits from other universities. You would send you transcripts to the undergraduate college you are entering before you arrive on campus, and the college will then decide how to allocate those credits.
@smallpeoples343 We do accept credits from other universities. You would send you transcripts to the undergraduate college you are entering before you arrive on campus, and the college will then decide how to allocate those credits.
2011-10-25 19:40:13
@keelan YES! Po and I spent time directing projects this Summer. We have a course devoted to undergraduate research and we have a Summer Institute for undergraduate research.
@keelan YES! Po and I spent time directing projects this Summer. We have a course devoted to undergraduate research and we have a Summer Institute for undergraduate research.
2011-10-25 19:40:35
Lots of possibilities -- there are 7 units in the school of computer science, robotics, machine learning, language technology.... All encourage UGs to get involved.
Lots of possibilities -- there are 7 units in the school of computer science, robotics, machine learning, language technology.... All encourage UGs to get involved.
2011-10-25 19:40:39
How soon can students get involved in internships and research?
How soon can students get involved in internships and research?
2011-10-25 19:40:42
@cooldene: As early as you are ready! The first thing to do might be some reading, but I see that John has been regularly advising undergraduates on such things. I myself worked with a freshman on a Combinatorics research project last summer.
@cooldene: As early as you are ready! The first thing to do might be some reading, but I see that John has been regularly advising undergraduates on such things. I myself worked with a freshman on a Combinatorics research project last summer.
2011-10-25 19:40:56
How good is the Science Department? Does it also go all the way to Ph.D. as math does?
How good is the Science Department? Does it also go all the way to Ph.D. as math does?
2011-10-25 19:41:04
@cooldene - When can you get here?
@cooldene - When can you get here?
2011-10-25 19:41:18
2011-10-25 19:41:28
@kamei - Hi :)
@kamei - Hi :)
2011-10-25 19:41:46
are the credits you accept from other universities only outside of your major?
are the credits you accept from other universities only outside of your major?
2011-10-25 19:41:46
There are 4 top CS departments in the world -- MIT, Standford, Berkeley and CMU. We can argue about who's on top --
There are 4 top CS departments in the world -- MIT, Standford, Berkeley and CMU. We can argue about who's on top --
2011-10-25 19:42:03
@cobrakeeper - we take them from all departments
@cobrakeeper - we take them from all departments
2011-10-25 19:42:18
@mcqueen The current cost of attendance is $57,520. This includes tuition, room and board, fees, and books.
@mcqueen The current cost of attendance is $57,520. This includes tuition, room and board, fees, and books.
2011-10-25 19:42:22
of course, I have a strong prejudice. CS offers a BS and a PhD degree at present, no MS (though that may change soon).
of course, I have a strong prejudice. CS offers a BS and a PhD degree at present, no MS (though that may change soon).
2011-10-25 19:42:31
how is your law school?
how is your law school?
2011-10-25 19:42:54
@geniusmath - the only law we follow is the law of large numbers
@geniusmath - the only law we follow is the law of large numbers
2011-10-25 19:43:12
Doe going to MthCounts Nationals help entrance, especially if you were 2nd place states?
Doe going to MthCounts Nationals help entrance, especially if you were 2nd place states?
2011-10-25 19:43:14
@geniusmath: Come visit, and let me know that you did. You probably also did well afterward though! :)
@geniusmath: Come visit, and let me know that you did. You probably also did well afterward though! :)
2011-10-25 19:43:19
what are some good majors at carnegie>
what are some good majors at carnegie>
2011-10-25 19:43:41
@geniusmath - Drama - we are the best!
@geniusmath - Drama - we are the best!
2011-10-25 19:43:50
We're the oldest degree-granting Drama program in the country, and extremely selective in it.
We're the oldest degree-granting Drama program in the country, and extremely selective in it.
2011-10-25 19:43:52
If I want to double major in CS and math. Which school should I apply to?
If I want to double major in CS and math. Which school should I apply to?
2011-10-25 19:44:05
how is math taught? because high school math is terrible (not terribly easy or hard, just terribly boring)
how is math taught? because high school math is terrible (not terribly easy or hard, just terribly boring)
2011-10-25 19:44:16
@bili GPA and class rank are all part of the academic review process. We look at GPA on a 4.0 unweighted scale, but take into consideration the types of classes you are taking. Rank will be used only if your school reports it.
@bili GPA and class rank are all part of the academic review process. We look at GPA on a 4.0 unweighted scale, but take into consideration the types of classes you are taking. Rank will be used only if your school reports it.
2011-10-25 19:44:38
@knuckles - We hear your brother/sister and we have the remedy. it's called Concepts of Math and it will own you own in the best possible way
@knuckles - We hear your brother/sister and we have the remedy. it's called Concepts of Math and it will own you own in the best possible way
2011-10-25 19:44:53
Apply to either CS or math, you can add the second major later. CS/math and CS/business are the most popular combinations, for major/minor and double major.
Apply to either CS or math, you can add the second major later. CS/math and CS/business are the most popular combinations, for major/minor and double major.
2011-10-25 19:45:00
Is it possible to major in Chemical Engineering while minoring in Biomedical Engineering?
Is it possible to major in Chemical Engineering while minoring in Biomedical Engineering?
2011-10-25 19:45:06
@mini YES
@mini YES
2011-10-25 19:45:17
Does CMU look at AIME, USA(J)MO, etc.?
Does CMU look at AIME, USA(J)MO, etc.?
2011-10-25 19:45:18
@mcqueen: At CMU we are fortunate enough to have a great relationship with admissions. Please tell us all about your AIME and USAMO scores. We care very much!
@mcqueen: At CMU we are fortunate enough to have a great relationship with admissions. Please tell us all about your AIME and USAMO scores. We care very much!
2011-10-25 19:45:20
Do you get admitted to the college or CMU as a whole? I know I am interested in computer science but I am not sure if I should apply for electrical engineering and computer science in the engineering school or computer science in the college of computer science. what's the difference?
Do you get admitted to the college or CMU as a whole? I know I am interested in computer science but I am not sure if I should apply for electrical engineering and computer science in the engineering school or computer science in the college of computer science. what's the difference?
2011-10-25 19:45:57
Is this just a Q&A for college? Or, are we going to do math?
Is this just a Q&A for college? Or, are we going to do math?
2011-10-25 19:46:11
Can it be possible to have a double major to start with, but, drop one major if its too much later on?
Can it be possible to have a double major to start with, but, drop one major if its too much later on?
2011-10-25 19:46:12
@alexhan98: You are welcome to prove the Riemann Hypothesis in the meantime!
@alexhan98: You are welcome to prove the Riemann Hypothesis in the meantime!
2011-10-25 19:46:18
@ keelan32 The music school at Carnegie Mellon is one of the best in the country. It's a full conservatory program, but there are opportunities for students at all levels for minors, performance through the school, and performance through extracurriculars.
@ keelan32 The music school at Carnegie Mellon is one of the best in the country. It's a full conservatory program, but there are opportunities for students at all levels for minors, performance through the school, and performance through extracurriculars.
2011-10-25 19:46:22
@soyjoy - You apply to a College. Go with what you like best. ECE and SCS are very selective.
@soyjoy - You apply to a College. Go with what you like best. ECE and SCS are very selective.
2011-10-25 19:46:33
Sure, you can always drop back down to a minor.
Sure, you can always drop back down to a minor.
2011-10-25 19:46:46
@geniusmath We don't have a law school, but send students to some of the best when they graduate from here.
@geniusmath We don't have a law school, but send students to some of the best when they graduate from here.
2011-10-25 19:47:30
What scholarships are offered at CMU? (Excuse the wording on that...)
What scholarships are offered at CMU? (Excuse the wording on that...)
2011-10-25 19:47:31
@mcqueen: CMU offers merit-based scholarships in addition to need-based scholarships. We were fortunate to have a substantial amount of funding last year!
@mcqueen: CMU offers merit-based scholarships in addition to need-based scholarships. We were fortunate to have a substantial amount of funding last year!
2011-10-25 19:48:23
@alexhan - consider a 3 by 6 board with a bean initially on every square. a turn consists of moving two beans either horizontally or vertically. can you gather them all into one square?
@alexhan - consider a 3 by 6 board with a bean initially on every square. a turn consists of moving two beans either horizontally or vertically. can you gather them all into one square?
2011-10-25 19:48:42
@soyjoy You apply to the individual colleges at Carnegie Mellon, not the school as the whole. We use the Common App and have a supplement. The supplement allows you to apply to four programs and get separate admission decisions to each one.
@soyjoy You apply to the individual colleges at Carnegie Mellon, not the school as the whole. We use the Common App and have a supplement. The supplement allows you to apply to four programs and get separate admission decisions to each one.
2011-10-25 19:48:46
ECE and CS are very closely connected at CMU, several faculty have double appointments, share grad students and so forth. Some CS courses are required for ECE students. Some students change their major to the other department (or double major).
ECE and CS are very closely connected at CMU, several faculty have double appointments, share grad students and so forth. Some CS courses are required for ECE students. Some students change their major to the other department (or double major).
2011-10-25 19:48:59
In admissions, does CMU consider all 4 years in calculating GPA? If one had a weak freshman year and a big upward trend, could it help to offset his/her first year?
In admissions, does CMU consider all 4 years in calculating GPA? If one had a weak freshman year and a big upward trend, could it help to offset his/her first year?
2011-10-25 19:49:00
will you accept someone who is super good at math but was expelled during the beginning of highschool and finishes high school in another school?
will you accept someone who is super good at math but was expelled during the beginning of highschool and finishes high school in another school?
2011-10-25 19:49:26
@keelan32 We used 10th, 11th and 12th grade in calculating GPA. We only used 9th if it helps your GPA.
@keelan32 We used 10th, 11th and 12th grade in calculating GPA. We only used 9th if it helps your GPA.
2011-10-25 19:49:28
@supermathman - so long as you are not jailed at the start of classes, we are fine
@supermathman - so long as you are not jailed at the start of classes, we are fine
2011-10-25 19:49:29
If you are applying to ECE or SCS, how easy is it to minor in apply math?
If you are applying to ECE or SCS, how easy is it to minor in apply math?
2011-10-25 19:49:54
If we do any kind of community service related to math e.g----teaching math to kids, does it make us stand out? Or does almost everyone do it?
If we do any kind of community service related to math e.g----teaching math to kids, does it make us stand out? Or does almost everyone do it?
2011-10-25 19:50:00
You would minor in math, period. It's fairly easy to do (by CMU standards).
You would minor in math, period. It's fairly easy to do (by CMU standards).
2011-10-25 19:50:42
@dvn - YES, this matters! We love teaching, for example. Our undergraduates can be teaching assistants and typically find it very rewarding!
@dvn - YES, this matters! We love teaching, for example. Our undergraduates can be teaching assistants and typically find it very rewarding!
2011-10-25 19:50:50
@mcqueen Financial aid at Carnegie Mellon is primariliy need based, but we still offer one merit based scholarship called the Carnegie Scholarship. It's aimed at students who qualify for little or no need based aid and also looks at a degree of merit.
@mcqueen Financial aid at Carnegie Mellon is primariliy need based, but we still offer one merit based scholarship called the Carnegie Scholarship. It's aimed at students who qualify for little or no need based aid and also looks at a degree of merit.
2011-10-25 19:51:21
Can undergraduates typically conduct research under CMU professors?
Can undergraduates typically conduct research under CMU professors?
2011-10-25 19:51:22
How is CMU's music department?
How is CMU's music department?
2011-10-25 19:51:41
@anonymous - YES! As well as near them!
@anonymous - YES! As well as near them!
2011-10-25 19:51:58
@mcqueen The School of Music is one of the best. Carnegie Mellon is one of the few schools (if not the only) that can say it competes with MIT and Juliard.
@mcqueen The School of Music is one of the best. Carnegie Mellon is one of the few schools (if not the only) that can say it competes with MIT and Juliard.
2011-10-25 19:51:59
What are some of the most insane/ridiculous clubs or activities at CMU?
What are some of the most insane/ridiculous clubs or activities at CMU?
2011-10-25 19:52:08
The Robotics Institute is one of the oldest and best in the world. They participate in all kinds of contests such as the DARPA challenges -- and often win. Lots of UGs participate in these projects.
The Robotics Institute is one of the oldest and best in the world. They participate in all kinds of contests such as the DARPA challenges -- and often win. Lots of UGs participate in these projects.
2011-10-25 19:52:16
@keelan - I am the advisor for the CMU Synchronized Walking Team!
@keelan - I am the advisor for the CMU Synchronized Walking Team!
2011-10-25 19:52:17
how do you weigh IB versus AP in terms of credit?
how do you weigh IB versus AP in terms of credit?
2011-10-25 19:52:45
In your role as mentors and educators, what mistakes do you commonly see people students and potential applicants make when applying for a math degree at Carnegie Mellon?
In your role as mentors and educators, what mistakes do you commonly see people students and potential applicants make when applying for a math degree at Carnegie Mellon?
2011-10-25 19:52:47
@anonymous2: I would say that the biggest mistake to make would be to focus too hard on the process of getting admitted, as opposed to loving the mathematics itself. As mentors, we work hard to encourage students to pursue their interests in mathematics (or elsewhere). If you truly love what you do, you will do very well (and people will be very interested in you)!
@anonymous2: I would say that the biggest mistake to make would be to focus too hard on the process of getting admitted, as opposed to loving the mathematics itself. As mentors, we work hard to encourage students to pursue their interests in mathematics (or elsewhere). If you truly love what you do, you will do very well (and people will be very interested in you)!
2011-10-25 19:52:53
Dr. Mackey, thank you for your response.
Dr. Mackey, thank you for your response.
2011-10-25 19:53:03
@Rocket95 For IB HL courses, we will normally give credit for a 6 or 7. For AP, a score of a 4 or 5 will normally get credit.
@Rocket95 For IB HL courses, we will normally give credit for a 6 or 7. For AP, a score of a 4 or 5 will normally get credit.
2011-10-25 19:53:09
@anon - You bet! Look forward to your enrollment :)
@anon - You bet! Look forward to your enrollment :)
2011-10-25 19:53:31
what % of admissions have a merit based scolarship?
what % of admissions have a merit based scolarship?
2011-10-25 19:53:32
We do accept a few students without prior programming experience -- as long as they walk on water. Of course, most students already have plenty of experience when they come here, some even already run software companies.
We do accept a few students without prior programming experience -- as long as they walk on water. Of course, most students already have plenty of experience when they come here, some even already run software companies.
2011-10-25 19:54:11
how do you consider people who graduated high school a year early?
how do you consider people who graduated high school a year early?
2011-10-25 19:54:12
@cobrakeeper Last year 7% of our applicants received a Carnegie Scholarship which still looks at need to some degree.
@cobrakeeper Last year 7% of our applicants received a Carnegie Scholarship which still looks at need to some degree.
2011-10-25 19:54:54
How are CMU's athletics, especially the Chess Team?
How are CMU's athletics, especially the Chess Team?
2011-10-25 19:54:55
@Minimacdude: I approve of your broad definition of "athletics". I am coaching our Putnam team!
@Minimacdude: I approve of your broad definition of "athletics". I am coaching our Putnam team!
2011-10-25 19:54:56
What experiences (summer camps, competitions, research projects, et cetera) would you look for in potential applicants?
What experiences (summer camps, competitions, research projects, et cetera) would you look for in potential applicants?
2011-10-25 19:55:13
@yeswecan - yeswedo! in fact, Klaus Sutner is advising a 19 year old Senior on research and threatens me with bodily harm if we don't get him into a top 5 graduate program
@yeswecan - yeswedo! in fact, Klaus Sutner is advising a 19 year old Senior on research and threatens me with bodily harm if we don't get him into a top 5 graduate program
2011-10-25 19:55:38
What were to happen if someone were jailed, but came back out, wne to school, and did EXTREMELY well? Would you still consider them?
What were to happen if someone were jailed, but came back out, wne to school, and did EXTREMELY well? Would you still consider them?
2011-10-25 19:55:57
@mcqueen - this was my situation 28 years ago!
@mcqueen - this was my situation 28 years ago!
2011-10-25 19:56:00
@anonymous2 We are looking for a mix of activities. Show us dedication to your activities through your application. All the things you mention would be taken into consideration.
@anonymous2 We are looking for a mix of activities. Show us dedication to your activities through your application. All the things you mention would be taken into consideration.
2011-10-25 19:56:19
What is your rate of retention from year to year? Graduation rate? Do your students usually take four years to graduate or five?
What is your rate of retention from year to year? Graduation rate? Do your students usually take four years to graduate or five?
2011-10-25 19:56:35
How easy is it to switch colleges/majors?
How easy is it to switch colleges/majors?
2011-10-25 19:56:43
@cooldene Our retention rate in 96 almost 97%. Graduation rate is 86%.
@cooldene Our retention rate in 96 almost 97%. Graduation rate is 86%.
2011-10-25 19:56:59
@andersonw - It is easy! People move all over in the first two years!
@andersonw - It is easy! People move all over in the first two years!
2011-10-25 19:57:05
When we apply at CMU, is it OK if we are for example an AIME or USAMO top scorer, but we don't excel as much in our extracurricular activities?
When we apply at CMU, is it OK if we are for example an AIME or USAMO top scorer, but we don't excel as much in our extracurricular activities?
2011-10-25 19:57:07
@dvn: It sounds like you're quite sharp. Pay us a visit in person, and we will see to it that you are properly considered. John and I personally meet with quite a few top students when they visit each year!
@dvn: It sounds like you're quite sharp. Pay us a visit in person, and we will see to it that you are properly considered. John and I personally meet with quite a few top students when they visit each year!
2011-10-25 19:57:10
am i too young to be here? im 13...
am i too young to be here? im 13...
2011-10-25 19:57:45
@mdy101 - John Nash enrolled at 16
@mdy101 - John Nash enrolled at 16
2011-10-25 19:58:07
its never too early to strt thinkin about college
its never too early to strt thinkin about college
2011-10-25 19:58:16
i'm 11, so you are probably not too young
i'm 11, so you are probably not too young
2011-10-25 19:58:27
@minimacdude The chess team is alive and well at CMU. But, in terms of other athletics, we're a D3 school with 17 varsity teams and 40 club and intramural teams.
@minimacdude The chess team is alive and well at CMU. But, in terms of other athletics, we're a D3 school with 17 varsity teams and 40 club and intramural teams.
2011-10-25 19:58:53
Would you say CMU is mainly a math school, with the majority of the research in theoretical mathematics, or how would you describe the research in applied mathematics? What about mathematical modeling of biological systems, for instance?
Would you say CMU is mainly a math school, with the majority of the research in theoretical mathematics, or how would you describe the research in applied mathematics? What about mathematical modeling of biological systems, for instance?
2011-10-25 19:59:34
do international students have to take TOFEL even if they have spent both MIddle school and high school in the US?
do international students have to take TOFEL even if they have spent both MIddle school and high school in the US?
2011-10-25 19:59:38
so what type of people does cmu accept?
so what type of people does cmu accept?
2011-10-25 20:00:38
@supermathman We require the TOEFL if your first language is not English, no matter where you've studied or in what language. We have a requirement of 102 on the iBT with a minimum of 26 in speaking and 25 in all other sections.
@supermathman We require the TOEFL if your first language is not English, no matter where you've studied or in what language. We have a requirement of 102 on the iBT with a minimum of 26 in speaking and 25 in all other sections.
2011-10-25 20:00:53
When you look at extracurriculars, does CMU value a more well-rounded applicant or a more focused one, who is extremely interested in a single interest (like math)?
When you look at extracurriculars, does CMU value a more well-rounded applicant or a more focused one, who is extremely interested in a single interest (like math)?
2011-10-25 20:00:55
@keelan32: If you are a very focused student who has spent a lot of time on your subject (i.e., math), you are probably very good. Exceptional people are always welcome! :)
@keelan32: If you are a very focused student who has spent a lot of time on your subject (i.e., math), you are probably very good. Exceptional people are always welcome! :)
2011-10-25 20:00:56
There is a lot of research work in "theory", though it's not always clear what the difference between theory and applications really is -- after all, the lambda calculus is now becoming increasingly important in the form of functional programming languages to support parallel computation (which, btw, we teach to our freshmen). We do a have a center for computational biology.
There is a lot of research work in "theory", though it's not always clear what the difference between theory and applications really is -- after all, the lambda calculus is now becoming increasingly important in the form of functional programming languages to support parallel computation (which, btw, we teach to our freshmen). We do a have a center for computational biology.
2011-10-25 20:00:59
in other words what is the ave gpa to get into cmu?
in other words what is the ave gpa to get into cmu?
2011-10-25 20:01:08
@kesh - They are passionate, sometimes shy, but *always* hardworking. I personally like that CMU students don't seem entitled or spoiled. They are fun to teach!
@kesh - They are passionate, sometimes shy, but *always* hardworking. I personally like that CMU students don't seem entitled or spoiled. They are fun to teach!
2011-10-25 20:01:30
come to MIT
come to MIT
2011-10-25 20:01:41
@keshavthvar The average GPA last year in the Mellon College of Science was 3.7/4.0 unweighted.
@keshavthvar The average GPA last year in the Mellon College of Science was 3.7/4.0 unweighted.
2011-10-25 20:01:50
@Rupa - you bet, I'll be there in November to recruit transfer students
@Rupa - you bet, I'll be there in November to recruit transfer students
2011-10-25 20:01:54
How many languages should a student be fluent with when they apply to CMU or to any other college?
How many languages should a student be fluent with when they apply to CMU or to any other college?
2011-10-25 20:02:02
Is there a good balance between academic and social life at CMU?
Is there a good balance between academic and social life at CMU?
2011-10-25 20:02:28
I assume you mean programming languages? Doesn't matter much, you will learn how to pick up programming languages of
I assume you mean programming languages? Doesn't matter much, you will learn how to pick up programming languages of
2011-10-25 20:02:39
how much sleep will you normally get per day
how much sleep will you normally get per day
2011-10-25 20:02:46
@DMA: I should say that I (as a faculty member) was particularly happy to notice that students at CMU work hard. One nice thing is that it is cool to be hardworking here. We are all very interested in what we do, so the social and academic circles intersect quite nicely.
@DMA: I should say that I (as a faculty member) was particularly happy to notice that students at CMU work hard. One nice thing is that it is cool to be hardworking here. We are all very interested in what we do, so the social and academic circles intersect quite nicely.
2011-10-25 20:02:49
@DMA Our students tend to be very active outside the classroom. We have over 250 active clubs on campus that include a very broad range of activities.
@DMA Our students tend to be very active outside the classroom. We have over 250 active clubs on campus that include a very broad range of activities.
2011-10-25 20:02:53
@chim - NONE. we only sleep at night!
@chim - NONE. we only sleep at night!
2011-10-25 20:02:55
different types (imperative, functional, object oriented, ...) fairly quickly.
different types (imperative, functional, object oriented, ...) fairly quickly.
2011-10-25 20:02:57
I appreciate your response, Professor Sutner.
I appreciate your response, Professor Sutner.
2011-10-25 20:03:03
What are the costs of tuition
What are the costs of tuition
2011-10-25 20:03:14
How does CMU try to integrate (yay math terms) a core curriculum, with some humanities, into a math major's schedule?
How does CMU try to integrate (yay math terms) a core curriculum, with some humanities, into a math major's schedule?
2011-10-25 20:03:26
@markoboy The current cost of attendance is $57,520.
@markoboy The current cost of attendance is $57,520.
2011-10-25 20:03:39
What is the food like at CMU?
What is the food like at CMU?
2011-10-25 20:04:11
All of the above, plus Mandarin and German.
All of the above, plus Mandarin and German.
2011-10-25 20:04:14
@keelean - the science core is 2 physics, 1 bio, 1 chem, 1 cs and the humanities are 3 specific types of classes and 4 non-technical electives.
@keelean - the science core is 2 physics, 1 bio, 1 chem, 1 cs and the humanities are 3 specific types of classes and 4 non-technical electives.
2011-10-25 20:04:30
@firework Carnegie Mellon has over 30 separate dining locations on campus. The locations include many types of cuisine and provide options for our students. Some locations are operated by local restaurants as well.
@firework Carnegie Mellon has over 30 separate dining locations on campus. The locations include many types of cuisine and provide options for our students. Some locations are operated by local restaurants as well.
2011-10-25 20:04:38
Is it easy to get a part-time job on campus, in the community?
Is it easy to get a part-time job on campus, in the community?
2011-10-25 20:05:12
@markoboy - Plenty of TAing, grading and campus jobs. More jobs than students to fill them, typically!
@markoboy - Plenty of TAing, grading and campus jobs. More jobs than students to fill them, typically!
2011-10-25 20:05:14
I have done science fair projects reached regional level, aiming at usamts high score and president of VMT at my high school. Does these help for CMU admissions?
I have done science fair projects reached regional level, aiming at usamts high score and president of VMT at my high school. Does these help for CMU admissions?
2011-10-25 20:05:39
what is the rigor of work like for freshman? is their adequate support in place to make sure that they aren't instantly overwhelmed by difficult math or science classes?
what is the rigor of work like for freshman? is their adequate support in place to make sure that they aren't instantly overwhelmed by difficult math or science classes?
2011-10-25 20:05:55
@SidRocks These activities certainly help with your application. We are looking for students who excel in the classroom, but have accomplishments outside the classroom as well.
@SidRocks These activities certainly help with your application. We are looking for students who excel in the classroom, but have accomplishments outside the classroom as well.
2011-10-25 20:06:05
Is the avg GPA and SAT score needed higher for Biomedical engineering (CIT) than MCS programs?
Is the avg GPA and SAT score needed higher for Biomedical engineering (CIT) than MCS programs?
2011-10-25 20:06:24
@DMA - Yes there is adequate support. As for rigor, my Concepts Exam is tomorrow and someone just asked me if I would be available at 3am to answer questions.
@DMA - Yes there is adequate support. As for rigor, my Concepts Exam is tomorrow and someone just asked me if I would be available at 3am to answer questions.
2011-10-25 20:06:27
Lets say we make our own business in high school or build an app to help students.How much does it show on the application?
Lets say we make our own business in high school or build an app to help students.How much does it show on the application?
2011-10-25 20:06:57
@owl00 The averages for the engineering school are slightly higher, but only by .02 in GPA. SATs are pretty close as well.
@owl00 The averages for the engineering school are slightly higher, but only by .02 in GPA. SATs are pretty close as well.
2011-10-25 20:07:13
It's up to you to construct a top notch application, but of course it will help greatly if you can say something about your own company.
It's up to you to construct a top notch application, but of course it will help greatly if you can say something about your own company.
2011-10-25 20:07:50
How does CMU handle more autodidactic applicants? Are there any placement exams to get a heads up if we've taught ourselves a lot of college math already?
How does CMU handle more autodidactic applicants? Are there any placement exams to get a heads up if we've taught ourselves a lot of college math already?
2011-10-25 20:08:19
You can find our admission averages here:
You can find our admission averages here:
2011-10-25 20:08:24
Yes, that is an excellent question, keelan32.
Yes, that is an excellent question, keelan32.
2011-10-25 20:08:25
What is the bioengineering program like at CMU?
What is the bioengineering program like at CMU?
2011-10-25 20:08:37
@keelan - We take a lot of time getting to know students before they step on campus and make sure that they are in appropriate classes. We have lots of entry points into the curriculum.
@keelan - We take a lot of time getting to know students before they step on campus and make sure that they are in appropriate classes. We have lots of entry points into the curriculum.
2011-10-25 20:09:50
@number.sense Biomedical engineering at CMU is offered as a double major to be taken in conjunction with one of our other disciplines in engineering. The BME program has a track for each of our main disciplines (biomechanics for mechanical engineers for instance) that allows students to have a traditional engineering background and a strong biomedical focus.
@number.sense Biomedical engineering at CMU is offered as a double major to be taken in conjunction with one of our other disciplines in engineering. The BME program has a track for each of our main disciplines (biomechanics for mechanical engineers for instance) that allows students to have a traditional engineering background and a strong biomedical focus.
2011-10-25 20:09:55
What is the medical school placement like?
What is the medical school placement like?
2011-10-25 20:10:19
Yes, CMU has a "no wall" philosohpy -- anything that makes academic sense is OK.
Yes, CMU has a "no wall" philosohpy -- anything that makes academic sense is OK.
2011-10-25 20:10:33
@number.sense Students in our Health Professions Program advising track have an 85% placement rate into med school. We have alums in all of the best medical schools.
@number.sense Students in our Health Professions Program advising track have an 85% placement rate into med school. We have alums in all of the best medical schools.
2011-10-25 20:10:33
In addition to math and computer science, what other fields are very strong at CMU?
In addition to math and computer science, what other fields are very strong at CMU?
2011-10-25 20:10:52
what time does this go to?
what time does this go to?
2011-10-25 20:10:53
@cobra: We'll be here until somewhere between 8:30 and 9:00 pm. Please keep up the questions! :)
@cobra: We'll be here until somewhere between 8:30 and 9:00 pm. Please keep up the questions! :)
2011-10-25 20:10:54
do you treat students with H4 visa differently from those with F1 visa, by any means?
do you treat students with H4 visa differently from those with F1 visa, by any means?
2011-10-25 20:11:14
@sindennisz - Computational Finance (Masters Program is #1 in the country, undergraduate programs don't get ranked)
@sindennisz - Computational Finance (Masters Program is #1 in the country, undergraduate programs don't get ranked)
2011-10-25 20:11:26
Do a lot of students struggle in their freshman years?
Do a lot of students struggle in their freshman years?
2011-10-25 20:11:32
@supermathman In the admission process no, students with either visa type are required to apply as international students.
@supermathman In the admission process no, students with either visa type are required to apply as international students.
2011-10-25 20:12:02
@dvn: We actually are most interested in students who want a challenge.
@dvn: We actually are most interested in students who want a challenge.
2011-10-25 20:12:30
@dvn - There is no beating around the bush that CMU is challenging, and some people will struggle. The point is that there is a lot of academic support to help when this happens.
@dvn - There is no beating around the bush that CMU is challenging, and some people will struggle. The point is that there is a lot of academic support to help when this happens.
2011-10-25 20:12:46
Approximately what percentage of students at CMU have girlfriends/boyfriends?
Approximately what percentage of students at CMU have girlfriends/boyfriends?
2011-10-25 20:12:54
@mini - real or imagined?
@mini - real or imagined?
2011-10-25 20:13:08
2011-10-25 20:13:16
@mini - 70%
@mini - 70%
2011-10-25 20:13:17
@dvn: I myself was most drawn to this place by the hardworking nature of the student body. Students here seem to prefer classes tougher rather than easier, because they actually want to learn something.
@dvn: I myself was most drawn to this place by the hardworking nature of the student body. Students here seem to prefer classes tougher rather than easier, because they actually want to learn something.
2011-10-25 20:13:51
what about imagined?
what about imagined?
2011-10-25 20:13:57
@chimka - the rest
@chimka - the rest
2011-10-25 20:13:59
We offer a complete robotics minor, so a whole bunch of courses are offered on a regular basis -- plus special topics courses on an irregular basis.
We offer a complete robotics minor, so a whole bunch of courses are offered on a regular basis -- plus special topics courses on an irregular basis.
2011-10-25 20:14:08
i guessed as much
i guessed as much
2011-10-25 20:14:17
@sindnnisz In addition to Comp Finance, our engineering programs are consistently ranked in the top 10. Business, likewise. Our fine arts programs are well respected as well.
@sindnnisz In addition to Comp Finance, our engineering programs are consistently ranked in the top 10. Business, likewise. Our fine arts programs are well respected as well.
2011-10-25 20:15:47
Does CMU offer merit scholarship or financial aid to international students?
Does CMU offer merit scholarship or financial aid to international students?
2011-10-25 20:16:03
2011-10-25 20:16:10
@genius - Hi :)
@genius - Hi :)
2011-10-25 20:16:11
@OneShotSniper We don't offer merit scholarships to international students currently.
@OneShotSniper We don't offer merit scholarships to international students currently.
2011-10-25 20:16:33
Does it matter if we went to a public or private school in middle school or high? Isn't a private school much more of a challenge to students?
Does it matter if we went to a public or private school in middle school or high? Isn't a private school much more of a challenge to students?
2011-10-25 20:16:34
@dvn: It's most impressive if you have some nice results in national competitions. Then it doesn't matter whether you went to private or public school!
@dvn: It's most impressive if you have some nice results in national competitions. Then it doesn't matter whether you went to private or public school!
2011-10-25 20:16:41
Can someone get a graduate degree around the same timeframe by taking grad courses
Can someone get a graduate degree around the same timeframe by taking grad courses
2011-10-25 20:16:48
How good is the food at CMU?
How good is the food at CMU?
2011-10-25 20:16:56
@QuantumTiger Carnegie Mellon has over 30 separate dining locations on campus. The locations include many types of cuisine and provide options for our students. Some locations are operated by local restaurants as well.
@QuantumTiger Carnegie Mellon has over 30 separate dining locations on campus. The locations include many types of cuisine and provide options for our students. Some locations are operated by local restaurants as well.
2011-10-25 20:17:05
Arguably electrical engineering, though all the programs are very strong.
Arguably electrical engineering, though all the programs are very strong.
2011-10-25 20:17:10
lemme restate my question: Do students with H4 visa pay out of state tuition or international tuition. (So is there any diference between H4 and F1 in terms of tuition and other matters?)
lemme restate my question: Do students with H4 visa pay out of state tuition or international tuition. (So is there any diference between H4 and F1 in terms of tuition and other matters?)
2011-10-25 20:17:17
@sid We have a Masters in 4 years through the Honors Program - 5 additional graduate classes and a Master's Thesis
@sid We have a Masters in 4 years through the Honors Program - 5 additional graduate classes and a Master's Thesis
2011-10-25 20:17:29
@Sid I am an alumnus of that program! :)
@Sid I am an alumnus of that program! :)
2011-10-25 20:17:33
@supermathman Because we're a private university, tuition is the same for all students.
@supermathman Because we're a private university, tuition is the same for all students.
2011-10-25 20:17:39
Do you prefer individual work or team work at CMU?
Do you prefer individual work or team work at CMU?
2011-10-25 20:17:40
@hasan4444: Both characteristics are very important in life! I recommend excelling in both.
@hasan4444: Both characteristics are very important in life! I recommend excelling in both.
2011-10-25 20:17:49
Do you do in-person interviews before admissions?
Do you do in-person interviews before admissions?
2011-10-25 20:18:47
@hasan4444: Did I meet you at MathCamp this summer, by the way? :)
@hasan4444: Did I meet you at MathCamp this summer, by the way? :)
2011-10-25 20:18:52
@owl00 We recommend an interview either with an admission counselor or an alumni volunter, but it's not required.
@owl00 We recommend an interview either with an admission counselor or an alumni volunter, but it's not required.
2011-10-25 20:19:12
Does Canadian count as international students ?
Does Canadian count as international students ?
2011-10-25 20:19:19
2011-10-25 20:19:34
how much is available in merit scholarships? Are there full-rides?
how much is available in merit scholarships? Are there full-rides?
2011-10-25 20:19:46
I can only speak to CS: we're better.
I can only speak to CS: we're better.
2011-10-25 20:20:01
How does CMU's undergrad program rank in comparison to those of ivyleague schools?
How does CMU's undergrad program rank in comparison to those of ivyleague schools?
2011-10-25 20:20:05
@number.sense The only merit scholarship is the Carnegie Scholarship. Last year on average is was an award of $8500.
@number.sense The only merit scholarship is the Carnegie Scholarship. Last year on average is was an award of $8500.
2011-10-25 20:20:12
Yeah, sorry if I'm annoying you everywhere :)
Yeah, sorry if I'm annoying you everywhere :)
2011-10-25 20:20:13
@hasan4444: You're not annoying me. Will you come up from Philadelphia to visit at some point? :)
@hasan4444: You're not annoying me. Will you come up from Philadelphia to visit at some point? :)
2011-10-25 20:20:16
I've seen them go up to about $15,000.
I've seen them go up to about $15,000.
2011-10-25 20:20:26
Do you recommend participating in the pre-college programs as a jr or sr before applying to CMU?
Do you recommend participating in the pre-college programs as a jr or sr before applying to CMU?
2011-10-25 20:20:33
CS is the best, and as for Math, please check the Putnam Ranks in March.
CS is the best, and as for Math, please check the Putnam Ranks in March.
2011-10-25 20:20:42
CMU is rated #1 for Comp Science (so is Stanford)
CMU is rated #1 for Comp Science (so is Stanford)
2011-10-25 20:21:41
@owl00 Pre-college will give you the chance to see how great CMU is, but it will also give you a CMU transcript. If you do well in the classes in pre-college, they could help in the admission process.
@owl00 Pre-college will give you the chance to see how great CMU is, but it will also give you a CMU transcript. If you do well in the classes in pre-college, they could help in the admission process.
2011-10-25 20:22:15
I currently don't know any programming languages, so which language do you recommend I should learn before I go to CMU?
I currently don't know any programming languages, so which language do you recommend I should learn before I go to CMU?
2011-10-25 20:22:21
does the IB diploma influence acceptance?
does the IB diploma influence acceptance?
2011-10-25 20:22:44
I would suggets to look at C, we are using a type-safe version of that in one of the introductory classes.
I would suggets to look at C, we are using a type-safe version of that in one of the introductory classes.
2011-10-25 20:22:46
@Rocket95 We recognize the IB diploma as a very rigorous program and consider that in the review process.
@Rocket95 We recognize the IB diploma as a very rigorous program and consider that in the review process.
2011-10-25 20:22:55
What's CMU's mascot?
What's CMU's mascot?
2011-10-25 20:23:01
Another choice is Standard ML.
Another choice is Standard ML.
2011-10-25 20:23:11
would you say that CMU students are, for the most part, happy?
would you say that CMU students are, for the most part, happy?
2011-10-25 20:23:12
@DMA: Yes, I think that people are mostly quite happy here. People enjoy working hard, if the subjects are interesting and they feel they are truly learning something interesting.
@DMA: Yes, I think that people are mostly quite happy here. People enjoy working hard, if the subjects are interesting and they feel they are truly learning something interesting.
2011-10-25 20:23:33
@QuantumTiger Officially we are the Carnegie Mellon Tartans - so a piece of plaid fabric. But, unofficially the Scotty dog.
@QuantumTiger Officially we are the Carnegie Mellon Tartans - so a piece of plaid fabric. But, unofficially the Scotty dog.
2011-10-25 20:24:13
How does the Chinese curriculum compare to that of other schools?
How does the Chinese curriculum compare to that of other schools?
2011-10-25 20:24:15
Whats the best part about CMU?
Whats the best part about CMU?
2011-10-25 20:24:29
If I want to go for a campus visit, which department should I contact so that I may get the most of information?
If I want to go for a campus visit, which department should I contact so that I may get the most of information?
2011-10-25 20:24:31
@HIJUMP: If you are interested in math, please contact me or John directly!
@HIJUMP: If you are interested in math, please contact me or John directly!
2011-10-25 20:24:38
What probably the girl to boy ratio is in CMU ?
What probably the girl to boy ratio is in CMU ?
2011-10-25 20:24:38
@Kingofmath We have the largest Mandarin Chinese program east of the west coast.
@Kingofmath We have the largest Mandarin Chinese program east of the west coast.
2011-10-25 20:24:44
@rdk - the lack of pretention and the abundance of entreprenurial spirit
@rdk - the lack of pretention and the abundance of entreprenurial spirit
2011-10-25 20:25:15
In CS we have about 25% females, approximately twice as many as our competitors. Not sure about the rest ...
In CS we have about 25% females, approximately twice as many as our competitors. Not sure about the rest ...
2011-10-25 20:25:18
@kingofmath Almost 60% of our students will take a foreign language during their time at CMU in addition to their major course.
@kingofmath Almost 60% of our students will take a foreign language during their time at CMU in addition to their major course.
2011-10-25 20:26:17
Is CMU's football team any better than Princeton's? How about any more entertaining to watch?
Is CMU's football team any better than Princeton's? How about any more entertaining to watch?
2011-10-25 20:26:43
@quantum - I don't know, but an offensive tackle once got 50 on the Putnam!
@quantum - I don't know, but an offensive tackle once got 50 on the Putnam!
2011-10-25 20:27:06
Does CMU have a major competitor? For example, Stanford's competitor is Berkley.
Does CMU have a major competitor? For example, Stanford's competitor is Berkley.
2011-10-25 20:27:08
@dvn: MIT. Both of us emphasize technical fields!
@dvn: MIT. Both of us emphasize technical fields!
2011-10-25 20:27:24
Would you reccomend majoring in some other area along with computer science?
Would you reccomend majoring in some other area along with computer science?
2011-10-25 20:27:26
i skipped 3 years of math at my high school once the teachers stopped being oppresive, could this help make up for imperfect humanities grades
i skipped 3 years of math at my high school once the teachers stopped being oppresive, could this help make up for imperfect humanities grades
2011-10-25 20:27:33
@peregrine - yes.
@peregrine - yes.
2011-10-25 20:27:37
Does CMU have competitive debate teams or activities, for the non polisci major?
Does CMU have competitive debate teams or activities, for the non polisci major?
2011-10-25 20:27:49
is foreign language a requirement for graduation? If yes, is getting a 4 or 5 will satisfy that requirement?
is foreign language a requirement for graduation? If yes, is getting a 4 or 5 will satisfy that requirement?
2011-10-25 20:27:55
@soy - no.
@soy - no.
2011-10-25 20:28:04
Besides Computer Science, what's the other most popular department in CMU ?
Besides Computer Science, what's the other most popular department in CMU ?
2011-10-25 20:28:15
@keelan32 We only have a competitive Model UN team currently, but you could start another debate team if you come to CMU. We're very supportive of starting new clubs on campus.
@keelan32 We only have a competitive Model UN team currently, but you could start another debate team if you come to CMU. We're very supportive of starting new clubs on campus.
2011-10-25 20:28:41
The most frequent combinations are CS plus math or business -- but there all kinds of other possibilities. Someone once majored in bagpipes along with CS.
The most frequent combinations are CS plus math or business -- but there all kinds of other possibilities. Someone once majored in bagpipes along with CS.
2011-10-25 20:28:45
2011-10-25 20:29:06
what was the graduation rate for computer science/EE last year? Also, roughly what persantage of those CS students got a job?
what was the graduation rate for computer science/EE last year? Also, roughly what persantage of those CS students got a job?
2011-10-25 20:29:08
Does visiting CMU have any effect on the admissions process, or is it purely for us to know what it's like? And do interviews need to be conducted on campus?
Does visiting CMU have any effect on the admissions process, or is it purely for us to know what it's like? And do interviews need to be conducted on campus?
2011-10-25 20:29:54
@jmackey: I'd guess the entire Princeton football team can equal that feat, judging by their performance on the field and the inverse relationship between mathematical and athletic ability.
@jmackey: I'd guess the entire Princeton football team can equal that feat, judging by their performance on the field and the inverse relationship between mathematical and athletic ability.
2011-10-25 20:29:55
How highly do you view MOP qualification? I have heard that it significantly increases your chances of being accepted. Is this true?
How highly do you view MOP qualification? I have heard that it significantly increases your chances of being accepted. Is this true?
2011-10-25 20:29:57
@mario123: If you make MOP, you and I meet there. I will personally walk your file over to admissions.
@mario123: If you make MOP, you and I meet there. I will personally walk your file over to admissions.
2011-10-25 20:30:06
Graduation rate is about 86%. A few years ago we had 140 companies trying to recrute 105 CS graduates. Some of our students are getting 6-digit offers.
Graduation rate is about 86%. A few years ago we had 140 companies trying to recrute 105 CS graduates. Some of our students are getting 6-digit offers.
2011-10-25 20:30:07
Visiting CMU can help in the admission process. It shows your interest in the university, which we value in the process. Interviews can be done on campus or off campus with an alumni volunteer.
Visiting CMU can help in the admission process. It shows your interest in the university, which we value in the process. Interviews can be done on campus or off campus with an alumni volunteer.
2011-10-25 20:30:17
What is the percentage of applicants you accepted last year?
What is the percentage of applicants you accepted last year?
2011-10-25 20:30:22
@quantum - taught Ryan Fitzpatrick at Harvard and now he's an MVP in Buffalo, so who really knows...
@quantum - taught Ryan Fitzpatrick at Harvard and now he's an MVP in Buffalo, so who really knows...
2011-10-25 20:30:54
Semester system or Quarter system?
Semester system or Quarter system?
2011-10-25 20:31:15
@DJohnson We accepted somewhere around 22% of our applicants last year. Some programs are more competitive.
@DJohnson We accepted somewhere around 22% of our applicants last year. Some programs are more competitive.
2011-10-25 20:31:18
@chees - semester. but we have mini-half-semester courses too!
@chees - semester. but we have mini-half-semester courses too!
2011-10-25 20:31:21
Is it possible to Major in Engineering and minor in Drama or would that be too much? I am in theatre in my high school and enjoy that a lot.
Is it possible to Major in Engineering and minor in Drama or would that be too much? I am in theatre in my high school and enjoy that a lot.
2011-10-25 20:32:09
@jmackey: Alright, there are a few exceptions. :P But think about well can a piece of plaid fabric play football?
@jmackey: Alright, there are a few exceptions. :P But think about well can a piece of plaid fabric play football?
2011-10-25 20:32:29
@quantum - at least as well as a color. consider the Dartmouth "Green"
@quantum - at least as well as a color. consider the Dartmouth "Green"
2011-10-25 20:32:51
@owl00 There is a minor in drama, and it is possible to combine that with engineering. You can't act in any of the School of Drama productions. One of our largest student groups is Scotch 'n' Soda theater which puts on about 8+ shows a year open to the whole university.
@owl00 There is a minor in drama, and it is possible to combine that with engineering. You can't act in any of the School of Drama productions. One of our largest student groups is Scotch 'n' Soda theater which puts on about 8+ shows a year open to the whole university.
2011-10-25 20:33:05
How are the dorms at CMU?
How are the dorms at CMU?
2011-10-25 20:33:22
Out of curiosity, are there any internship opportunities in the vicinity of CMU in *computational finance* that undergraduates participate in?
Out of curiosity, are there any internship opportunities in the vicinity of CMU in *computational finance* that undergraduates participate in?
2011-10-25 20:33:25
Is CMU a liberal-arts school?
Is CMU a liberal-arts school?
2011-10-25 20:33:26
@dvn - there are many liberals and we have a killer art school. so, yes.
@dvn - there are many liberals and we have a killer art school. so, yes.
2011-10-25 20:33:53
@anon Not really, but Wall Street is not far away and hires lots of our graduates.
@anon Not really, but Wall Street is not far away and hires lots of our graduates.
2011-10-25 20:34:10
@k00lperson Our dorms are varied in age and style. Most first year students live a traditional residence hall, but afterwards the options for housing grow to include apartments, suites, townhouses, etc.
@k00lperson Our dorms are varied in age and style. Most first year students live a traditional residence hall, but afterwards the options for housing grow to include apartments, suites, townhouses, etc.
2011-10-25 20:34:17
Was that Can't act or can act?
Was that Can't act or can act?
2011-10-25 20:34:26
@owl00 can't act
@owl00 can't act
2011-10-25 20:34:37
@HIJUMP - Electrical and Computer Engineering. It is an amazing program!
@HIJUMP - Electrical and Computer Engineering. It is an amazing program!
2011-10-25 20:34:40
What ECE stands for when talking about popular majors in CMU?
What ECE stands for when talking about popular majors in CMU?
2011-10-25 20:34:50
How's the campus? I heard it was really nice.
How's the campus? I heard it was really nice.
2011-10-25 20:35:39
What percentage of students stay at CMU for a graduate degree?
What percentage of students stay at CMU for a graduate degree?
2011-10-25 20:35:40
@DJohnson: I personally run the Ph.D. admissions for the Math side of our Algorithms, Combinatorics, and Optimization inter-disciplinary degree. I can say that (for the good of the students) I intentionally do not accept CMU undergrads for that Ph.D. program. This is because it is highly encouraged to go to a different institution for your undergraduate and Ph.D. degrees. That way you can experience different philosophies on your subject.
@DJohnson: I personally run the Ph.D. admissions for the Math side of our Algorithms, Combinatorics, and Optimization inter-disciplinary degree. I can say that (for the good of the students) I intentionally do not accept CMU undergrads for that Ph.D. program. This is because it is highly encouraged to go to a different institution for your undergraduate and Ph.D. degrees. That way you can experience different philosophies on your subject.
2011-10-25 20:35:51
@quantum - no. but i had him in my single variable calculus class. smart guy. really.
@quantum - no. but i had him in my single variable calculus class. smart guy. really.
2011-10-25 20:35:55
@jmackey: True. And Dartmouth does rather well. Apparently even intangible objects can hold a football and run with it. Did Ryan Fitzpatrick, perchance, major in math?
@jmackey: True. And Dartmouth does rather well. Apparently even intangible objects can hold a football and run with it. Did Ryan Fitzpatrick, perchance, major in math?
2011-10-25 20:36:23
@psloh: Interesting, thank you.
@psloh: Interesting, thank you.
2011-10-25 20:36:36
@mario123 We have a 110-acre traditional college campus in the hear of Pittsburgh. We are surrounded on two sides by nicer residential neighborhoods, on the other side by a 500 acre city park, and on the other side U of Pitt.
@mario123 We have a 110-acre traditional college campus in the hear of Pittsburgh. We are surrounded on two sides by nicer residential neighborhoods, on the other side by a 500 acre city park, and on the other side U of Pitt.
2011-10-25 20:36:42
how does CMU consider recommendation letters in admissions, and are there any specific letters requested/required (i.e. one math, one humanity, etc)?
how does CMU consider recommendation letters in admissions, and are there any specific letters requested/required (i.e. one math, one humanity, etc)?
2011-10-25 20:37:09
Are you guys promoting CMU? What is this Math Jam for?
Are you guys promoting CMU? What is this Math Jam for?
2011-10-25 20:37:09
@mathyoga - In all seriousness, we want people to go to the correct school for them. The point is that we think that the school is usually CMU.
@mathyoga - In all seriousness, we want people to go to the correct school for them. The point is that we think that the school is usually CMU.
2011-10-25 20:37:10
@keelan32 We use them in the academic portion of your review. We require one from a counselor and one froma teacher. Send more if you like.
@keelan32 We use them in the academic portion of your review. We require one from a counselor and one froma teacher. Send more if you like.
2011-10-25 20:37:16
volunteering, academic studies, ranking, extracuricular activities, awards, which of the above aspects do you see as the most important when considering a science(including computer science) appilcant?
volunteering, academic studies, ranking, extracuricular activities, awards, which of the above aspects do you see as the most important when considering a science(including computer science) appilcant?
2011-10-25 20:38:32
Is this supposed to help me in any way?
Is this supposed to help me in any way?
2011-10-25 20:38:33
@mathyoga - it can. you will know us and when you visit campus we will already have things to discuss. Also, we are happy to discuss extremal combinatorics and algebraic topology if you want to go the more technical route.
@mathyoga - it can. you will know us and when you visit campus we will already have things to discuss. Also, we are happy to discuss extremal combinatorics and algebraic topology if you want to go the more technical route.
2011-10-25 20:39:13
@supermathman Academics will always come in first. We have to know first that you can do the work at CMU. Once we know that, it's things like service, activities, leaderships, essays, visits to campus, interviews, awards, etc. that come into play in making the admission decision.
@supermathman Academics will always come in first. We have to know first that you can do the work at CMU. Once we know that, it's things like service, activities, leaderships, essays, visits to campus, interviews, awards, etc. that come into play in making the admission decision.
2011-10-25 20:39:38
my dad went to CMU
my dad went to CMU
2011-10-25 20:39:56
he went for post grauate
he went for post grauate
2011-10-25 20:40:14
is it necessary to have a musical instrument. I play piano but it consumes a lot of time from my schedule and I find it hard to spend time on math.
is it necessary to have a musical instrument. I play piano but it consumes a lot of time from my schedule and I find it hard to spend time on math.
2011-10-25 20:40:15
@dvn - we actually have the BXA Programs which combine the fine arts with more technical majors like CS, Physics and Math
@dvn - we actually have the BXA Programs which combine the fine arts with more technical majors like CS, Physics and Math
2011-10-25 20:40:30
i went to the campus and its awesome
i went to the campus and its awesome
2011-10-25 20:41:15
@karthik6d - great! Please drop by the Math Palace otherwise known as Wean Hall when you are in town and hang out with Dr. Loh and me!
@karthik6d - great! Please drop by the Math Palace otherwise known as Wean Hall when you are in town and hang out with Dr. Loh and me!
2011-10-25 20:41:31
How's the food?
How's the food?
2011-10-25 20:42:04
the food wuestion has been brought up a number of times now...
the food wuestion has been brought up a number of times now...
2011-10-25 20:42:19
@k00lperson Carnegie Mellon has over 30 separate dining locations on campus. All different types of food to eat. Much of it is very good. Some locations are operated by local restaurants.
@k00lperson Carnegie Mellon has over 30 separate dining locations on campus. All different types of food to eat. Much of it is very good. Some locations are operated by local restaurants.
2011-10-25 20:42:24
Have you had students attend CMU that have taken courses or graduated from EPGY Online High School?
Have you had students attend CMU that have taken courses or graduated from EPGY Online High School?
2011-10-25 20:42:24
@DJohnson - YES!
@DJohnson - YES!
2011-10-25 20:42:52
Related question: What sort of ice cream shops does CMU have nearby?
Related question: What sort of ice cream shops does CMU have nearby?
2011-10-25 20:43:08
Do you guys have Putnam classes?
Do you guys have Putnam classes?
2011-10-25 20:43:09
@mario123: Yes. Now I run 4 Putnam classes.
@mario123: Yes. Now I run 4 Putnam classes.
2011-10-25 20:43:35
@keelan32 Dave & Andy's consistently ranked one of the top 10 ice cream places in the country is right down the street.
@keelan32 Dave & Andy's consistently ranked one of the top 10 ice cream places in the country is right down the street.
2011-10-25 20:44:12
As potential students at CMU--which, let us be frank, is a little statistically unlikely, given your admissions rate--what would you offer us to maximize our time at CMU?
As potential students at CMU--which, let us be frank, is a little statistically unlikely, given your admissions rate--what would you offer us to maximize our time at CMU?
2011-10-25 20:44:28
@mario123: They are aimed at different levels. The first two meetings are lecture-style, and we go over different topics each week. The Putnam course is a problem-solving seminar which generally prepares students for the national Putnam competition, a proof based competition similar to the USAMO/IMO.
@mario123: They are aimed at different levels. The first two meetings are lecture-style, and we go over different topics each week. The Putnam course is a problem-solving seminar which generally prepares students for the national Putnam competition, a proof based competition similar to the USAMO/IMO.
2011-10-25 20:44:59
@mario123: Then, I hold a third session which meets for an hour each week; there, I provide some problems, and students work independently.
@mario123: Then, I hold a third session which meets for an hour each week; there, I provide some problems, and students work independently.
2011-10-25 20:45:09
However, then I walk around the room giving individual hints as students are working.
However, then I walk around the room giving individual hints as students are working.
2011-10-25 20:45:25
This way, they don't have their fun ruined by me giving the answer away immediately.
This way, they don't have their fun ruined by me giving the answer away immediately.
2011-10-25 20:45:31
What is a "Putnam Class"?
What is a "Putnam Class"?
2011-10-25 20:45:32
@Mini - It's Po-shen Loh, entering with smoke and theme music and laying down the math contest law, baby!
@Mini - It's Po-shen Loh, entering with smoke and theme music and laying down the math contest law, baby!
2011-10-25 20:45:41
This is in similar spirit to the way I teach at MOP.
This is in similar spirit to the way I teach at MOP.
2011-10-25 20:45:44
How accessible are undergrad math competitions at CMU? What I mean is: if you aren't a USAMO winner/similar level, can you still find opportunities to compete?
How accessible are undergrad math competitions at CMU? What I mean is: if you aren't a USAMO winner/similar level, can you still find opportunities to compete?
2011-10-25 20:46:25
@anonymous2 In addition to having strong academics, you should try to put all of your non-academic info in the best light. Tell us everything that you are doing. Make an activities resume and detail everything. Assume we know nothing in admissions, so be descriptive. Use your essays wisely. Tell us what makes you unique. Tell us something we can't find anywhere else in the application. Finally, tell us why you want to be a CMU.
@anonymous2 In addition to having strong academics, you should try to put all of your non-academic info in the best light. Tell us everything that you are doing. Make an activities resume and detail everything. Assume we know nothing in admissions, so be descriptive. Use your essays wisely. Tell us what makes you unique. Tell us something we can't find anywhere else in the application. Finally, tell us why you want to be a CMU.
2011-10-25 20:46:30
Finally, the 4th session meets on Sunday afternoons. There, students work on the hardest problems in the Putnam, and (to be honest) greatly impress me with their performance.
Finally, the 4th session meets on Sunday afternoons. There, students work on the hardest problems in the Putnam, and (to be honest) greatly impress me with their performance.
2011-10-25 20:46:37
Do you have to live on campus for all four years? (undergrad)
Do you have to live on campus for all four years? (undergrad)
2011-10-25 20:46:38
@jmackey: Do you find that overall they are well-prepared and make the transition to rigor of college courses well?
@jmackey: Do you find that overall they are well-prepared and make the transition to rigor of college courses well?
2011-10-25 20:46:39
@DJohnson - I think that they help a great deal!
@DJohnson - I think that they help a great deal!
2011-10-25 20:46:45
@keelan32: I try my best to make everything accessible, even if people have no prior experience!
@keelan32: I try my best to make everything accessible, even if people have no prior experience!
2011-10-25 20:46:59
@superhumanmath You are only required to live on campus the first year. After that you are guranteed housing for all for years.
@superhumanmath You are only required to live on campus the first year. After that you are guranteed housing for all for years.
2011-10-25 20:47:14
@keelan32: My Tuesday session is mostly attended by students who are new to competitions, but find the notion of problem solving interesting.
@keelan32: My Tuesday session is mostly attended by students who are new to competitions, but find the notion of problem solving interesting.
2011-10-25 20:47:25
what kind of snack shops in genersl?
what kind of snack shops in genersl?
2011-10-25 20:47:35
@keelan32: After doing that last year, I observed that a number of students moved into my Thursday session, which is a bit faster-paced.
@keelan32: After doing that last year, I observed that a number of students moved into my Thursday session, which is a bit faster-paced.
2011-10-25 20:47:47
@cobrakeeper We have an on campus convinience store called Entropy. Others are in the area.
@cobrakeeper We have an on campus convinience store called Entropy. Others are in the area.
2011-10-25 20:48:19
@keelan32: Even if you did not make USAMO (yet), there will be an entry point for you into the problem-solving curriculum here at CMU. :)
@keelan32: Even if you did not make USAMO (yet), there will be an entry point for you into the problem-solving curriculum here at CMU. :)
2011-10-25 20:48:29
@keelan32: I hope that answered your question!
@keelan32: I hope that answered your question!
2011-10-25 20:48:36
intern opportunities?
intern opportunities?
2011-10-25 20:48:37
@supermathman - our students usually get Summer Internships with good firms, microsoft, google, banking, etc...
@supermathman - our students usually get Summer Internships with good firms, microsoft, google, banking, etc...
2011-10-25 20:48:43
It did, thank you :)
It did, thank you :)
2011-10-25 20:48:46
Why is it called Entropy?
Why is it called Entropy?
2011-10-25 20:48:56
@soul: It increases the entropy of your stomach.
@soul: It increases the entropy of your stomach.
2011-10-25 20:50:27
@mwkozak: These are wonderful suggestions. However, I wanted to ask how to maximize our time at CMU *if* we get in. Do you have any suggestions along this light?
@mwkozak: These are wonderful suggestions. However, I wanted to ask how to maximize our time at CMU *if* we get in. Do you have any suggestions along this light?
2011-10-25 20:50:28
@anonymous - hang out with the smartest people. take the most interesting classes, regardless of whether they are advancing you toward some certificate. explore, but always seek excellence.
@anonymous - hang out with the smartest people. take the most interesting classes, regardless of whether they are advancing you toward some certificate. explore, but always seek excellence.
2011-10-25 20:50:58
what is tuition excluding your room (if you live off campus)?
what is tuition excluding your room (if you live off campus)?
2011-10-25 20:51:27
Tuition alone is around $43,000
Tuition alone is around $43,000
2011-10-25 20:51:32
what is tuition including your room?
what is tuition including your room?
2011-10-25 20:51:36
Thank you, Professor Mackey.
Thank you, Professor Mackey.
2011-10-25 20:51:39
What do you know about the Plaid Parliament of Pwning? :P
What do you know about the Plaid Parliament of Pwning? :P
2011-10-25 20:51:40
@anderson - this is our Putnam Team Name
@anderson - this is our Putnam Team Name
2011-10-25 20:51:48
Cost of attendance is $57,520.
Cost of attendance is $57,520.
2011-10-25 20:51:53
2011-10-25 20:52:04
2011-10-25 20:52:14
How many percentile of the graduates do med?
How many percentile of the graduates do med?
2011-10-25 20:52:22
@k00lperson 85%
@k00lperson 85%
2011-10-25 20:53:27
What's the most common major?
What's the most common major?
2011-10-25 20:53:38
Does $60000 cover everything?
Does $60000 cover everything?
2011-10-25 20:53:42
@anonymous2: I really love the fact that students work hard here. I like to teach tough classes, and it is much more fun when the students appreciate it as well!
@anonymous2: I really love the fact that students work hard here. I like to teach tough classes, and it is much more fun when the students appreciate it as well!
2011-10-25 20:53:47
To the professors at CMU in the room: Why did you select CMU over another university?
To the professors at CMU in the room: Why did you select CMU over another university?
2011-10-25 20:53:50
@supermathman Yes.
@supermathman Yes.
2011-10-25 20:53:59
@ buckey We're not quite sure, but probably CS -- we accept 130 students a year.
@ buckey We're not quite sure, but probably CS -- we accept 130 students a year.
2011-10-25 20:54:15
@anonymous2: Also, I have been EXTREMELY impressed by the quality of the administration here. They respond very quickly to opportunity.
@anonymous2: Also, I have been EXTREMELY impressed by the quality of the administration here. They respond very quickly to opportunity.
2011-10-25 20:54:20
@psloh: Thank you for your response!
@psloh: Thank you for your response!
2011-10-25 20:54:23
I love CMU
I love CMU
2011-10-25 20:55:04
Thank you. I love CMU.
Thank you. I love CMU.
2011-10-25 20:55:32
@anonymous - Because there is so much opportunity here. They value talent and hard work so much. For example, when Po-Shen came to campus I called the University President and said, "Hi, Po-Shen Loh is here and we'd like Scholarships, can you help?" He walked over to my office, talked with us for half and hour and then said, "how many do you need?" He then went and got us money. This is off the planet.
@anonymous - Because there is so much opportunity here. They value talent and hard work so much. For example, when Po-Shen came to campus I called the University President and said, "Hi, Po-Shen Loh is here and we'd like Scholarships, can you help?" He walked over to my office, talked with us for half and hour and then said, "how many do you need?" He then went and got us money. This is off the planet.
2011-10-25 20:56:37
What would you say to those people who pursue independent study in lieu of a traditional brick-and-mortar school?
What would you say to those people who pursue independent study in lieu of a traditional brick-and-mortar school?
2011-10-25 20:56:38
@anonymous2: We have a great home-schooled student here (USAMO qualifier) who is doing terrifically well at CMU right now. I often see him in my Sunday Putnam classes, and I am really impressed by his inquisitiveness. I would say that we do not discriminate in either direction.
@anonymous2: We have a great home-schooled student here (USAMO qualifier) who is doing terrifically well at CMU right now. I often see him in my Sunday Putnam classes, and I am really impressed by his inquisitiveness. I would say that we do not discriminate in either direction.
2011-10-25 20:56:53
@buckeye - consult online catalog here:
@buckeye - consult online catalog here:
2011-10-25 20:56:55
What are required courses?
What are required courses?
2011-10-25 20:56:58
@jmackey: That is amazing! Thanks for your perspective.
@jmackey: That is amazing! Thanks for your perspective.
2011-10-25 20:57:50
@psloh: Thanks for thoughtful response; it sounds like an excellent situation.
@psloh: Thanks for thoughtful response; it sounds like an excellent situation.
2011-10-25 20:58:31
thank you
thank you
2011-10-25 20:58:35
@anonymous - and I'm not even 1/18th of the way into the story. BTW, I find it amazing that Klaus Sutner, Associate Dean of SCS, running the best undergraduate program on the planet, will drop by to help us recruit.
@anonymous - and I'm not even 1/18th of the way into the story. BTW, I find it amazing that Klaus Sutner, Associate Dean of SCS, running the best undergraduate program on the planet, will drop by to help us recruit.
2011-10-25 20:59:31
hello im a newcomer, can i join?
hello im a newcomer, can i join?
2011-10-25 20:59:32
@tiger - YES. When can you get to campus ;)
@tiger - YES. When can you get to campus ;)
2011-10-25 20:59:36
@jmackey: That is pretty incredible. You all weave a compelling argument!
@jmackey: That is pretty incredible. You all weave a compelling argument!
2011-10-25 21:01:01
who are some famous cmu grads?
who are some famous cmu grads?
2011-10-25 21:01:01
what's your policy on AP credits?
what's your policy on AP credits?
2011-10-25 21:01:02
@Buckeye - John Nash
@Buckeye - John Nash
2011-10-25 21:01:14
Me? :) (Not as famous as Nash)
Me? :) (Not as famous as Nash)
2011-10-25 21:01:17
@soulspeedy We normally give credit for a score of 4 or 5.
@soulspeedy We normally give credit for a score of 4 or 5.
2011-10-25 21:01:38
@DPatrick - I should have mentioned you first ;)
@DPatrick - I should have mentioned you first ;)
2011-10-25 21:02:05
what do you mean by 4 or 5?
what do you mean by 4 or 5?
2011-10-25 21:02:05
Thank you so much for your responses, it really helped me a lot. I hope I can see you next September!
Thank you so much for your responses, it really helped me a lot. I hope I can see you next September!
2011-10-25 21:02:31
@chimka If you score a 4 or 5 on the AP test we normally award you some credit.
@chimka If you score a 4 or 5 on the AP test we normally award you some credit.
2011-10-25 21:02:35
What's your policy on APs taken outside of school - ie taken with no formal class.
What's your policy on APs taken outside of school - ie taken with no formal class.
2011-10-25 21:02:38
Yes same here .. thanks much.
Yes same here .. thanks much.
2011-10-25 21:02:42
@Oneshot - email me at before you come in Sept so we can be sure to meet!
@Oneshot - email me at before you come in Sept so we can be sure to meet!
2011-10-25 21:02:56
@VIPMaster If you score well on the test, we will give you credit.
@VIPMaster If you score well on the test, we will give you credit.
2011-10-25 21:03:07
All right, we'll be wrapping up very shortly.
All right, we'll be wrapping up very shortly.
2011-10-25 21:03:10
Cool, thanks!
Cool, thanks!
2011-10-25 21:03:33
(About the answer, not the wrapping up part) :)
(About the answer, not the wrapping up part) :)
2011-10-25 21:03:52
Aww VIPMaster, you're nice!
Aww VIPMaster, you're nice!
2011-10-25 21:04:08
If you add us to your college visit schedule, please let us know that you are coming by.
If you add us to your college visit schedule, please let us know that you are coming by.
2011-10-25 21:04:17
Thanks for enduring my strange questions about plaid fabric, food, and football :P
Thanks for enduring my strange questions about plaid fabric, food, and football :P
2011-10-25 21:04:19
@Quantum - My pleasure :)
@Quantum - My pleasure :)
2011-10-25 21:04:32
All right, thank you very much! I guess we'll call it a night.
All right, thank you very much! I guess we'll call it a night.
2011-10-25 21:04:53
Thanks again to all our guests for spending time with us tonight to tell us all about Carnegie Mellon!
Thanks again to all our guests for spending time with us tonight to tell us all about Carnegie Mellon!
2011-10-25 21:04:54
Thanks again David Patrick, and Richard Rusczyk, and all guests for coming!
Thanks again David Patrick, and Richard Rusczyk, and all guests for coming!
2011-10-25 21:04:58
thank you!
thank you!
2011-10-25 21:05:02
thanks a lot for all the information!
thanks a lot for all the information!
2011-10-25 21:05:05
Thank You! :rose:
Thank You! :rose:
2011-10-25 21:05:09
Thank you very much!
Thank you very much!
2011-10-25 21:05:11
see ya, thanks
see ya, thanks
2011-10-25 21:05:14
2011-10-25 21:05:19
If you think of more questions, please feel free to post on our College forum.
If you think of more questions, please feel free to post on our College forum.
2011-10-25 21:05:19
2011-10-25 21:05:23
Thank you
Thank you
2011-10-25 21:05:25
Thank you very much!
Thank you very much!
2011-10-25 21:05:33
2011-10-25 21:05:38
2011-10-25 21:05:41
Helped us a lot!
Helped us a lot!
2011-10-25 21:06:03
Thanks, i will visit next time i'm in the area
Thanks, i will visit next time i'm in the area
2011-10-25 21:06:06
2011-10-25 21:06:09
Thank you very much for your time and insigts.
Thank you very much for your time and insigts.
2011-10-25 21:06:31
*insights. You are certainly convincing!
*insights. You are certainly convincing!
2011-10-25 21:06:33
:bow: is it always like this
:bow: is it always like this
2011-10-25 21:06:49
@tiger - YES! Come and have some fun!
@tiger - YES! Come and have some fun!
2011-10-25 21:07:02
THanks!!!! btw @tiger2000 yes it is
THanks!!!! btw @tiger2000 yes it is
2011-10-25 21:07:05
very helpful
very helpful
2011-10-25 21:07:06
2011-10-25 21:08:20
OK...again, thanks to our guests from CMU and to all of you for coming. We're shutting down the Math Jam now. Have a great night!
OK...again, thanks to our guests from CMU and to all of you for coming. We're shutting down the Math Jam now. Have a great night!
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