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- ...lar outcome. If the event <math>Z</math> has a [[continuous]] probability distribution, then <math>E(Z) = \int_z P(z)\cdot z\ dz</math>.5 KB (789 words) - 19:56, 10 May 2024
- == Median of a distribution == === Median of a discrete distribution ===2 KB (370 words) - 14:30, 12 November 2023
- ...h>a+b</math> ranges from <math>0</math> to <math>1</math> with a symmetric distribution across <math>a+b=c=\frac 12</math>, and we want <math>c < \frac 12</math>. Use areas to deal with this continuous probability problem. Set up a unit square with values of <math>a</math> on3 KB (552 words) - 22:26, 28 December 2020
- ...istics textbooks tabulate cumulative probabilities for the standard normal distribution, but not for any other, as those can easily be calculated from those of the ...)^2}{2\sigma}}</math>, and the [[cdf|cumulative density function]] of this distribution is <math>F(x) = \int_{-\infty}^{x} f(x)</math>. The former can easily be ca1 KB (214 words) - 21:32, 12 April 2020
- Probability distribution is a function that gives the outcome of an event, to their corresponding pr ...Continuous, is that discrete has a finite possible number of outcomes, and continuous has an infinite number of outcomes, like measuring the weight of block of c964 bytes (141 words) - 10:01, 9 July 2024