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- ...a topology by considering taking the set of open balls as a [[topological basis]] (i.e. the sets <math>B_{x,\epsilon}:=\{y\in S:d(x,y)<\epsilon\}</math>).1 KB (227 words) - 19:15, 13 October 2019
- ...'' of a [[topology]] is a collection <math>\mathcal{B}</math> of sets in a topological space <math>(X,\tau)</math> that classify the set of [[open set]]s of the s ...Phrased differently, for any element <math>x \in X</math>, there exists a basis set <math>A \in \mathcal{B}</math> such that <math>x \in A</math>.1 KB (255 words) - 21:01, 16 March 2010