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Problems (I made it, not copied)

See if you can solve these:

1. There is one and only one perfect square in the form


Find that perfect square.

2. Suppose there is complex values $x_1, x_2,$ and $x_3$ that satisfy


Find $x_{1}^3+x_{2}^3+x_{2}^3$.

3. Suppose

$x \equiv 2^4 \cdot 3^4 \cdot 7^4+2^7 \cdot 3^7 \cdot 5^6 \pmod{7!}$

Find the remainder when $\min{x}$ is divided by 1000.

4. Suppose $f(x)$ is a $10000000010$-degrees polynomial. The Fundamental Theorem of Algebra tells us that there are $10000000010$ roots, say $r_1, r_2, \dots, r_{10000000010}$. Suppose all integers $n$ ranging from $-1$ to $10000000008$ satisfies $f(n)=n$. Also, suppose that

$(2+r_1)(2+r_2) \dots (2+r_{10000000010})=m!$

for an integer $m$. If $p$ is the minimum possible value of

$(1+r_1)(1+r_2) \dots (1+r_{10000000010})$.

Find the number of factors of the prime $999999937$ in $p$.

5. (Much harder) $\Delta ABC$ is an isosceles triangle where $CB=CA$. Let the circumcircle of $\Delta ABC$ be $\Omega$. Then, there is a point $E$ and a point $D$ on circle $\Omega$ such that $AD$ and $AB$ trisects $\angle CAE$ and $BE<AE$, and point $D$ lies on minor arc $BC$. Point $F$ is chosen on segment $AD$ such that $CF$ is one of the altitudes of $\Delta ACD$. Ray $CF$ intersects $\Omega$ at point $G$ (not $C$) and is extended past $G$ to point $I$, and $IG=AC$. Point $H$ is also on $\Omega$ and $AH=GI<HB$. Let the perpendicular bisector of $BC$ and $AC$ intersect at $O$. Let $J$ be a point such that $OJ$ is both equal to $OA$ (in length) and is perpendicular to $IJ$ and $J$ is on the same side of $CI$ as $A$. Let $O’$ be the reflection of point $O$ over line $IJ$. There exist a circle $\Omega_1$ centered at $I$ and tangent to $\Omega$ at point $K$. $IO’$ intersect $\Omega_1$ at $L$. Now suppose $O’G$ intersects $\Omega$ at one distinct point, and $O’, G$, and $K$ are collinear. If $IG^2+IG \cdot GC=\frac{3}{4} IK^2 + \frac{3}{2} IK \cdot O’L + \frac{3}{4} O’L^2$, then $\frac{EH}{BH}$ can be expressed in the form $\frac{\sqrt{b}}{a} (\sqrt{c} + d)$, where $b$ and $c$ are not divisible by the squares of any prime. Find $a^2+b^2+c^2+d^2+abcd$.

User Counts

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