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'''LaTeX''' is a typesetting [[programming language|language]] used primarily to type [[math|mathematical]] [[expression]]s in an elegant fashion. For example, without LaTeX, <math>\frac{35}{137}</math> would have to be written as 35/137.
The <math>\text{\LaTeX}</math> typesetting system (typically pronounced "lay-tex", but also sometimes "lay-tek", "lah-tek", or "lah-tex") is widely used to produce well-formatted [[math|mathematical]] and scientific writing. <math>\text{\LaTeX}</math> is very handy for writing equations such as  
==Useful Codes==
<cmath>\sqrt[3]{4^2+\frac{5}{3}+\pi} \approx 2.75</cmath>.
'''\boxed{Answer}'''  produces a box around your Answer.
Nearly every serious student of maths or science will use <math>\text{\LaTeX}</math> frequently. Through these websites, you will learn what you'll need to express maths and science like a professional, much, much better than Microsoft Word!
'''\frac{a}{b}''' produces a [[fraction]] with [[numerator]] <math>a</math> and [[denominator]] <math>b</math>. <math>\frac{a}{b}</math>
* Go to [https://youtu.be/mdFD9uQNU24 https://youtu.be/mdFD9uQNU24] for a simple 15 minute crash course on <math>\text{\LaTeX}</math>.
* Click [[LaTeX:LaTeX_on_AoPS|here]] to start learning how to use <math>\text{\LaTeX}</math> on AoPS.
'''^\circ''' produces the degrees symbol. <math>a^{\circ}</math>
* Click [https://youtu.be/HfRsDKBrSaA here] for a Quick Start <math>\text{\LaTeX}</math>  video.
* Click [https://www.overleaf.com/learn here] for a guide for more professional <math>\text{\LaTeX}</math> by Overleaf.
'''\text{Your Text Here}''' produces text within LaTeX.  <math>\mbox{Your Text Here}</math>.  
* Click [http://latex-tutorial.com/ here] for a guide to making PDFs using <math>\text{\LaTeX}</math> for use unrelated to AoPS.
'''\mbox{Your Text Here}''' Produces text within LaTeX <math>\mbox{Your Text Here}</math>
'''\sqrt{x}''' produces the square root of <math>x</math>. <math>\sqrt{x}</math>
'''\sqrt[n]{x}''' produces the <math>n</math>th root of <math>x</math>. <math>\sqrt[n]{x}</math>
'''a\equiv b \pmod{c}''' produces <math>a</math> is equivalent to <math>b</math> mod <math>c</math>.  <math>a\equiv b \pmod{c}</math> See [[Mods |Modular Arithmetic]]
'''\binom{9}{3}''' produces 9 choose 3.
'''{n}\choose{r}''' produces n choose r. <math>{n}\choose{r}</math>
'''x^{y}''' produces x to the power of y. <math>x^y</math>
'''x_{y}''' produces x with y in subscript. <math>x_y</math>
'''\rightarrow''' produces an arrow to the right.  <math>\rightarrow</math>
'''\leftarrow''' produces an arrow to the left. <math>\leftarrow</math>
'''\uparrow''' produces an arrow pointing upwards. <math>\uparrow</math>
'''\downarrow''' produces an arrow pointing downwards. <math>\downarrow</math>
'''\updownarrow''' produces an arrow pointing up and down. <math>\updownarrow</math>
'''\ge''' produces a greater than or equal to sign. <math>\ge</math>
'''\le''' produces a less than or equal to sign. <math>\le</math>
'''\not>''' produces a not greater than sign. <math>\not></math>
'''\not<''' produces a not less than sign. <math>\not<</math>
'''\not\ge''' produces a not greater than or equal to sign. <math>\not\ge</math>
'''\not\le''' produces a not less than or equal to sign. <math>\not\le</math>
'''\neq''' produces a not equal to sign. <math>\neq</math>
'''\infty''' produces an infinity sign. <math>\infty</math>
'''\perp''' produces a perpendicular sign. <math>\perp</math>
'''\angle''' produces an angle sign. <math>\angle</math>
'''\triangle''' produces a triangle. <math>\triangle</math>
'''\ldots''' produces three dots at the bottom of a line (ellipsis). <math>\ldots</math>
'''\cdots''' produces three dots in the middle of a line (as in a series sum or product). <math>\cdots</math>
'''\times''' produces an <math>\times</math> as used in multiplication
'''\otimes''' produces a <math>\otimes</math>
Also note that you do not have to use braces, "{" and "}", when you only want one character in the operation.
* x^y is the same as x^{y}.  <math>x^y</math>
* x_y is the same as x_{y}.  <math>x_y</math>
* BUT x^10 is ''not'' the same as x^{10}.  <math>x^10</math> instead of <math>x^{10}</math>.
=== Font families ===
* Roman (default): \textrm{...}
* Sans-serif: \textsf{...}
* Monospace (typewriter): \texttt{...}
=== Font sizes ===
To activate a font size, write '{\tiny{This text is tiny}}', for example.
* \tiny (5 pt.)
* \scriptsize (7 pt.)
* \footnotesize (8 pt.)
* \small (9 pt.)
* \normalsize (10 pt.)
* \large (12 pt.)
* \Large (14 pt.)
* \LARGE (18 pt.)
* \huge (20 pt.)
* \Huge (24 pt.)
=== Font styles ===
* Bold \textbf{...}
* Italics \textit{...}
* Slanted \textsl{...}
* Small capitals \textsc{...}
* Sans-serif \textsf{...}
* Monospace \texttt{...}
* Emphasis \emph{...}
== See also ==
* [[Asymptote: About | Asymptote]] (graphics language for LaTeX)
== External links ==
* [http://www.artofproblemsolving.com/LaTeX/AoPS_L_About.php AoPS LaTeX Guide]
*[http://www.artofproblemsolving.com/LaTeX/AoPS_L_HelpIndex.php AoPS LaTeX Help Index]
*[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LaTeX Wikipedia Article]
*[http://sciencesoft.at/index.jsp?link=latex&lang=en&wiki=1 This] is a useful site that will change LaTeX input into a PNG image.

Latest revision as of 20:32, 14 July 2024

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The $\text{\LaTeX}$ typesetting system (typically pronounced "lay-tex", but also sometimes "lay-tek", "lah-tek", or "lah-tex") is widely used to produce well-formatted mathematical and scientific writing. $\text{\LaTeX}$ is very handy for writing equations such as

\[\sqrt[3]{4^2+\frac{5}{3}+\pi} \approx 2.75\].

Nearly every serious student of maths or science will use $\text{\LaTeX}$ frequently. Through these websites, you will learn what you'll need to express maths and science like a professional, much, much better than Microsoft Word!

  • Go to https://youtu.be/mdFD9uQNU24 for a simple 15 minute crash course on $\text{\LaTeX}$.
  • Click here to start learning how to use $\text{\LaTeX}$ on AoPS.
  • Click here for a Quick Start $\text{\LaTeX}$ video.
  • Click here for a guide for more professional $\text{\LaTeX}$ by Overleaf.
  • Click here for a guide to making PDFs using $\text{\LaTeX}$ for use unrelated to AoPS.