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Neal Yan(༺\crazyeyemoody9❂7//༻) is an arrogant toerag of a high schooler who goes to school in his own house. He does various types of math and is forced to pay attention in boring Zoom classes, just like every other remote student. If only his parents would let him text during piece-of-cake classes like everyone else...
His hobbies include doing olympiad geometry(especially projective), playing video games, making videos, watching anime, and going on Discord even though it's not allowed in his parents' household.
If you want to know more about him, friend him on some online platform he uses(including, but not limited to, this one).
He also invented the SMPS(Student Mathematician Prowess Scale):
He participates in various math competitions, including the AMC series, MATHCOUNTS during middle school, and later BMT, HMMT, CHMMC, and CMIMC.
His achievements include making AIME since 2018, and USAJMO in 2020.
If you have read through my wall of text, then a "wow hi" from me ig...

Revision as of 19:25, 7 March 2021

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ngoio bangyo😏