AoPS Wiki:Sandbox
Welcome to the sandbox, a location to test your newfound wiki-editing abilities.
Please note that all contributions here may be deleted periodically and without warning.
In the computer world, a sandbox is a place to test and experiment -- essentially, it's a place to play.
This is the AoPSWiki Sandbox. Feel free to experiment here.
Warning: anything you place here is subject to deletion without notice.
[This was deleted due to its inappropriateness.]
Please do not delete from this point on until 5:00 PST on 4/2!
We want to find the area of this figure:
path rt,tt; int x; x = 1+sqrt(2)+(6/1.7); tt=(0,0)..(1+sqrt(2),1)--(1+sqrt(2),-1)..cycle; rt=(1+sqrt(2),-1)--(1+sqrt(2)+(6/1.7),-1)--(1+sqrt(2)+(6/1.7),1)--(1+sqrt(2),1); draw(rt); draw(tt); label("1.7", (x, 0), E); (Error making remote request. Unknown error_msg)