
Revision as of 18:50, 27 July 2020 by Wood2009 (talk | contribs)

Wood2009, the awesome Block about wood (no seriously)

1. Wood2009 is a guy. He likes Aops.

2. He has 20000000000 problems done. 99 of them are wrong

3. He is not awesome, he is saucesome.

4. He is a devoted worshiper of Gmaas. (Maybe not)

5. His favorite numbers are 36,58,96.

6. His image is a picture of Gmaas cause he doesn't want people to know that he worships Gmaas.

7. He has a lot of friends.

8. He looks like this when he is mad, sad, happy, annoyed, and so on. https://tinyurl.com/yycx3kgs

9. He hates giving up problems on alcumus.

10. He has given up 3 problems.

11. He doesn't flex. He does the opposite ( he fails to flex )

12. His highest rating is 96.32 (flex) REALLY BAD.

13. This was not written by him.

14. He is known to have written some pretty stupid things such as $\phantom{}$

15. He is the one and only (insert adjective here)

16. Wood2009 created this page (contradiction)

17. This is his profile https://artofproblemsolving.com/community/user/371845

18. he found this on site support https://thumbs.gfycat.com/MarriedOffbeatDrafthorse-size_restricted.gif

19. Wood2009 likes Latex and Asymptote $\text{WOOD2009}$

20. He is a fail (written by Wood2009)

21. Wood2009 invented the wood rules in Minecraft.

22. He plays Minecraft.

All hail the fail

WOOD2009 (oh what a fail)