Euler-Mascheroni constant
The Euler-Mascheroni constant is a constant defined by the limit
Its value is approximately
Whether is rational or irrational and (if irrational) algebraic or transcendental is an open question.
Proof of existence
Alternate formulation of the limit
The tangent-line approximation (first-degree Taylor polynomial) of about
for some error term
. Using
and simplifying,
Applying the tangent-line formula recursively for all
descending from
Because , we may rearrange to
to both sides yields
Taking the limit as
goes to infinity of both sides,
Thus, .
Convergence of the sum of error terms
We have . For
, the maximum absolute value of
. Therefore, by the Lagrange Error Bound,
The series famously converges to
by the Basel problem, so
converges to
converges to
Because for all
, the Series Comparison Test gives that
must converge to a value in
Hence, is a defined constant.