Laurent Series
The Laurent series of a complex function is a representation of that function as a power series which includes terms of negative degree. It may be used to express complex functions in cases where a Taylor series expansion cannot be applied. It is named after French mathematician Pierre Alphonse Laurent in 1843.
[hide]Creating the Laurent Series
Let such that

for . In order to create the Laurent Series, we need to prove four main theorems.
The First Theorem
Suppose that is holomorphic for
. Then

The proof is actually not terrible. Consider some complex valued function such that

where this exists, and . Then it follows that
is holomorphic for
. Hence,

Now, notice that for all
. This means we get

Clearly we have and
which means that
by a theorem. This implies the result
The Second Theorem
Suppose that the first theorem holds and let

for all with
as long as
. We claim that

Note that from before, we have

for . Now, there must exist an
such that
for all
by a theorem, so we get the inequality

for each once again. But notice: the right hand side is independent of
! So, because we already assumed that
we see that the sum

converges. Hence, the sum
converges uniformly on the contour
. This means we get
But we are not finished just yet! Also notice that
for each
. This gives

and rearrangement gives the desired
The Third Theorem (The Laurent Series Defined)
We define the term "a ring in a wider sense" to mean the following: the set of points between two concentric circles, a disk without its center, and the exterior of a circle not including . Let
be a ring in the wider sense, with center
and let
be holomorphic on
. Then there are numbers
for each
such that for all
we have the series

Choose any such that the circle
and let

for every . Choose some
, and let
denote the same stuff we used earlier. Then it follows that

for of course. The theorem then follows immediately
The Fourth Theorem (Uniqueness of the Laurent Series)
Is such a series unique, however? It certainly should be, or else I would not be writing this all down here. Let be a ring in the wider sense with center
of a circle
, and let

for every . Then we must prove that

holds for every integer . We have
To swap the integrand and the sum, we must note that

Now we can have the following deduction.
Crisis avoided! Sort of. We assumed that
converge uniformly on
. We can fix this! Let the radius of
is a circle) be
. Then there exists some
such that
. It follows that the series

holds when so we get

converges. We have to prove uniform convergence though, so back to work. Notice that this result above implies that there is some such that
. Hence we get

for and where
. Like before, the RHS is independent of
so we get

converges, which implies that

converges uniformly. Repeat the same process for with appropriate tweaks. Now, we finish by noting that

when or we have

when . The result follows from

This shows that the series is unique, done