2002 AMC 10P Problems/Problem 15

Revision as of 11:24, 9 March 2021 by Green lotus (talk | contribs) (Solution)



What is the smallest integer $n$ for which any subset of $\{ 1, 2, 3, \; \dots \; , 20 \}$ of size $n$ must contain two numbers that differ by 8?

$\textbf{(A)} \; 2 \quad \textbf{(B)} \; 8 \quad \textbf{(C)} \; 12 \quad \textbf{(D)} \; 13 \quad \textbf{(E)} \; 15$


There are twelve pairs $\{ 1, 9 \}$, $\{ 2, 10 \}$, $\{ 3, 11 \}$, $\{ 4, 11 \}$, $\; \dots \; \{ 12, 20 \}$ in $\{ 1, 2, 3, \; \dots \; , 20 \}$ that differ by 8. If we take $n = 12$, it could be that we selected one element from each pair for the subset: the condition may not be fulfilled. In order to select at least one pair, it is necessary to select $\textbf{(D)} \; 13$ elements (Pigeonhole principle).

Solution submitted by green_lotus