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Almost Published: An Introduction to Gmaasology

Gmaasology is the study of Gmaas. Gmaas is one of only two known living beings who have a Ph.D. in Gmaasology, with the other being Sseraj, Gmaas's human. Gmaasology is also one of the most eminent fields of science, falling behind Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Economics, Geology, Computer Programming, Astronomy, Zoology, and Genetics. To start learning Gmaasology, click this link: Gmaas and memorize the facts about Gmaas.

Gmaasology has existed for much of human history. Here are a selection of historical events related to Gmaas and Gmaasology until the founding of the Interuniversal Gmaas Society:

c. 17,000-15,000 BC: The Lascaux cave paintings contain depictions of an omnipotent cat killing bison and humans alike. Some archaeologists have theorized that these paintings depict the great Gmaas himself.

c. 3000-1000 BC: Some Egyptologists suggest that the goddess Bastet, who was half human half cat, was Gmaas in disguise.

c. 400-800 AD: The Mayan city of Copán is the world center of Gmaasology. Most of the Gmaasological artifacts of the city can be seen in the Museum of Gmaas in New York City.

Many universities are beginning to offer classes in Gmaasology, but the best place to study Gmaasology is the Interuniversal Gmaas Society, which was founded in 1314. This is a summary of the projects made by the Society since 1314 when it was founded: (Originally Gmaasology was called Gmaathamatics.)

- 1314: Foundation of the National Gmaathematical Society of Florence.

- 1315 - 1498: Search for and copying of ancient and medieval manuscripts about Gmaas.

- 1499: Move to France to a secret basement in François 1st's palace's basement.

- 1500: Renaming to the National Gmaathematical Society of Florence and France.

- 1501 - 1519: Collaboration with Leonardo Da Vinci, who, by the way, was NOT Gmaas in disguise.

- 1520: Move back to Florence.

- 1521: Move to Rome.

- 1522: Renaming of the Gmaathematical Society of Florence and France to the Gmaathematical Society of Florence, France, and the Papal States.

- 1523 - 1560: Search for ancient statues of Gmaas in the city of Rome.

- 1561 - 1565: Headquarters constructed in a secret basement under the Sistine Chapel.

- 1566 - 1575: Search in Italian libraries for manuscripts about Gmaas.

- 1576 - 1591: Study of Gmaas's reincarnating abilities.

- 1592 - 1601: Campaign to make Gmaathamatics the eighth liberal art. This failed.

- 1602 - 1616: Many universities around Europe begin offering classes in Gmaathamatics.

- 1617: Renaming of the Gmaathematical Society of Florence, France, and the Papal States to the Gmaathematical Society of Florence, France, the Papal States, Pisa, England, Spain, the Holy Roman Empire, and Milan to honour the universities offering Gmaathamatics classes. It was also known as GMSFFPSPESHREM for short.

- 1618: The University of Prague starts teaching Gmaathamatics, so GMSFFPSPESHREM is renamed GMSFFPSPESHREMB. (B stands for Bohemia.)

- 1619: Wittenberg and Heidelberg begin teaching Gmaasology, also known in German as "Der Groß Gmaasmätik". GMSFFPSPESHREMB is renamed GMSFFPSPESHREMD (D is for Deutschland).

- 1639 - 1650: GMSFFPSPESHREMBD writes a book about how Gmaas reincarnates. It is called "De Multis Vitis Gmaasium," or "On the Many Lives of Gmaas."

- 1651 - 1655: All European universities stop offering classes in Gmaathamatics due to the immortality of Gmaas being contrary to the Bible.

- 1656: GMSFFPSPESHREMBD is renamed "The Gmaathematical Society of Europe," abbreviated as GSE.

- 1657: The Gmaathematical Society of Europe moves its headquarters to Amsterdam.

- 1658 - 1675: The GSE amasses every object and text having to do with Gmaas or Gmaathamatics. This is the reason why Gmaas is no longer famous; every trace of his existence was acquired by the GSE.

- 1676 - 1686: The present life of Gmaas died, so the GSE spent ten years trying to track down his next reincarnation. That reincarnation was an ant, so he died. It took even longer for the GSE to find another reincarnation of Gmaas.

- 1687: Renaming of the Gmaathematical Society of Europe to the Gmaathematical Society of the World.

- 1688 - 1701: The Gmaathematical Society of the World captures Gmaas, who at that time was a dog, and ran experiments on him.

- 1702: The Gmaathematical Society of the World moves to the New World to flee the wrath of Gmaas who was slightly displeased at experiments being run on him. It decides to move to San Juan, Puerto Rico, but it keeps a minor location in its former headquarters in Amsterdam.

- 1703 - 1730: The Gmaathematical Society of the World conducts archeological excavations of Mayan Temple where people worshiped Gmaas. The artifacts from the dig were sent to their headquarters in Puerto Rico, and the data about the excavation was copied and kept in San Juan and Amsterdam.

- 1731 - 1754: The Gmaathematical Society of the World excavates the Temple of Gmaas in Egypt. It opens a temporary minor location near the site.

- 1755: The minor locations in Egypt and Amsterdam are closed. All the archaeological artifacts there are sent to San Juan, Puerto Rico.

- 1755 - 1763: The Seven Years War. The GSW frantically tries to move to Siberia, where it would be safe for the remainder of the war. Luckily, the GSW could save all of its thousands of artifacts, but many Gmaathematicians died.

- 1764: The Gmaathematical Society of the World moves its headquarters back to San Juan, Puerto Rico.

- 1765: Closing of the facilities in Siberia.

- 1766: Opening of a minor location in Philadelphia.

- 1775 - 1783: During the American Revolution, the Gmaathematical Society of the World moves archaeological artifacts from San Juan and Philadelphia to a new minor location in Santa Fe, where they would be safe from the fighting.

- 1784: Some Gmaathamatical artifacts are moved back to Philadelphia and Santa Fe.

- 1784 - 1798: The Gmaas Exhibition at the minor location in Philadelphia brings in thousands of visitors from around the world. The exhibition contained the highlights of the GSW's archaeological excavations in Egypt and Mexico, medieval manuscripts about Gmaas, Roman sculptures of Gmaas, information about Gmaas and the GSW, and other objects.

- 1799: The Gmaas exhibition closes.

- 1800: The Gmaathematical Society of the World moves its headquarters from San Juan, Puerto Rico to the basement of the new Library of Congress in Washington D.C. It also closes its minor location in Philadelphia.

- 1801: The Gmaas University is founded in Georgetown, D.C.

- 1802 - 1811: The Gmaas exhibition opens in Washington D.C.

- 1812 - 1813: Because of the War of 1812, the Gmaas exhibition is moved to Santa Fe.

- 1814: Washington D.C. is burnt to the ground by the British. Most Gmaasologists die in the fire. The Gmaas University luckily survives destruction.

- 1815 - 1819: The headquarters of the GSE is reconstructed under the Library of Congress.

- 1820: The Gmaas University moves to a bigger campus in New York City. Seneca Village was built on top a few years later to disguise the university.

- 1821 - 1832: Excavation of the Temple of Gmaas in Thessaly, Greece.

- 1833 - 1840: The Gmaas exhibition goes on tour throughout Europe.

- 1840: The GSE opens a minor location in Paris, France.

- 1841 - 1854: Excavation of the Temple of Gmaas near Angkor Wat. The temple is dismantled and reconstructed in a large room in the Gmaas University in New York City.

- 1855 - 1858: Seneca Village is destroyed to build Central Park. The GSE sinks the Gmaas University 30 ft below ground level and filled it with dirt. The university temporarily sets itself up in a mansion in downtown Manhattan, and the university's artifacts are placed into storage in the basement of the townhouse.

- 1859: The minor location in Philadelphia is closed.

- 1860: A new minor location opens on the outskirts of Springfield, Massachusetts.

- 1861 - 1869: The GSE excavates the Roman Temple of Gmaas in Pompeii.

- 1870: The GSE is renamed the Universal Gmaas Society due to contact with extraterrestrials.

- 1871: The Gmaathematical Society of Europe moves its headquarters to Berlin.

- 1872: Following the Franco-Prussian War, the state of Prussia becomes a major hotspot for Gmaasology. Otto von Bismarck spends 1,000,000,000,000 German marcs to build Das Groß Kaisers Preußische Institut für Gmaasologie und Gmaastimatik (the Grand Kaiser's Prussian Institute for Gmaasology and Gmaasthematics) headquartered in Berlin and having a subsidiary center in Hamburg, effectively opening major locations there.

- 1873: Opening of minor location in Munich, Germany, as well as in Bergen, Norway.

- 1877: Berlin historians uncover a portrait of Gottfried Leibniz holding a cat, sparking a debate over whether the cat is Gmaas's demigod son or Gmaas's long-lost brother.

- 1878: In light of the debate, Frederich Nietzche writes the book "On Leibniz's Relationship With Gmaas", as well as a sequel, "Thus Spoke Gmassathrustra". He hides both in a secret location in Weimar. To this day, we do not know the exact location of these books. Legend has it that, whichever company uncovers the books and publishes them first would monopolize the book-selling market, and is therefore Gmaas's Chosen One. (Conspiracy theorists would say that Springer-Verlag already has them, but this is false.)

- 1879 - 1953: The Universal Gmaas Society begins preparations to build a nuclear fusion reactor to sustainably power its research to help find the remaining bibles of Gmaas.

- 1912 - 1914: As the World prepares for war, the Universal Gmaas Society is afraid of the possibility of disaster. The Society opens minor locations in Bogota, Colombia; and Sydney, Australia and start moving archaeological artifacts there.

- 1915: The Universal Gmaas Society closes its minor location in Dresden, Germany after all European Gmaasological artifacts are moved to England, the United States, Canada, and Australia.

- 1916: The Universal Gmaas Society closes its facilities in London, England and moves the storage and offices in that facility to a minor location in Sydney, Australia.

- 1917: The sinking of the ship Lusitania killed several eminent Gmaasologists, who were going to France to bring back a medieval statue of Gmaas that was buried near a battlefield.

- 1918 - 1927: Reconstruction and documentation of Gmaasology lost in WW1.

- 1928: The Canadian branch of the Universal Gmaas Society moves from Ottawa to Vancouver.

- 1929 - 1938: Documenting the life of Gmaas, who at that time was a hobo cat.

- 1939 - 1945: Effort to move all Gmaas related materials to the United States, Colombia, Canada, and Australia. The minor location in Paris, France remains open during the war. It helped with the evacuation of Gmaasological artifacts and civilians.

- 1946 - 1958: Reconstruction of primary and secondary sources lost in WW2.

- 1959: Opening of the minor location of the Interuniversal Gmaas Society in Trenton, New Jersey. Reopening of the minor location in Paris, France.

- 1960 - 1998: Survey and mapping of Gmaas's 314,159,265 catfish lives.

- 1977: Historians settle the century long debate over Leibniz' cat, revealed to be Gmaas' demigod son. Turns out Schrodinger's cat was actually Gmaas' demigod grandson, which makes sense because he is less powerful than his father. Apparently, Leibniz had Gmaas_number 1 while Schrodinger had Gmaas_number number 2, where a lower Gmaas number indicates a higher power. (When Gmaas found out the Voltaire was against Leibniz, he banished Voltaire from the Gmaas_number system.)

- 1999: Renaming of The Universal Gmaas Society to the Interuniversal Gmaas Society because of increased confidence in the multiverse theory.

- 2000 - 2005: Reconstruction of Newton's Principia Mathematica Gmaasis. (In English, The Mathematical Principles of Gmaas.)

- 2006: Debate on whether to rename Gmaathamatics Gmaasology or Gmaas Studies. Gmaasology won.

- 2007: Construction of the Building of Gmaasology at Harvard.

- 2008 - 2015: Completion of twenty comprehensive biographies, each detailing a life of Gmaas.

- 2016 - 2018: Reconstruction of the lost book of Lucretius's De Rerum Natura about Gmaas. This was made possible by the discovery of the missing pages of the original manuscript in Pompeii.

- 2019: The burning of Notre Dame causes many of Gmaas's bibles to be burnt. Immediate recovery is staged. Luckily, most of Gmaas's bibles are located in the United States. The Interuniversal Gmaas Society is considering moving its headquarters from the basement of the Library of Congress in Washington D.C. to Anchorage, Alaska, where it would have more room for offices and to display its collection of Gmaas-related artifacts. The Society also plans to close its minor locations in Trenton, New Jersey; Springfield, Massachusetts; San Juan, Puerto Rico; Vancouver, British Columbia; Paris, France; Sydney, Australia; Bogota, Colombia; and New York City, New York. These locations will be sold. The revenue from these sales will be used to buy land in Anchorage, Alaska and to build a large building on top of it. The Society is also looking for Gmaas, who could help the Society with its construction bills. In the meantime, the Interuniversal Gmaas Society is establishing an online presence in this forum.

- 2020 Gmaas is making new bibles to replace the old ones that were burnt in the Notre Dame burning. Gmaas also escapes to the moon to create his new bibles in peace.

-2020 : Gmaas completed $\infty$ lifetimes. Gmaas is now living Gmass' $\infty+1$th lifetime. Please be informed that this is Gmass' Math. Don't question it.

- 2021 Gmaas has now achieved his $\infty^\infty$th lifetime. Again, the above applies. Also, the reason he gained lives so fast is because Gmaas. Plus Gmaas is living every life, while only living one. That is Gmaas's secret on gaining lives.

- April 28, 2021 Gmaas has now proven himself superior to every single religion. He has also achieved all the gods to bow down to him, and beat them at every single game in one move each, for each and every god. Richard Rusczyk and KK-butter have also been found to be 50% Gmaas, 50% Human.

- July 31, 2021, Richard Rusczyk rediscovered the fundamental theorem of Gmaasology, namely that the set of theorems in Gmaasology is the powerset of itself.

- February 3, 2022, Biology copied Gmaasology, but Gmaas spat into a volcano erupting it as revenge many years later.

- March 9, 2024, Beast Academy and AoPS started teaching Gmaasology, but Gmaas did not approve, as AoPS is evil.