Polynomial ring
Given a ring , the polynomial ring
is, informally, "the ring of all polynomials in a commutative
with coefficients in
." That is, it is the ring of all sums of the form
is a nonnegative integer that varies from sum to sum.
The ring is also an
Formal Definition
We can rigorously define to be the set of all sequences of elements of
with only finitely many terms nonzero:
The we call the elements of
polynomials (over
). For a polynomial
, the terms
are called the coefficients of
For example, are polynomials, but
is not a polynomial.
At this point, our formal definition of a polynomial may seem unrelated to our intuitive notion of a polynomial. To relate these two concepts, we introduce the some notation.
We denote the polynomial by
. For instance, we write:
Typically, we repress the terms with coefficient
and we do not write the coefficient on terms with coefficient
. We also do not care about the order in which the terms are written, and indeed often list them in descending order of power. So we would write:
We can now define addition and multiplication in in the canonical way:
It is now a simple matter to verify that
indeed constitutes a ring under these operations, and that it is commutative when
is commutative. This ring has additive identity
and multiplicative identity
The ring can be thought of as a subring of
via the embedding
For a polynomial , the greatest integer
such that
is called the degree of
. It is often denoted
Polynomials and Functions
Polynomials are not functions. The symbol does not represent a variable, but rather a commutative indeterminate, that is, a formal symbol that commutes with the elements of
and whose powers are independent of each other over
. However, polynomials are associated with functions, called polynomial functions. This is a historically important association: originally, the two concepts were almost inseperable. Indeed, polynomial functions were almost certainly the first functions studied. The concept of "function" was not articulated until the 12th to 14th centuries. By Euler's time, "functions" were explicit rules of association built from elementary expressions, though Euler himself generalized the concept to what we now call continuous functions. This began a long debate over how "function" should be defined that did not resolve until the 20th century, when the modern, abstract definition of "function" became standard. The history of the concept of polynomial is more obscure, but they were almost certainly not divorced from their function roots until the beginnings of modern algebra in the 19th century.
Specifically, each element in is associated with a function mapping
into itself; this function is evaluated at a value
by replacing the symbol
with the element
More, formally, we can prove by induction on the degree of the elements of that for any
and any
, there is a unique element of
that is equivalent to
. This unique element is sometimes denoted
. Thus we may associate each element
with the mapping
into itself. (Alternatively, we can associate with each element
a homomorphism of
that is the composition of the canonical homomorphism of
and the canonical homomorphism of
It is important to note that although each polynomial in is associated with a function mapping
into itself, this function is not necessarily unique to
. In particular, if
is finite, then the set of functions mapping
into itself is finite, whereas
is infinite, so some functions must be associated with infinitely many different polynomials. (In fact, it follows from the theory of cosets, applied to the additive groups involved, that every function that is associated with a polynomial must e associated with infinitely many polynomials.)
For example, if is the ring of integers modulo
, for
a prime, then Fermat's Little Theorem states that the polynomials
are associated with the same functions mapping
into itself.
Nevertheless, in many infinite rings (such as the ring of integers), this association of polynomials with functions is unique. In such contexts, the polynomials are often identified with their functions, by abuse of language. The association of polynomials with functions is an important one: polynomials were first studied as polynomial functions, and indeed it was not until recently that functions gained their modern definition, quite divorced from polynomials.
Finitude of Degree
"Polynomials of infinite degree" are properly called formal power series. The set of formal power series over a ring constitutes a ring, denoted
, of which the ring of polynomials is a subring. In general, formal power series are not associated with mappings of
into itself, as infinitely iterated addition is not generally well-defined.