Tau, denoted , is most commonly used as 2
or 2 pi. Tau is the number of radians in a circle. For a convincing proof that
is a better circle constant than
, see The Tau Manifesto by Michael Hartl. This following section will summarize one main point of the Tau Manifesto.
Is Better Than 
Have you ever been in geometry class and been asked to graph sine waves with their ridiculous extra factor of 2 in the x-axis? Have you ever thought radian angle measure was hopelessly tainted with the superfluous and yet unavoidable factor of 2 (There are 2 radians in a full revolution)?
resolves that. One
is one revolution. Simple as that. While you have to remember that
radians is NOT
of a revolution, but is equal to
of a revolution because of that idiosyncratic factor of 2,
radians is just
of a revolution. Likewise,
radians is just
of a revolution,
radians is just 9001 revolutions,
radians is just 123456789 revolutions, and
radians is
revolutions for any real
uh what about the area of a circle since is clearly simpler than
- mathleticguyyy
Other Uses of Tau
can have other meanings:
- Tau is the 19th letter of the Greek alphabet.
- Tau is also an uncommon name for Phi.