The determinant is an important notion in linear algebra.
For an matrix
, the determinant is defined by
the sum
is the set of all permutations on the set
, and
is the
of the permutation
For example, the determinant of a matrix
This quantity may seem unwieldy, but surprisingly, it is multiplicative.
That is, for any matrices
(over the same commutative
More generally, if is a commutative field and
is an element of a (strictly power associative)
, then the determinant of
times the constant term of the characteristic polynomial
Our generalized determinants also satisfy the multiplicative property
when is associative.
[hide]Determinants in Terms of Simpler Determinants
An determinant can be written in terms of
is the
matrix formed by removing the
st row and
th column from
This makes it easy to see why the determinant of an matrix
is the sum of the diagonals labeled
, minus the sum of the diagonals labeled
, where "diagonal" means the product of the terms along it:
![[asy] size(300); draw(arc((3.3,-1.5), 4, 155, 205)); draw(arc((-0.3,-1.5), 4, -25, 25)); label("$a_{11}$",(0,0)); label("$a_{12}$",(1,0)); label("$...$",(2,0)); label("$a_{1n}$",(3,0)); label("$a_{21}$",(0,-1)); label("$a_{22}$",(1,-1)); label("$...$",(2,-1)); label("$a_{2n}$",(3,-1)); label("$\vdots$",(0,-2)); label("$\ddots$",(2,-2)); label("$a_{n1}$",(0,-3)); label("$a_{n2}$",(1,-3)); label("$...$",(2,-3)); label("$a_{nn}$",(3,-3)); label("$a_{11}$",(0,0)); label("$a_{12}$",(1,0)); label("$...$",(2,0)); label("$a_{1n}$",(3,0)); label("$a_{11}$",(4,0)); label("$a_{12}$",(5,0)); label("$...$",(6,0)); label("$a_{1n}$",(7,0)); label("$a_{21}$",(4,-1)); label("$a_{22}$",(5,-1)); label("$...$",(6,-1)); label("$a_{2n}$",(7,-1)); label("$\vdots$",(4,-2)); label("$\ddots$",(6,-2)); label("$a_{n1}$",(4,-3)); label("$a_{n2}$",(5,-3)); label("$...$",(6,-3)); label("$a_{nn}$",(7,-3)); for (int i=0; i<4; ++i) { draw((i-0.2,0.2)--(i+3-0.2,-3+0.2)); label("$+$",(i-0.4,0.4)); } for (int i=0; i<4; ++i) { draw((i+0.2+4,0.2)--(i-3+4+0.2,-3+0.2)); label("$-$",(i+0.4+4,0.4)); } [/asy]](
Matrix Determinants are Multiplicative
In this section we prove that the determinant as defined for
matrices is multiplicative.
We first note that
from rearrangements of terms. If we let
we then have
On the other hand,
is the set
, and
is the
set of functions mapping
into itself.
From equation (1), it thus suffices to show that if
is not a permutation on
, then
To this end, suppose that is not a permutation. Then
there exist distinct integers
such that
. Let
be the permutation on
that transposes
while fixing everything else. Then
as the latter product is the same as the former, with two terms
switched. On the other hand
is an odd permutation, so
, we can partition the elements of
into pairs
for which the equation
above holds. Equation 2 then follows, and we are done.
Equivalence of Definitions
We now prove that our two definitions are equivalent. We first note that the definitions coincide in the case of upper-triangular matrices, as each entry in the diagonal of an upper-triangular matrix corresponds to a (generalized) eigenvalue of the matrix.
We now use the fact that every element of
is similar to
an upper triangular matrix; that is, there exists an upper triangular
and an invertible matrix
such that
for our specialized determinant for matrices and
for our generalized definition
with the characteristic polynomial, we have
as the characteristic polynomial does not change under
automorphisms of
that fix
. Our two definitions
are therefore equivalent.
- Garibaldi, Skip, "The Characteristic Polynomial and Determinant Are Not Ad Hoc Constructions". American Mathematical Monthly 111 (2004), no. 9, p. 761, Nov. 2004. Preprint