Rusczyk's Page:
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About Me
Rusczyk is currently borderline AIME.
Rusczyk just turned 13 years old.
Rusczyk scored 44/46 when mocking the 2018 MATHCOUNTS State test, and got silver on the 2020 online MATHCOUNTS State held on AoPS.
Rusczyk is a pro at maths and physics
Rusczyk has come world and country #1 in various international tournaments and competitions starting from 2017
I am better than Rusczyk at math
A User Count of

Make AIME 2021 (Currently borderline)
Pass AP Calculus AB, BC and AP Physics exam
Get in the Alcumus HoF in the next 6 months
Convince OlympusHero that he is better than Rusczyk (at Math)
Get medals this year as compared to what they did last year. That is
which is nearly impossible.