Technodoggo is a -year old doggo who considers himself Californian though he lives in Texas. He qualified for AIME in
th grade in the AMC
. He expects to get
questions right out of
in the AMC
At age , he got
on both the PSAT and the SAT. He was also top
nationally in the Math Kangaroo while he was in
st grade.
He got
medals as a full-scorer from the Noetic Math Contest and got
nd place in the Texas Stock Market Game.
He is moderately good at chess and enjoys board games and video games alike. His favorite video game is Minecraft and his favorite browser game is Shell Shockers. Some more of his favorite browser games are Diep, DigDig, Agar, Hordes, Zombs, and more although he is banned from playing anything indefinitely.
He loves developing software in Python and JavaScript and has two websites, and He plans to use in the future, but for now, about $86% of his projects are housed on