AoPS Wiki:Chess/Chess Tournament Info/Round 1/Game 1

< AoPS Wiki:Chess‎ | Chess Tournament Info‎ | Round 1
Revision as of 01:58, 11 September 2022 by Augustzhou (talk | contribs) (Moves so far)

Team $\alpha$ (White) vs. Team $\theta$ (Black)

Status: Abandoned

Click here for the topic.

Current position

8 px px px px px px px px
7 px px px px px px px px
6 px px px px px px px px
5 px px px px px px px px
4 px px px px px px px px
3 px px px px px px px px
2 px px px px px px px px
1 px px px px px px px px
a b c d e f g h

Moves so far

  1. d4 Hello you are dumb d5
  2. c4 c6
  3. Nf3 Bf5
  4. Bf4 Nf6
  5. Nbd2 g6
  6. e3
Round 1 chess game
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