Hook Length Theorem
The hook length theorem is a theorem to be used on Standard Young Tableau. A standard Young Tableau is essentially a pack of blocks together, such as this one:
A tableau has a decreasing(not strictly decreasing) number of blocks in every row.
A Standard Young Tableau(SYT) has increasing numbers in both rows and columns. As shown in the figure, 1-3-10 is increasing, as well as 2-5, 4-6, 7-9, 1-2-4-7-8, and 3-5-6-9.
Let the number of blocks in the tableau be n. A hook of a block is the number of blocks to the right and below the block, including the block. In the below image, the hook of the red square is .
Let the product of all the hooks in a tableau be . Then, the Hook Length Theorem states that the number of SYTs is
. The number of hooks of each block in the example tableau is shown below.
So in the example, the number of SYTs is .