2000 AMC 8 Problems/Problem 20

Revision as of 20:06, 15 April 2023 by Supermathking (talk | contribs) (Video Solution 2)


You have nine coins: a collection of pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters having a total value of $$1.02$, with at least one coin of each type. How many dimes must you have?

$\text{(A)}\ 1\qquad\text{(B)}\ 2\qquad\text{(C)}\ 3\qquad\text{(D)}\ 4\qquad\text{(E)}\ 5$

Solution 1

Since you have one coin of each type, $1 + 5 + 10 + 25 = 41$ cents are already determined, leaving you with a total of $102 - 41 = 61$ cents remaining for $5$ coins.

You must have $1$ more penny. If you had more than $1$ penny, you must have at least $6$ pennies to leave a multiple of $5$ for the nickels, dimes, and quarters. But you only have $5$ more coins to assign.

Now you have $61 - 1 = 60$ cents remaining for $4$ coins, which may be nickels, quarters, or dimes. If you have only one more dime, that leaves $50$ cents in $3$ nickels or quarters, which is impossible. If you have two dimes, that leaves $40$ cents for $2$ nickels or quarters, which is again impossible. If you have three dimes, that leaves $30$ cents for $1$ nickel or quarter, which is still impossible. And all four remaining coins being dimes will not be enough.

Therefore, you must have no more dimes to assign, and the $60$ cents in $4$ coins must be divided between the quarters and nickels. We quickly see that $2$ nickels and $2$ quarters work. Thus, the total count is $2$ quarters, $2$ nickels, $1$ penny, plus one more coin of each type that we originally subtracted. Double-checking, that gives a total $2 + 2 + 1 + 4 = 9$ coins, and a total of $2\cdot 25 + 2\cdot 5 + 1 + (1 + 5 + 10 + 25) = 102$ cents.

There is only $1$ dime in that combo, so the answer is $\boxed{A}$.

Solution 2 (Faster)

We see that there must be 102 cents, so therefore there's at least 2 pennies. That leaves 7 coins. We assume that there are 3 quarters, leaving 25 cents with 4 coins left. If all 4 are nickels, that would only be 20 cents, missing 5. Therefore, one nickel must be changed into 1 dime, so the answer is $\boxed{A}$

Solution by ILoveMath31415926535

Video Solution by OmegaLearn


~ pi_is_3.14

Video Solution 2

https://youtu.be/Vm-proRV5wI. Soo, DRMS, NM

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=un-zQJRS49k ~David

See Also

2000 AMC 8 (ProblemsAnswer KeyResources)
Preceded by
Problem 19
Followed by
Problem 21
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