Lexicographic ordering

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Lexicographic (or dictionary ordering) is a strict total ordering $<$ on the $\alpha$-tuple $A = \prod_{\beta < \alpha} A_{\beta}$ of totally ordered sets for some ordinal $\alpha$ using the strict total orderings $<_{\beta}$ of $A_{\beta}, \beta < \alpha$.

Formal Definition

For $(a,b) \in A^2$, letting $a_{\beta}$ and $b_{\beta}$ denote the $\beta^{\text{th}}$ components of $a$ and $b$ respectively, we say $a < b$ iff $(\exists \gamma \leq \alpha)((\forall \beta < \gamma)(a_{\beta} = b_{\beta}) \wedge (a_{\gamma} <_{\gamma} b_{\gamma}))$.