AoPS Wiki:Sandbox

Revision as of 11:40, 11 February 2008 by Worthawholebean (talk | contribs)

Welcome to the sandbox, a location to test your newfound wiki-editing abilities.

Please note that all contributions here may be deleted periodically and without warning.

In the computer world, a sandbox is a place to test and experiment -- essentially, it's a place to play.

This is the AoPSWiki Sandbox. Feel free to experiment here.

Warning: anything you place here is subject to deletion without notice.

Sandbox Area

[asy] unitsize(3mm); fill((-4,-4)--(-4,4)--(4,4)--(4,-4)--cycle,blue); fill((-2,-2)--(-2,2)--(2,2)--(2,-2)--cycle,red); path onewhite=(-1,3)--(0,4)--(1,3)--(0,2)--cycle; fill(onewhite,white); path onewhitel=shift((-2,0))*onewhite; path onewhiter=shift((2,0))*onewhite; path whites=onewhitel^^onewhite^^onewhiter; fill(whites,white); fill(rotate(90)*whites,white); fill(rotate(180)*whites,white); fill(rotate(270)*whites,white); [/asy]