So. I finally decide to use this page, just to record my failures at math. It'll be sort of a history for me to look back upon.
Fourth Grade
My first "actual" math competition was in fourth grade, when I took the MML and scored a 29/30 (surprising, since I thought I had failed).
Fifth Grade
Then, in fifth grade, I took it again (fifth grade contest though) and got a 27/30, which was kind of disappointing. I also took the Gauss contest for seventh graders, which is Canadian, and I got a 134/150. Meh.
Sixth Grade
In sixth grade, I actually started competition math. I got a 17/40 on MMPC Part 1, allowing me to go to Part II, where I failed with a 0, even though my solution for 2b was pretty much the same as the official one. I made the school Mathcounts team, and got 8th at Chapter, where our team came 2nd. At state, I came 22nd and our team came 3rd. I got a 109.5 AMC 10A (all luck) and only like 76.5 10B, ugh. I did manage to get 40/40 on 6th grade MML and a 150 on the 7th grade Gauss. I also got 38/40 on the Fryer competition (9th grade), another Canadian one, but proof oriented. Also got a 142/150 on the 9th grade Canadian Pascal competition, and a 26/42 (since I missed the first round, so not out of 56) on Mandelbrot regional. Oh, and 23/25 on MOEMS, and 23/25 on AMC 8.
Seventth Grade
My 7th grade year , where I moved to Ohio, but still took a lot of the same competitions. I got 24/40 on MMPC Part 1 and 13 on Part 2, giving me 102nd place. I also won Chapter Mathcounts and 4th at state, so I went to Nationals. I got 129 on 10A, 108 on 12B, and an unfortunate 4 on AIME II. I didn't take MML, or any of the Canadian competitions. I got worse at the AMC 8 (22 this year) and better at MOEMS (24, I was sick on a round, and got #4 wrong). I got a 33/56 on Mandelbrot regional (missed Round 5, and it was out of 70 in all). Oh well, I hope to do redeem myself somewhat at Nationals. Unfortunately, that failed (cough, 92nd with 19/3).
Eighth Grade
This year, I didn't go to ICAE (where I take most of my math competitions) until the Winter session, so I missed a bunch of competitions. I missed MMPC (darn), AMC 8 (who cares?), Mandelbrot round 1 (darn, round 1 was easy), and MOEMS (who cares?). Oh, I also missed COMC, which is bad because I could solve every question besides 4b and 4c. Darn.
Bad year for me somewhat, so far. 7/14 on round 2 on Mandelbrot. You know what? I'm not going to say I made stupid mistakes this time. It doesn't matter at all. 17 on USAMTS round 1, expected 17-19 on round 2.
Major Goals for 8th Grade
144 AMC 10, 126 AMC 12, 7 AIME, 4 USAMO, 60+ USAMTS, 6+ ARML, top 30 at National Mathcounts
Minor Goals for 8th grade
80+ Euclid, 40+ Mandelbrot, perfect Pascal, perfect Fryer
Book goals
Volume 2: Finish by January 2009 Intermediate C+P: Finish by February 2009 Intermediate Algebra: Finish by April 2009 :P