This is an ongoing progress to interlink a database here with my blog description. If you read this, pm me with the number "963" to receive 10 BP. If you edit this page, please be aware that I will probably change it back to where it was before without warning, unless, of course, you did something that was useful.
AMC 10 Training (10th grade)
1996 AMC 8 (21)
(8/19/11) The first one I took. I'm going to try to go through a few tests a week, variously AMC 8s and 10s. I'm aiming for qualification in the AIME, which means that I need a 120. Here I am starting out with AMC 8s. I got a 21 on this one. If I had read how they were scored, I would've approached the test a bit differently and got a 23. I made a stupid mistake on 6 (ouch), misread 8, and didn't approach 16 correctly. If I had guessed, though, I would've gotten it right. On 20 I used my awesome process of elimination skills and... eliminated the answer. I will not let myself move on to AMC 10's until I get a 25. (Maybe 2 of them, if it doesn't happen soon)
2001 AMC 8 (22)
(8/19/11) Bleh. I had to look up one of the problems because it wasn't complete, and I tried to do another of them without the diagram (which didn't exist). I missed 24 (being stupid), 20 (guessed the wrong one out of 2 possibles), and 14 (need to review Intro to C+P BADLY). Other than that, I need to remember I still have like 5 months left, Algebra 1 and 2 review for fun (AoPS Style) and Algebra 3. Throw in some C+P and I should be fine. I just can't let geo sneak up on me...
1988 AMC 8 (24)
(8/20/11) That's more like it. I would've had a 25 except for #16, where I basically did the opposite of the correct answer. Including instead of excluding the diagonal. I'm finding a lot of typos/errors, so I'll continue to do these for practice and for making them a better resource for the community.
2005 AMC 8 (20)
(8/20/11) Bleh. This seems to be one of the harder ones so far, and it hit me right in the geo and C+P. *sigh*
1990 AMC 8 (21)
(8/28/11) 9 was a fail. 12 was a fail. 16... I'm ok with missing that one, same with 19. Actually, this should've been 23. Grr. Need to check my work.
RManaging (126)
Problems Added but Didn't Post Myself
Problems Posted by Me but not Added by Me (93)
1997 AJHSME (1-25)
2002 USAMTS Rounds 3-4 (1-5,1-5)
2001 Tournament of Towns (1-48)
Problems Posted and Added by Me (33)
2005 USAMTS Round 4 (1-5)
2006 SMT {Team Round, Algebra Round} ({2,4,6-15},{6-10})
2004 USAMTS Rounds 2 and 4 (1-5),(1,5)
Problems Edited For Contest Page (14)
Note to self: Doesn't count toward total
1950 AHSME (37-50)
100 views per day achieved (1/9/11)
100 comments (1/7/11)
1000th view (1/10/11)
50th entry (1/10/11)
200 comments (1/12/11)
1337th view (1/12/11)
1500th view:(1/14/11)
300th comment (1/16/11)
2000th view (1/17/11)
2500th view (1/19/11)
3000th view (1/23/11)
4000th view (2/1/11)
500th comment (2/3/11)
5000th view (2/7/11)
6000th view (2/16/11)
200th entry (2/16/11)
600th comment (2/17/11)
40th update (2/21/11)
7000th view (2/23/11)
8000th view (2/28/11)
700th comment (3/4/11)
50th update (3/5/11)
9000th view (3/7/11)
10000th view (3/13/11)
300th entry (3/14/11)
15,000th view (4/11/11)
400th entry (4/28/11)
1,000th Comment (5/23/11)
20,000th view (6/13/11)
Games I've Created
Fun Factory
The Awesome Geography Game (revival)
Records I hold on AoPS
Longest Reverse Necropost "Post": 3 days, 12 hours, 23 minutes
Longest Necropost Game: Necropost II
Longest Game with Defined End that Ended: Necropost II
Most Reaps: 9500 (data lost)
Longest Reaper Lead: Game 18, between 5 and 6 months.
Personal Blog Records
200 views in 7 hours (1/17/11)
2.94 shouts/day (1/17/11)
4.36 comments/entry (1/21/11)
257 line description (1/21/11)
4.8 entries per day (1/20/11)
152.12 views/day (4/2/11)
42.42 views/entry (7/25/11)
Useful Tags
Problem of the Day
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This is a complete list of all unsolved problems.
This is a complete list of all problems
Problem of the Day Contributor Created Special Problems of the Day