Hello! I'm , otherwise known as . As you see up top, I took the time to use Asymptote to draw my name: mcqueen. If by some chance you haven't looked at it, take a look below, which should help you.
Start of Code
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
repeat: string HaveYouSeenThePicOrNot[2] {"Yes I have seen the pic.", "No I haven't seen the pic."}; int x; cout<<"Have you seen the pic yet? If Yes, type 1. If No, type 2. If I don't know, type anything you'd like." <<endl; cin>> x; if (x==1) { cout<<"Good, now we are ending this program." <<endl; goto end; } if (x==2) { cout<<"Well get up, scroll up, and look at the pic!" <<endl; goto repeat; } else { cout<<"ERROR 404: Page not found. Error...Error...Error...BOOM! ---BEEP---" <<endl; goto end; } end: system("PAUSE");
} End of Code
Of course that was a guide for you to see the pic. The guide was written in of course. I can program, and my main language is , though I do know a good amount of , some of , and a tiny bit of .