CSS Skin Compilation
This AoPS Wiki article is dedicated to the storage of CSS Skins to be used in AoPS Blogs.
Please do not edit the codes here unless you are the original author of that CSS.
In Development
- <url>viewtopic.php?f=624&t=332505 SU Stylesheet v.1.8 by CA Math</url>
- <url>viewtopic.php?f=624&t=363284 Poseidon 2 v.2.2 by Dojo</url>
- <url>viewtopic.php?f=624&t=370959 Klean v.1.1 by Dojo</url>
- <url>viewtopic.php?f=624&t=371072 Astronomy v.1.1 by asf</url>
- <url>viewtopic.php?f=624&t=374587 Happy Halloween v.1.0 by Mister Geek</url>
- <url>viewtopic.php?f=624&t=375065 Facebook v.1.5 by Dojo</url>
- <url>viewtopic.php?f=624&t=381049 Legit v.1.0 by Dojo</url>
- <url>viewtopic.php?f=624&t=381715 Technology v.1.1 by El_Ectric</url>
- <url>viewtopic.php?f=624&t=374479 Piano Theme v.1.1 by exmath89</url>
- <url>viewtopic.php?f=624&t=384472 Happy v.1.1 by Dojo</url>
- <url>viewtopic.php?f=624&t=385978 AoPS v.1.0 by El_Ectric</url>
- <url>viewtopic.php?f=624&t=387609 Ice v.1.0 by abcak</url>
- <url>viewtopic.php?f=624&t=389064 Harry Potter 7 v.1.2 by exmath89</url>
- <url>viewtopic.php?f=624&t=416465 BSoD v.0.9 by asf</url>
- <url>viewtopic.php?f=624&t=422926 Google v.1.0 by smallpeoples343</url>
- <url>viewtopic.php?f=624&t=428664 Comic v.1.0 by Dojo</url>
- <url>viewtopic.php?f=624&t=427423 Melt v.1.5 by PythonNut</url>
- <url>viewtopic.php?f=624&t=429293 Twenty-Eleven v.1.0 by Dojo</url>
- <url>viewtopic.php?f=624&t=429424 Parchment v.1.3 by brightknight</url>
- <url>viewtopic.php?f=624&t=429572 Aero v.1.0 by PythonNut</url>
- <url>viewtopic.php?f=624&t=416492 Nyan Cat v.1.0 by Dojo</url>
- <url>viewtopic.php?f=624&t=433775 Blue Warp v.1.0 by smallpeoples343</url>
- <url>viewtopic.php?f=624&t=430948 Windows 7 v.1.3 by PythonNut</url>
- <url>viewtopic.php?f=624&t=436196 Cortex v.1.0 by PythonNut</url>
- <url>viewtopic.php?f=624&t=436789 Let me Google that for you by asf</url>
- <url>viewtopic.php?f=624&t=412429 Blue Car by bluecarneal</url>
If any mistakes are found, please report them in the Talk Page.