
Revision as of 19:06, 2 November 2011 by SecretsKayKay (talk | contribs) (BLOG)
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Topgearguy, or tops as some call him, is fond of LaTeX and some programming having frequent messages with Pythonnut. He joined the Art of Problem Solving (AoPS) community on Jan 17, 2011 at 8:46 am. He has ever since done some classes and has finally completed 30 games on FTW so that he can talk with other community members about math.


Topgearguy has a blog[1] called N/A. After much modification, topgearguy,or tops as many people in the classroom call him, had a blog that he was satisfied with. It had the font family of Lucida Console. He changed the color scheme using a hexadecimal color chart.


Topgearguy has made a LaTeX package. It is a Number Theory Package(NTP) that has uses such as remainder(\r) and also hexadecimal letters so that they are not slanty(\a through \f). At the moment, he has finished Number Theory Package 1.1 and will be looking over anything else that could be added. NTP 1.0 can be found on his blog (there are countless warnings on plagery). Tops is also also making a General Package(GP) that will hold general things such as cube roots(\cbrt{}) and also $\sqrt[n]{\text{roots}}$ (\nrt{})for the help of all. It even includes a percent sign and a dollar sign.


At the moment, topgearguy is working on math on AoPS. What will happen later? No one knows.