You are at the wrong page. Please do not edit without bbstar24's permission, or he will come after you. Seriously. This page is about my life, mafia, and math competitions.
- Special Mafia edition will come soon!
[hide]Basketballstar24's Troll Life
Basketballstar24 was born on September 11th, 2001. He is currently over 9000 years old. He joined AoPS on September 11th, 2001. According to trollers, his password is gullible. He dislikes noobs. A lot. He once lived in Afghanistan, but now moved to Niger due to the overwhelming terrorists trying to break in our shacks.
Basketballstar24's Life
Basketballstar24 was born on a day. He is currently 12 years old. He joined AoPS on July 31, 2010. He currently lives in SoCal. bbstar does math and plays basketball and mafia.
Basketballstar24's Mafia Stats
He loves mafia. Though he has signed up a year ago, he quit because the wait was too long, and in 2012 he picked up mafia again. Now it is his favorite game. These stats come from AoPS mafia and games.
- Town: 1/1
- Mafia: 0/0
- Third Party: 0/1
He has played AoPS game 76 as an one-shot assassin. He has played's Micro Game 7 as a Macho Cop (earned MVP).
Math 2011
- MathCounts School: 45
- MathCounts Chapter: 38
- MathCounts State: 19
- MathLeague: 2nd place
- AMC8: 22
- AMC10: 108
Math 2012
- MathCounts School: 46
- MathCounts Chapter: 46
- MathCounts State: 42+
- MathLeague: 1st place
- AMC8: 25
- AMC10: 120+
- AIME: 3+
- USAJMO: Qualify
- ARML: Qualify
- N/A
- Last updated 8/26/2012 editing first page- major
- Last updated 8/28/2012 editing small mistakes- minor
- Last updated 8/28/2012 editing Math Competitions- major
- Last updated 8/28/2012 editing Bullets- minor
- Last updated 8/28/2012 editing Mafia Stats- minor
(currently at v1.1.2)