Prime Number Theorem
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The aim of this article is to present the proof of the prime number theorem that says that the number of primes not exceeding
is approximately
or, more precisely, that
Unfortunately, all known proofs of the prime number theorem are quite involved and require knowledge of some college level material.
We shall start with some elementary observations due to Chebyshev.
Chebyshev's estimates
The key observation is that is divisible by all primes
. Indeed, every such prime appears in the numerator
and does not appear in the denominator
. Thus,
(from now on,
will always stand for a prime number, so, to shorten the notation, we will not explicitly write "
is prime" in the descriptions of sum and product ranges). Similarly, considering
, we see that
(the last inequality holds because
). Now we are ready to prove the
Upper bound for the product of primes
Lemma 1
For every positive integer , we have
Proof of Lemma 1
Induction on . The base
is obvious. Suppose now that the statement holds for all numbers strictly less than
. If
is even, then
If is odd, then
From this lemma we can easily derive the
Upper bound for the number of primes
Lemma 2
for large
Proof of Lemma 2
Rewrite the inequality of Lemma 1 as . It follows that
But then
for large
Now let us turn to elementary lower bounds. They are actually not required for the proof of the prime number theorem outlined below, but they may be of some independent interest, especially to those who haven't taken advanced courses in analysis by this moment and may be unable to go through the entire proof yet.
Lower bound for the product of primes
Lemma 3
Proof of Lemma 3
The idea is again to investigate the prime factorization of
. We shall give the proof for odd
(the case of even
is similar). Recall that the power in which a prime number
appears in the prime factorization of
(see factorial for the proof).
Therefore, the power in which
appears in the prime factorization of
Note that each term in the last sum does not exceed
and the number of non-zero terms does not exceed
, which is
for all
On the other hand, is the largest of the
binomial coefficients whose sum is
. Thus,
whence the estimate of the lemma.
Lower bound for the number of primes
Lemma 4
for large
Proof of Lemma 2
Rewrite the inequality of Lemma 3 as for large
But the left hand side does not exceed
whence the lemma.
We haven't proved the prime number theorem yet, but we showed that
for all sufficiently large
. For many readers it is probably a good idea to stop here and to proceed to Bertrand's postulate. The material below this point requires good knowledge of analysis and is, probably, accessible to college students only.
To be continued