2013 AIME II Problems/Problem 8

Revision as of 21:42, 4 April 2013 by Bobthesmartypants (talk | contribs) (Solution)

A hexagon that is inscribed in a circle has side lengths $22$, $22$, $20$, $22$, $22$, and $20$ in that order. The radius of the circle can be written as $p+\sqrt{q}$, where $p$ and $q$ are positive integers. Find $p+q$.


Solution 1

Let us call the hexagon $ABCDEF$, where $AB=CD=DE=AF=22$, and $BC=EF=20$. We can just consider one half of the hexagon, $ABCD$, to make matters simpler. Draw a line from the center of the circle, $O$, to the midpoint of $BC$, $E$. Now, draw a line from $O$ to the midpoint of $AB$, $F$. Clearly, $\angle BEO=90^{\circ}$, because $BO=CO$, and $\angle BFO=90^{\circ}$, for similar reasons. Also notice that $\angle AOE=90^{\circ}$. Let us call $\angle BFO=\theta$. Therefore, $\angle AOB=2\theta$, and so $\angle AOE=90-2\theta$. Let us label the radius of the circle $r$. This means \[\sin{\theta}=\frac{BF}{r}=\frac{11}{r}\] \[\sin{(90-2\theta)}=\frac{BE}{r}=\frac{10}{r}\] Now we can use simple trigonometry to solve for $r$. Recall that $\sin{(90-\alpha)}=\cos(\alpha)$: That means $\sin{(90-2\theta)}=\cos{2\theta}=\frac{10}{r}$. Recall that $\cos{2\alpha}=1-2\sin^2{\alpha}$: That means $\cos{2\theta}=1-2\sin^2{\theta}=\frac{10}{r}$. Let $\sin{\theta}=x$. Substitute to get $x=\frac{11}{r}$ and $1-2x^2=\frac{10}{r}$ Now substitute the first equation into the second equation: $1-2\left(\frac{11}{r}\right)^2=\frac{10}{r}$ Multiplying both sides by $r^2$ and reordering gives us the quadratic \[r^2-10r-242=0\] Using the quadratic equation to solve, we get that $r=5+\sqrt{267}$ (because $5-\sqrt{267}$ gives a negative value), so the answer is $5+267=\boxed{272}$

Solution 2

Using the trapezoid $ABCD$ mentioned above, draw an altitude of the trapezoid passing through point $B$ onto $AD$ at point $E$. Now, we can use the pythagorean theorem: $(22^2-(r-10)^2)+10^2=r^2$. Expanding and combining like terms gives us the quadratic \[r^2-10r-242\] and solving for $r$ gives $r=5+\sqrt{267}$. So the solution is $5+267=\boxed{272}$