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I have never heard of the guy.

From the'80s, along with trendy dudes like Nolder and Donny Myhre, skaters from Florida were known for having a certain stinkbug flare with mustaches and double-cap knee pads and so on. Does that old fashion still exist?

No, not really'cause you don't have to wear pads anymore at the parks. So it's sort of mellowed out a little bit, but there is still some heated hippies around.

Where is the best place to find this particular flavor?

Perhaps Daytona place, but they just closed that Stone Edge park down. That has been complete pads, but I think they simply ripped down that about a month ago. <a href=""></a>

Did you ever ride a Mark Lake Nightmare?

Nope. I rode a Ken Park Vision before.

Tell me a good Buck Smith narrative.

Allow me to think 1 day I had been at Kona, and this is sort of lately, and he did a backside rip-off the tombstone all the way back into the bowl, just out of the blue; so gnarly. It is the gnarliest thing ever done on that thing by way --literally travelled up the tombstone and it was like a backside boneless-type footplant. He did not stall. The minute his foot touched that he was already pushing off and going back into the bowl. It was crazy.

<img src="">

Who was the greatest idol growing up?

Eh, likely Buck--need to be.

Not Templeton?

Nah. You know what is weird? I never knew who any of these guys were. I ask'cause he has a mean one-footed ollie.

You know who I got that from was Matt Hensley. This H-Street movie, Hocus Pocus. I used to swear that movie.

Were you sort of cut off? Can you have more Florida idols than anything else growing up?

Yes'cause I mostly only skated with these guys and seeing Buck in magazines all the time and then being able to see him skate, how much he murdered it. That's all I had been about, attempting to follow him about and learn.

Is it hard to maintain a flourishing pro career in Florida?

No, I don't think so. I know a whole lot of people question it, but if you only stay on top of your things you can get it done. There's a lot of great stuff to skate here. The only real backfall is that the weather, like the heat in the summer. The humidity is really bad. There are tons of great people who do skate and top best skateboard. A lot of rippers from Jacksonville alone. I know they live out there now, such as Caine and Neal, Clyde.

Yup, it was crazy. I used to cut trees down for a living, like a tree surgeon. I had been back to work that Monday and I only got a lot of calls from my patrons and they were just like"What are you doing?" I actually got invited to come out to California and skate for a while.

After that it was just on.

What's the worst accident you've ever saw on the job?

I worked there for almost two decades and I never saw anybody get cut.

What is the worst job you ever had?

I worked at Target pushing shopping carts for like a year. That sucked ass. <a href=""></a>

Have you ever needed a job where you were so angry that you just took revenge on a customer?

One time these folks kind of twisted my boss, and that I had to drive over to their home together with the truck--this large truck with these wood chips inside and I chucked it in their front lawn. So that was kind of punk My boss was there kind of backing me it was not just like a solo thing.

Would you date a stripper?

No. I really don't think so. Maybe like three or four years ago, but not now. I meanthey are sexy, but...

Whatever happened to Danny Griffin?

You know what he can? He conducts --Perhaps you have heard of a sandwich shop called Jason's Deli? I believe he owns one of those shops Out here at the shore, actually.

What do you think of all of these crazy kids?

They're going nuts.

It is insane. It's hard to keep up. I'm beginning to find out that you gotta do your own thing. Children are only throwing themselves down 20 stairs, not scared. I believe that they're just watching videos now and feel like that's what they have to do in order to become exactly what pro skaters are. Watch more Top Rated for beginners.

Who is your favorite of all the new men?

I enjoy Lutzka and Kyle Berard. Both of those guys. Lutzka's like 16 and you just take him anywhere and it's only...

That's the sign of a fantastic skater, any puppy shit place you choose them to and they float.

Kyle's like that also, but with him being hurt right now it's really difficult for him to pull pressure.

Have you got any goals you've set for yourself?

I'd love to get a shoe with Globe daily. I'd like to see Illenium grow It is doing really well, and it's just going to get better. <a href=""></a>

What if some children do if they are coming into Florida, besides for the Tampa Am?

They ought to arrive at the shore and revel in the beach in the daytime, and then only skate at night. Inform'em for beat, too.

Get overcome?


Alright, well, all you kids get beat.