2010 USAJMO Problems/Problem 4

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A triangle is called a parabolic triangle if its vertices lie on a parabola $y = x^2$. Prove that for every nonnegative integer $n$, there is an odd number $m$ and a parabolic triangle with vertices at three distinct points with integer coordinates with area $(2^nm)^2$.


Let the vertices of the triangle be $(a, a^2), (b, b^2), (c, c^2)$. The area of the triangle is the absolute value of $A$ in the equation:

\[A = \frac{1}{2}\det\left\vert         \begin{array}{c c}                 b-a & c - a\\                 b^2 - a^2 & c^2 - a^2         \end{array}\right\vert   = \frac{(b-a)(c-a)(c-b)}{2}\]

If we choose $a < b < c$, $A > 0$ and gives the actual area. Furthermore, we clearly see that the area does not change when we subtract the same constant value from each of $a$, $b$ and $c$. Thus, all possible areas can be obtained with $a = 0$, in which case $A = \frac{1}{2}bc(c-b)$.

If a particular choice of $b$ and $c$ gives an area $A = (2^nm)^2$, with $n$ a positive integer and $m$ a positive odd integer, then setting $b' = 4b$, $c' = 4c$ gives an area $A' = 4^3 A = 8^2 A = (2^{n+3}m)^2$.

Therefore, if we can find solutions for $n = 0$, $n = 1$ and $n = 2$, all other solutions can be generated by repeated multiplication of $b$ and $c$ by a factor of $4$.

Setting $b=1$ and $c=2$, we get $A=1 = (2^0\cdot1)^2$, which yields the $n=0$ case.

Setting $b=1$ and $c=9$, we get $A = 9\cdot4 = (2^1\cdot3)^2$, which yields the $n=1$ case.

Setting $b=1$ and $c=5$, we get $A=1\cdot2\cdot5 = 10$. Multiplying these values of $b$ and $c$ by $10$, we get $b'=10$, $c'=50$, $A'=10\cdot20\cdot50 = 100^2 = (2^2\cdot5^2)^2$, which yields the $n=2$ case. This completes the construction.

See Also

2010 USAJMO (ProblemsResources)
Preceded by
Problem 3
Followed by
Problem 5
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