
Revision as of 11:45, 31 October 2011 by Knittingfrenzy18 (talk | contribs) (The File:Bold Button.JPG Button)

Writing Messages in the AoPS Community

The Buttons

Post a New Topic.JPG This is a picture of what you see when you create a topic or post a reply.

The Bold Button.JPG Button

The Bold Button.JPG button is for bold tags. When you click on it, your screen should look like this: Clicked on the Bold Button.JPG These are called bold tags. Then, you can type in any text you want: Type in my Bolded Text.JPG When you submit it, it should look like this: <img src="" />

The <img src="" /> Button

The <img src="" /> button is the italics button. When you click on it, your screen should look like this: <img src="" /> Then you can type in your italicized message: <img src="" /> When you submit, it should look like this: <img src="" />

The <img src="" /> button

The <img src="" /> button is for underlining text. When you click on it, your screen should look like this: <img src="" /> Then you can type in whatever you want to be underlined: <img src="" /> When you submit it, it should look like this: <img src="" />