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\boxed{Answer} produces a box around your Answer.

\frac{a}{b} produces a fraction with numerator $a$ and denominator $b$. $\frac{a}{b}$

^\circ produces the degrees symbol. $a^{\circ}$

\text{Your Text Here} produces text within LaTeX. $\mbox{Your Text Here}$.

\mbox{Your Text Here} Produces text within LaTeX $\mbox{Your Text Here}$

\sqrt{x} produces the square root of $x$. $\sqrt{x}$

\sqrt[n]{x} produces the $n$th root of $x$. $\sqrt[n]{x}$

a\equiv b \pmod{c} produces $a$ is equivalent to $b$ mod $c$. $a\equiv b \pmod{c}$ See Modular Arithmetic

\binom{9}{3} produces 9 choose 3.

{n}\choose{r} produces n choose r. ${n}\choose{r}$

x^{y} produces x to the power of y. $x^y$

x_{y} produces x with y in subscript. $x_y$

\rightarrow produces an arrow to the right. $\rightarrow$

\leftarrow produces an arrow to the left. $\leftarrow$

\uparrow produces an arrow pointing upwards. $\uparrow$

\downarrow produces an arrow pointing downwards. $\downarrow$

\updownarrow produces an arrow pointing up and down. $\updownarrow$

\ge produces a greater than or equal to sign. $\ge$

\le produces a less than or equal to sign. $\le$

\not> produces a not greater than sign. $\not>$

\not< produces a not less than sign. $\not<$

\not\ge produces a not greater than or equal to sign. $\not\ge$

\not\le produces a not less than or equal to sign. $\not\le$

\neq produces a not equal to sign. $\neq$

\infty produces an infinity sign. $\infty$

\perp produces a perpendicular sign. $\perp$

\angle produces an angle sign. $\angle$

\triangle produces a triangle. $\triangle$

\ldots produces three dots at the bottom of a line (ellipsis). $\ldots$

\cdots produces three dots in the middle of a line (as in a series sum or product). $\cdots$

\times produces an $\times$ as used in multiplication

\otimes produces a $\otimes$

Also note that you do not have to use braces, "{" and "}", when you only want one character in the operation.


  • x^y is the same as x^{y}. $x^y$
  • x_y is the same as x_{y}. $x_y$
  • BUT x^10 is not the same as x^{10}. $x^10$ instead of $x^{10}$.