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(LaTeX Cheat Sheet)
(LaTeX Cheat Sheet)
(One intermediate revision by the same user not shown)
Line 38: Line 38:
In AoPS, if you type in "displaystyle", the next time when you edit the "displaystyle" when disappear automatically.
In AoPS, if you type in "displaystyle", the next time when you edit the "displaystyle" when disappear automatically.
Subtitle can be created in this way: ==[space]Subtitle[space]==
<math> sdb </math>

Revision as of 14:56, 28 March 2021

LaTeX Cheat Sheet

Here is a list of LaTeX code:

\frac{x}{y} represents $\frac{x}{y}$

\sqrt{x} represents $\sqrt{x}$

\alpha, \beta, \gamma, \pi, \Pi \phi \Delta represents $\alpha, \beta, \gamma, \pi, \Pi, \phi, \Delta$ respectively

k_n represents $k_n$

\infty represents $\infty$

\sin, \cos, \tan represents $\sin, \cos, \tan$

\cot, \sec, \csc represents $\cot, \sec, \csc$

x \equiv a \pmod{b} represents $x \equiv a \pmod{b}$

x \bmod y represent $x \bmod y$

\binom{a}{b} represents $\binom{a}{b}$

\sqrt[n]{x} represents $\sqrt[n]{x}$

\int\limits_a^b represents $\int\limits_a^b$, while \int\limits_a^b {c} represents $\int\limits_a^b {c}$

( a ), [ b ], \{ a \}, | a |, \|a \|, \langle a \rangle, \lfloor a \rfloor, \lceil a \rceil represents $( a )$,$[ b ]$, $\{ a \}$, $| a |$, $\|a \|$, $\langle a \rangle$, $\lfloor a \rfloor$, $\lceil a \rceil$ respectively

\lim\limits_{x \to 235} \sin(x) represents $\lim\limits_{x \to 235} \sin(x)$

f(n) = n|_{n = 3} represents $f(n) = n|_{n = 3}$

\log_{a} b represents $log_{a} b$

\pm is $\pm$, \parallel is $\parallel$, \therefore is $\therefore$. \supset is $\supset$, \to is $\to$, \gets is $\gets$, \subset is $\subset$, \angle is $\angle$, \ni is $\ni$, \dots is $\dots$

In AoPS, if you type in "displaystyle", the next time when you edit the "displaystyle" when disappear automatically.

Subtitle can be created in this way: ==[space]Subtitle[space]==
