MehtA+ Machine Learning Bootcamp

Revision as of 21:00, 19 January 2023 by BPM14 (talk | contribs)

MehtA+ Machine Learning Bootcamp is held virtually, every summer for 8th-12th graders (ages 13-18) located anywhere in the world interested in learning university-level computer science concepts (programming, AI/machine learning and data visualization) and their application to projects in fields such as medicine, digital humanities, economics and linguistics. Students complete a research project with like-minded individuals under the guidance of faculty members of prestigious universities.

Locations and Dates

Online: This 6-week summer project-based bootcamp will take place virtually (through Zoom) on weekdays from June 19th, 2023 to July 28th, 2023.

Camp Description

MehtA+ AI/Machine Learning Research Bootcamp will be taught by MIT and Stanford alumni.

This six-week interdisciplinary summer bootcamp will provide students with expert instruction in cutting edge university-level AI/Machine Learning, which students will then apply to projects run by professors from top US and international universities. This online collaborative course teaches high school students advanced computer science skills, requiring no prior knowledge.

Students are first introduced to the mathematics behind various AI, machine learning and deep learning models and then taught various data preprocessing techniques and how to train their own complex AI models from scratch and work in small groups for a midterm project. For their final project, each group of students is paired with top university scholars working on projects that require machine learning. Students will potentially receive an opportunity to have their work published in professional academic journals.


Application here:

Deadline: Wednesday, June 7, 2023 at 11:59 pm CST, or whenever slots fill up!

Daily Schedule

Class will be held every day on the weekdays from 8am CST - 12 pm CST. Classes will consist of a combination of lectures that will emphasize the theory and application of AI/machine learning in the humanities as well as group activities.

Students will be assigned mini assignments almost every day, which they are expected to complete in order to participate in a machine learning research project with our partner universities.

In addition to the assignments, students are expected to spend the rest of the day working on their final project, thus making the expected commitment full-time. We do not recommend students partaking in any other major extracurricular activities during the summer.

The camp will conclude with a conference the evening of July 27th at 8pm CST, where students will be presenting their project to parents and distinguished faculty members.

Instructors will hold optional office hours almost every evening and will be available on Slack 24/7 to answer questions that students have.


We will be covering common AI and machine learning techniques.

Students will learn AI/machine learning topics such as rule-based systems, k-nearest neighbors, support vector machines, perceptrons, classification vs. regression, artificial neural networks, convolutional neural networks, Markov decision processes, reinforcement learning, recurrent neural networks/long short-term memory networks, natural language processing, generative adversarial networks, k-means, collaborative filtering, PCA and t-SNE, GPT-3 and DALL-E 2.

Students will learn Python and its various machine learning and data science libraries including, but not limited to Numpy, Pandas, scikit-learn, Tensorflow, Keras, PyTorch, NLTK, SpaCy, Gensim, Matplotlib, and SciPy, as well as web development/research-paper writing skills like HTML, CSS, Javascript, and Latex.

Students will learn about good coding practices, different text editors (Nano, Vim, VS Code), learn commands on Terminal/Command Line, learn how to make a virtual environment and learn how to code in a team using Github. They will also be introduced to different computing platforms such as AWS and GCP.

Students will be trained in writing a conference-style research paper in Latex and machine learning research methods. They will be taught HTML, CSS and JavaScript in order to create a website to display their findings. They will also be creating a technical poster and video demo.

Students will learn about ethical implications in research (bias and imbalance, etc.).

We will also have guest lectures from scholars from relevant fields.

Syllabus is subject to change, based on the needs of students.

More Information + FAQs

For more information, examples of past midterm and final projects, and FAQs, please visit: