Revision as of 22:06, 28 January 2024 by Ddk001 (talk | contribs) (Solution 1 by ddk001 (Casework))

Hi, this page is created by ...~ SANSGANKRSNGUPTA This page contains exclusive problems made by me myself. I am the creator of these OG problems. What OG stands for is a secret! Please post your solutions with your name. If you view this page please increment the below number by one:


Problem 1

Let $\overline{ab}$ be a 2-digit positive integer satisfying $\overline{ab}^2=a! +b!$. Find $a+b$ .

Solution 1 by ddk001 (Casework)

Case 1: $a>b$ In this case, we have

\[\overline{ab}^2=a! +b!=(1+a \cdot (a-1) \cdot \dots \cdot (b+1)) \cdot b! \implies b!|\overline{ab}^2=(10a+b)^2\].

If $b \ge 5$, we must have

\[10|b!|\overline{ab}^2=(10a+b)^2 \implies 10|(10a+b)^2=100a^2+20ab+b^2 \implies 10|b \implies b=0\]

, but this contradicts the original assumption of $b \ge 5$, so hence we must have $b \le 4$.


For any positive integer $n$, $n$>1 can $n!$ be a perfect square? If yes, give one such $n$. If no, then prove it.