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A stabilizer is a part of a monoid (or group) acting on a set.

Specifically, let $M$ be a monoid operating on a set $S$, and let $A$ be a subset of $S$. The stabilizer of $A$, sometimes denoted $\text{stab}(A)$, is the set of elements of $a$ of $M$ for which $a(A) \subseteq  A$; the strict stabilizer' is the set of $a \in M$ for which $a(A)=A$. In other words, the stabilizer of $A$ is the transporter of $A$ to itself.

The stabilizer of any set $A$ is evidently a sub-monoid of $M$, as is the strict stabilizer. Also, if $a$ is an invertible element of $M$ and a member of the strict stabilizer of $A$, then $a^{-1}$ is also an element of the strict stabilizer of $a$, for the restriction of the function $a : S \to S$ to $A$ is a bijection from $A$ to itself.

It follows that if $M$ is a group $G$, then the strict stabilizer of $A$ is a subgroup of $G$, since every element of $G$ is a bijection on $S$, but the stabilizer need not be. For example, let $G=S= \mathbb{Z}$, with $g(s) = g+s$, and let $A=\mathbb{Z}_{>0}$. Then the stabilizer of $A$ is the set of nonnegative integers, which is evidently not a group. On the other hand, the strict stabilizer of $A$ is the set $\{0\}$, the trivial group. On the other hand, if $A$ is finite, then the strict stabilizer and the stabilizer are one and the same, since $a : S \to S$ is bijective, for all $a\in G$.

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See also