Difference between revisions of "User:5849206328x"

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triple rot(real t) { return (0.2 * cos(pi * t/180), 0.2 * sin(pi * t/180), 4.5); }
triple rot(real t) { return (0.2 * cos(pi * t/180), 0.2 * sin(pi * t/180), 4.5); }
draw((0,0,2.5)--(0,2,2.5),linewidth(2)); draw(graph(rot,-180,93),EndArrow3);
draw(shift(0,0,2.5)*scale(2,2,2)*unitdisk,palegrey); draw((0,0,2.5)--(0,2,2.5),dashed); draw(graph(rot,-180,93),EndArrow3);
draw((0,0,4)--(0,0,2.5)); draw((0,0,2.5)--(0,0,1),dotted);

Revision as of 21:11, 23 July 2015

[asy] import graph3; import slopefield; import three;  size(288);  real e  = 2.718281828459045235360287471352662497757247093699959574966967627724076630353; real pi = 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286;  // Label f; // f.p=fontsize(6); //xaxis(0,5); //yaxis(-2,3);  currentprojection=orthographic(2,-2,1); //xaxis3("$x$",0,5); //yaxis3("$y$",0,5); zaxis3("$z$",0,5);  //real f(real x) { return 3 * (-1/x + 1/(2*x^2)); } //pair g(real t) { return (0,6.3) + (0.4 * cos(pi * t/180), 0.2 * sin(pi * t/180)); } //triple h(real t) { return (2 * cos(pi * t/180), 2 * sin(pi * t/180), 2.5); } triple rot(real t) { return (0.2 * cos(pi * t/180), 0.2 * sin(pi * t/180), 4.5); }  draw(shift(0,0,2.5)*scale(2,2,2)*unitdisk,palegrey); draw((0,0,2.5)--(0,2,2.5),dashed); draw(graph(rot,-180,93),EndArrow3); draw((0,0,4)--(0,0,2.5)); draw((0,0,2.5)--(0,0,1),dotted);  label("$a$",(0,1,2.5),N);  //limits((-25,-25),(50,25),Crop); [/asy]