
Revision as of 15:37, 28 January 2021 by Coolmath34 (talk | contribs)

About Me

-coolmath34 likes penguins. Especially cube penguins.

-I really, really like number theory.

-I like to write stories. Like science fiction. Science fiction is good.

-I have my own blog.

-Call me Cubey.

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Math Career

I've done really well on local math contests. In my school, I was first place in the Continental Math League thing that we did.

This year, I'm also starting MATHCOUNTS. My goal is to make it past school. My chances of making it into state will be highly unlikely, but it's worth a try.

The first time I've taken a national contest was November 15 of last year, when I did the AMC 8. I scored a 20 out of 25 and made Honor Roll. I also took it this year, and sillied with a 16/25.

In February 2018, I will take the AMC 10. I am planning to get >100.

If I get into AIME, I plan to get at least one. Nothing to expect...