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Orzorzorz Number

This is a number I coined. The exact value of this number is \[\sum_{m=17}^{122}\sum_{k=17}^{122}\sum_{n=17}^{\min(m,k)} (2^{24})^{n-17}\cdot(2^{730})^{\min(m,k)-n}\cdot26^{12(m-17)+12(k-17)},\] and is approximately equal to $4.8\cdot10^{26639}$. It's also approximately $2^{76650}\cdot26^{2520}$ to 210 significant figures. The formula used to find this number is an approximation of the number of ways mathimathz can happen, however I will not go into further detail about exactly how it was derived. Each one of the numbers in the formula has a good reason, however I am not revealing just yet. :)