CEMC Intermediate Competition

The Canadian Intermediate Mathematics Competition, or the CIMC, is a contest administered by the Centre for Education in Mathematics and Computing. It is for students in Grade 10 or lower. The CIMC is a free response test, where some questions require only the solution and some require a full, written-out response.


The CIMC contest is a 60 point, 120 minute competition that consists of 9 questions. The contest is divided into 2 sections:

  • Section A consists of 6 questions (1-6), each worth 5 points. These are questions where you write the answer in, but a full solution is not required (although if you get the question wrong, shown work could earn you part marks).
  • Section B consists of 3 questions (7-9), each worth 10 points. Each question has multiple parts (part a, part b, etc.) and the marks are split equally between each part. A full solution is required for full marks.

No penalties or marks are given for incorrect answers.

The questions are roughly in order of increasing difficulty, however the last few questions in a section may be harder than the first couple questions in the following section.

Some calculators are permitted.

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