Math Is Cool Championships


Math is Cool Championships is a math competition for grades 4-12 located in the state of Washington. The competition is hosted by Academics is Cool. Participants will be invited to go to the Math is Cool Masters if they score top 4 in their school and if their school wins top 8 in their division.



  • A 35 question, 40 minutes test accounts for approximately 90% of a student's score
  • A 8 question mental math test will account for approximately 10% of the student's score


MIC will look at all the teams' scores and find the max scores of the following sections:

  • Team Contest (10 question test)
  • Multiple Choice Team Contest (10 question test with answer choices and penalty for incorrect answers)
  • Relay (2 rounds graded separately, each teammate except for the first one will use the answer of the previous teammate to answer their question)
  • College Knowledge Bowl (College Bowl, 2 teams compete in solving math questions in the shortest amount of time possible)

MIC will then look at the sum of the max scores. More information on Academics is Cool website
