MehtA+ Competitive Programming Bootcamp

MehtA+ Competitive Programming Bootcamp is held virtually, every summer for 7th-12th graders (ages 12-18) the basics of data structures and algorithms in Python. Many entry-level computer scientist positions offer a six-figure salary. In order to land such coveted jobs, it is necessary to pass several difficult coding interviews. This camp is designed to help students prepare for a variety of topics at the USACO Bronze, Silver and Gold level as well as coding interviews for internships & jobs at the collegiate level. At the end of the camp, students will participate in a MehtA+ coding competition.

Locations and Dates

The camp will be offered during the weekdays from June 24 – July 5, 2024 from 9 – 12 am CST.

Camp Description

The instructors are MIT, Stanford, Harvard and UIUC computer science alumni and students who have done well at the USACO Gold Level and who have passed coding interviews at the topmost software engineering companies (Meta, Google, Amazon & Microsoft, etc.)

Topics covered include, but not limited to are data structures and control structures, algorithmic complexity, recursion, sorting and searching algorithms, hashing, dynamic programming, graph theory & object oriented programming.

Students who successfully complete the camp will receive a certificate.

Prerequisites: Basic familiarity with Python is required.

To check if you have all the prerequisites necessary for the camp, go to W3schools. If you understand the content between Python Syntax and Python Dictionaries (see left sidebar on W3schools website), then you are a good fit for the camp.

If you have knowledge of any other object-oriented programming language, please review the concepts on W3schools for Python before attending this camp.


Application here:


The deadline to register is Wednesday, June 19, 2024 at 11:59 pm CST.

Daily Schedule

The camp will be offered during the weekdays from June 24 – July 5, 2024 from 9 – 12 am CST.

Interested students from Grades 7-12 from anywhere around the world are eligible to attend the camp.

For class activities, students will be divided based on their prior experience and familiarity with concepts, which will be determined based on the results of a short survey/quiz.


The material covered in this camp is asked during entry-level software engineer coding interviews. It is also asked during several middle school and high school programming competitions. So why is it important to participate in programming competitions? Learn the answer to this question here:!

Good coding practices will be taught and enforced in the camp.

The following topics in Python will be covered:

Data Structures (Arrays, Strings, Stacks, Queues, Trees), Conditional statements, Loops, Functions, Time Complexity, Recursion, Sorting, Searching (1-D & 2-D), Hashing, Dynamic Programming problems, Graph Theory (Types of graphs) and Graph Traversal Algorithms (BFS, DFS, Dijkstra, Bellman-Ford), Object Oriented Programming Concepts,

The camp will involve lectures as well as group activities, homework competitions in order to prepare students adequately for programming competitions.

More Information + FAQs

For more information: