Polynomial congruences
Polynomial Congruences are congruences in the form
where is an arithmetic function and a polynomial whose range is the integers and
is an integer.
There are a few ways of solving polynomial congruences, and special cases can make it easier.
Some polynomial congruences can be solved obviously. For example, the congruence
obviously have no solution, since don't divide
Additionally, if is of special forms, the congruence can be solve rather easily.
There are two intermediate level ways of solving polynomial congruences.
First, we can apply Hensel's Lemma repeatedly to solve the congruence modulo prime powers, and then using then Chinese Remainder Theorem we can obtain the solution modulo . More information can be found on that page.
Secondly, you can use the index of an integer, a relatively more advanced method using Primitive roots and the Order of a integer. We take the index of both sides of the congruence, and obtain a much easier congruence regarding the index of the variable. Then we can use that to find the variable itself. More information can be found here.
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